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How to make a Preset/Preset Tutorial

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Taken from the old Last Moon board, All credit goes to RakshaWw who originally created the thread
Easy Last Moon Preset Tutorial
Even if you've made a preset before, you may want to read over this thread since making them for LM is slightly different than what you may be used to.
Under each step is an image. The links are white so high-light the whole thread to see them if you need to.
1) Find your Last Moon0.3 folder, located where ever you installed the game to.
Spoiler for Hiden:

2. Go into the Preset Materials folder, located in Game > Media > Materials > Scripts > Presets.
Spoiler for Hiden:

3. At the very top of the list in there is a 1.PS_Character file. Open it with Notepad or another txt editor.
This is the Material file for your preset, where all the coding side of your preset goes.
Spoiler for Hiden:

4. Edit all of the 'Character' parts to your characters name.
This does not include the actual file name. Keep it as 1.PS_Character for now.
Spoiler for Hiden:

4.5. If you want to add extra codes to have transparent, glowing or animated/scrolling preset textures, look at the second post on this thread(Will add later).

5. Save the file, keep it open if you want/can.
Go into the 1.UVs folder, located in Game > Media > Materials > Textures > Presets > 1.UVs
This folder contains all of the UVs used in LM.
Note that CharacterBody2Tex is the UV for the Original body, but CharacterBodyTex is the UV for every other body.
If you decide to use the Original body to make a preset for, change the 'texture presets\CharacterBodyTex.png' part in the MATERIAL file to 'texture presets\CharacterBody2Tex.png'.
You can click on the More UV Maps browser icon to get links to more specific UVs like UVs for different heads, wings, manes, tails etc.
Spoiler for Hiden:

6. Rename all of the images to your character name.
Spoiler for Hiden:
7. Copy/Cut all of the images and paste them into the Presets folder.
Spoiler for Hiden:

8. Open the UVs with a image editor program (Photoshop, Gimp, etc. Sai and MsPaint won't be best for presets).
Color the images to what you want your preset to be.
Save once done, they should be saved as .PNG files into the Presets folder, replacing the ones you pasted in there from the 1.UVs folder in step 5.
Spoiler for Hiden:

9. Go back into the Game folder. Open the Preset.Campaign file.
Spoiler for Hiden:

10. Edit the 'Unit_Create=PLAYER,Unit,Body1,Head4,Mane16,Tail15,Wings4,PS_CharacterMat,Tuftless' line to include the right body parts you want to use (more information on this is in the post below this one). Replace the PS_CharacterMat with your characters name.
Spoiler for Hiden:

11. Open the game. Click on the Testing button. Click on the Preset button.
Your character should now have your textures on it. If yes, edit your textures to your desire. If no and your character is plain white, read over the previous steps.
Spoiler for Hiden:

12. Once you're happy with all of your preset textures and you're done, create a new folder some place you will remember (/documents maybe would be best)called your characters name and copy and paste all of your presets textures into that folder.
Spoiler for Hiden:

13. Go back to the LM Preset Materials folder. Rename 1.PS_Character to remove the 1. and replace Character with your characters name.
Then copy and paste that in to your folder.
Spoiler for Hiden:

14. Your preset is now all done and is correctly formatted to work in Last Moon.

Jenxie13 has beat me to it! See her tutorial here for scrolling textures, and glow coding here:

Sorry for posting to an 'old thread' but is this tutorial looks very similar to the one in Feral Heart. If you play/ed Feral Heart I hope u can help me with this one.
Can I use gimp program and everything just like when I created presets for Feral heart? :)

Absolutely, you may! You can use mostly any image editing program there is available.
Good luck, and Have fun making your preset ^^

Sorry for posting this so late
but only my head shows up what should  I do?


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