Media > Literature & Poetry

Demons (I know it is not amazing) ;u;


Every ounce of blood that ran through his body.
Every laugh that once made him happy.
Every smile that made his day.
Every story that made him.. had finally left him.
All the things he loved once before, was lost in his fight.
His fight for life.
The demons which swam throughout had finally erased all of his emotions.
His mind lost in the overwhelming cycle.
He didn't have the urge to love.
He could not cry, even if he wanted to.
He could not laugh.
And all those stories.. those stories he had heard.. had all came to him.
He still saw his love's blood stained clothes.
He still remembered the beautifully made cuts he had made on her skin.
Oh so precise!
He smiled, as if he had a good feeling of what he had done.
He just had to share with everyone.


*urge to make a new oc asap*

Alexis 1123:
that sweet and it seem good


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