Last Moon MMORPG

Media => Art => Topic started by: AquaticTeddy on December 25, 2015, 02:58:12 AM

Title: <GIF Requests Accepting>
Post by: AquaticTeddy on December 25, 2015, 02:58:12 AM
 For the people who would like their profile image animated and set as a GIF you have come to the right place!~     
1. Send me an email or simply reply below, I recommend you just to simply reply below  :)
2. Why would you like the GIF?
3. If im tight on GIFS ( say if im making alot ) I will set up a price, normally at simply 5 Silver to 1 Gold. Depends
4. If you are giving this as a gift. Who is it for, AND why are you giving it to this person
5. Include detail on the gif  (screenshots, pictures, etc would help alot)

IGN: AquaticTeddy
( Jenxie removed other info. If you need my email PM me ingame. Thank you )