Last Moon > Discussion & Suggestions

~The ability to craft things~


So I was thinking about players being able to craft certain items in the game. They would be built from items dropped by the spawn. (For example: Sheet + Saftey Pin = Cloak) I know safety pins and sheets aren't on the list but you get the idea. Sometimes a spawn would drop an ingredient, other times it would drop a non-craft item as usual. They would be fairly common depending on what it took to make it, but still look nice. To add a little variety, you would also be able to dye them whatever color you want. For example, if a spawn drops Purple dye and you want to color it purple, then you would apply it to the cloak. To avoid destroying the purpose of item dropping, you will only be able to use dye on the items that you crafted. (for example: A Cadence Bracelet can't be dyed since it is a dropped item) A crafted item can't be dropped by prey, so you have to make it yourself. You can sell these to shops for reasonable amount of medals. The dye thing is optional, but I thought it would be more unique if you could choose the color you liked.

This... actually doesn't seem like that of a far fetched idea. I mean, if you think about it in quest format... say you had a Blacksmith quest guy and there were items like  "iron ore" and stuff then you go get it and "completing the quest" replaces those items as the crafted item and that's the only way you can get them. Interesting food for thought but I don't know how that would be made or if it would, but still. o3o

I like the idea, I know many games have a crafting component which allows for easier acquisition of items. And it will also inspire some role-plays I'm sure (who wouldn't want a master crafter lion/wolf/cat).

i was actually hoping we could do a crafting event or quest system in the new game.


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