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Portal/Map Crashes
I've released an update to fix the maps causing crashes, let me know if there are maps that still does it.
I've got to say that Secret Tunnel is crashing (Terrain/FirstCave material is not found), and Another Tunnel don't work (if you enter to this map, you will be again in Hidden Valley and if you try to enter Another Tunnel again, you just won't, there's only black portal sphere :-X. I checked map folders in 'terrains', but there just isn't any 'Another Tunnel' folder, lol). Underwater Cave is weird: when you enter there from Underwater World, you appear very very high above ceiling... and only way to get down is to change dimension. I think it's just a glitch after removing Hydro Pillar from game.
~ NaKomis
I'll look into it sometime
Hi :).
I did a stystem restore earlier today and had to re-install Lm..It caused the maps to continue crashing and wouldn't allow me to go to any of the maps that were fixed I re-Insalled it twice to try to get it to work I tried everything I could it just wouldn't work.Help?Please?
Try deleting your version.txt to force an update
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