Media > Art

It's finally here! {Commisions Open!!!}

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Oh my god guys, its finally here! Sadly, allllllll of the art I did was strangely deleted. But, one survived. My DA account is so old that I will be deleting it but here is the one art piece that survived!
[EDIT: Removed potentially stolen art.]
My commissions are open bbs, so get them fast! they are completely free and high quality. I'm very pissed that my art that I had saved up for this thread is gone, but eh. Anyways, have an amazing day guys, love ya~
P.S. This is posted on the internet now so you can modify it and make changes for fun, as long as you don't pass it off as your own. You may PM me with the changes you've made and I will post it saying 'So-in-So made these changes, take a look!' So go crazy!

I has a request Sir Gray the Great. :P PS.. Nice shiz you got dere, my dude. ;)

Do NOT double post! - PrettyRecklessSenjuToka

First art commission goes to Black

Next commission must be very simple, as of I just dropped my tablet. So shit.

Do NOT double post! - PrettyRecklessSenjuToka

uh I feel like I've seen that art style/drawing? Would you mind if I ask what was your dA account? Or if you had somewhere else you posted art? I 90% sure I've seen it before.

I actually got rid of dA so I don't remember, But I posted the image on the internet awhile back tho, so you can look for it and the link of it should be attached to the image. I assure you the art is 100% mine unless I grabbed the wrong image. Which is very likely. But I will check and see if it is the wrong one to make sure im not accidentally stealing. If I figure out I am, you can lock this thread. I will PM you if I find out I grabbed the wrong art. Bc I have tons of art in the same folder.


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