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Myz Needs Your Help - GAME TESTING

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Need someone to test some new game related stuff.

You should have no previous experience with map making in IT.
You should have basic understanding of how to navigate windows files and edit text files.
You have Skype.

PM/Post your Skype.

Yooo! Glad to help out!

I can't audio/video chat because of my own privacy wishes. But here's my skype: venwolf...

My display name is Queen Ven IV 'u'

Myz should learn how 2 use gramar n mayb more peeple wuld reed dis thread. (:

and maybe ppl shud not be all mad when you add them

I'd love to help .u. ,and I think i'm pretty good at the file stuffzies >u< .~ Skype: seraphimlm


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