Media > Art

Kai (Complete)


YessssssI'm happy to say that the my drawing of Kai is finally complete!It took me a while but I am finally finished so here it is!
Also, I have a WIP thread posted in the Art section as well which shows the line art of this piece.
I tried my best to replicate the designs of my in game character and I am somewhat pleased with the results :)
(As you can see I am using it in my signature)
Also here are my other works!

I did these awhile ago because I wanted to practice the muscular and facial composure of deer.

That is all I have for now! I hope you liked viewing my artwork!

I Absolutely adORE it!! Excellent work Kai!

Amazing work, I love your style!

Awesome job bud!

I love it! Keep it up dude!


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