Last Moon MMORPG

Help & Information => Help => Game Help => Topic started by: Ammy-Amaterasu on April 23, 2015, 08:13:58 PM

Title: Ogre Exception?
Post by: Ammy-Amaterasu on April 23, 2015, 08:13:58 PM
It appears I am having a bit of a problem, here's the error I keep getting when I attempt to start up the game:


what could be causing this? I'm assuming perhaps my game didn't download correctly, however I don't recall ever having this message beforehand when I downloaded the game about a year or so ago. Thanks for any help, I have more free time lately so I was hoping to play the game once again.
Title: Re: Ogre Exception?
Post by: Venadryl on April 23, 2015, 08:19:17 PM
Does this error occur after you choose the rendering system or before?

If the answer is after, then try changing the rendering system.
If the answer is before, I'll leave this to someone with more knowledge on the game to answer.
Title: Re: Ogre Exception?
Post by: Ammy-Amaterasu on April 23, 2015, 08:21:31 PM
Does this error occur after you choose the rendering system or before?

If the answer is after, then try changing the rendering system.
If the answer is before, I'll leave this to someone with more knowledge on the game to answer.

It happens before, all that appears for a second or two is the update box and then gives the error. I'm guessing my laptop is most likely the cause of it, it doesn't like to have games work on occasion.
Title: Re: Ogre Exception?
Post by: Myz on April 23, 2015, 08:25:49 PM
Install directx from download page
Title: Re: Ogre Exception?
Post by: Ammy-Amaterasu on April 23, 2015, 08:55:38 PM
Install directx from download page

Thanks! I knew I was forgetting something. It seems to be working now.
Title: Re: Ogre Exception?
Post by: Lyric on April 24, 2015, 04:04:59 AM
Seems solved!