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Ascend/descend while flying?


Hey, guys! ^_^ I'm new to both the forums and the game. This is my first thread, so I apologize if the matter has already been solved.

One thing that has been bugging me-- is there a way to ascend/descend while flying? I understand that you press C to begin flight, and gain short altitude by jumping two times. But there doesn't seem to be any keys that allow you to ascend higher... I tend to get around this by climbing trees, high points, etc. and then jumping off to fly. It'd be very much appreciated if someone could clarify if there are keys to do this, but I understand if there aren't. :3 Thanks!

Press pg up or pg down to adcend/descend.
When you first open the game, before you go into multiplayer, there is a testing button. Hitbthat, and then "tutorial" to learn a whole bunch of control tips. Plus, just general KM knowledge. C:

Welcome to LastMoon!

Thank you so much, Haruki! I'm glad you've cleared things up for me. PgUp/PgDn... no wonder. I use a laptop, so I have the misfortune of not having those keys. I learned that I have to combine the Fn key with arrow keys Up/Down. xD I'm sure I'll get used to it, though. Also, the tutorial seems to crash my game each time I click on it and let it run for about 5 seconds... Not sure why. But anyways, thanks again! It really helped. :3


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