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Complete processor shutdown


I downloaded and opened Last Moon, logged in, and the game froze which led me to do a manual shutdown of the application as it wouldn't execute it itself. Going along normally on my computer, doing what I do for another 15-30 minutes when I notice my battery has stopped taking power from the charger, then a complete sudden shutdown happens. When it rebooted I went through my event logs to see that somehow last moon was creating additional errors even after it had been closed. This somehow led to my processors slowly dying one by one so it then stopped power intake. The system watchdog was initiated and my computer was forcibly rebooted.

I've used this game on other systems including this one, not he first one it had frozen and been manually shut down but the first it has made my computer crap itself  :-X

that’s not really a common error
Perhaps uninstall and reinstall

Was there any error message in the game when it froze?

There was an error that flashed quickly, couldn't get a shot of it and didn't get to see what it was exactly.

I've never heard of this problem before. It could just have to do with older computers not being able to handle it. LM isn't the most streamlined of games.

You can give us an error by going to the update.log file in your Last Moon folder

Sorry for the extremely late reply! The log showed nothing, its basically empty  :-X I am now looking into issues of my i7 processors however > funky stuff is happening


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