Last Moon MMORPG

Help & Information => Help => Game Help => Topic started by: TinyTail on October 31, 2014, 11:30:59 AM

Title: Uhm?
Post by: TinyTail on October 31, 2014, 11:30:59 AM
Uhm? Why is it happening?
Whenever I change dims, it says: 'You can't leave yet.' And I am like: '......*explosion*......'
Then, I find that someone has copied my username: TinyTailTt (My username is TinyTailTT) then I find out that it just me, somehow..... A glitch? v.v

If I posted in the wrong place, please move. >.<
Title: Re: Uhm?
Post by: Kat. on October 31, 2014, 12:33:14 PM
Well, the you can't leave yet is suppose to be there and I think if you see yourself again you are maybe lagging.
Title: Re: Uhm?
Post by: FaintSilhouette on October 31, 2014, 01:08:57 PM
It was set to keep from dim-hopping rapidly, stealing items, duplicating stuff,  a whole house of problems relevant to rapidly changing dims. If you just switch dims, run around for a minute or two [WITHOUT trying to switch dims] it will let you switch fairly fast even so.
Title: Re: Uhm?
Post by: Dutchval on November 01, 2014, 10:10:19 AM
As Faint said, the 'You can't Leave yet' message is only to prevent you from dim hopping very fast, which is how users in the past duplicated items. But it that aside, I've never heard of a glitch where you can see a duplicate of yourself. Maybe someone took your user name, but inserted a space before or after the username, which would make it seem like the same username. If that is the case, shoot me a PM and we can discuss the matter further
Title: Re: Uhm?
Post by: Husky on November 01, 2014, 12:47:13 PM
No I've had that glitch happen to me twice now. Well, not ME but I got yelled at for teleporting someone who wanted to talk to me and it turns out that was the OTHER duplicate of that person asking me to to them. I've no freaking idea what happened there but I do know it's happened before
Title: Re: Uhm?
Post by: TinyTail on November 01, 2014, 03:04:53 PM
Thank you guys! ^-^
Also, Husky. Do you know why it is happening? owo
Title: Re: Uhm?
Post by: Husky on November 01, 2014, 05:35:17 PM
I've no freaking idea what happened or why

again no I dont know what/why it happened lol
Title: Re: Uhm?
Post by: Gero★ on November 02, 2014, 10:16:59 PM
Hi guys! I see problem is solved tho'!
I saw Duplicates twice, once with myself and other with one player(I will not be telling who -3-)
It's a glich, which is popular across lots of games tho'
It starts because somebody sign outs and sign in (for example:
A person says "brb" and restarts lastmoon, In the way he presses Restart button
the character stays in last moon.) It is a port error (it's hard to explain)
So it's like you Logged in Twice . So really don't worry about that! ^-^ 
Thanks for reading! 8D
Title: Re: Uhm?
Post by: Zaroque on November 03, 2014, 03:31:58 PM
Seems solved, PM me if its not!