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Updates 19/12 - Christmas Event, DoE, etc

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LM Christmas Event
Yesterday a small Christmas event was installed into Last Moon.
This event is very similar to last year, which was a very fun and successful event so we decided to expand on the same thing.
You will be able to find the Winter map portal in Default, then in the house is the Snowman NPC which you can click on and find all types of items including free ones! Some items require 'tokens' and you can get tokens from the Christmas Penguins in the Xmas map which you can get to through the Winter map.
The Christmas Penguins even drop some rare shard items!
This event will finish on December 30th, the Snowman NPC and both maps (Winter and Xmas) will then not be accessible until next year.

Member News
First of all, we have now passed 5000 registered members on this website! That is pretty impressive as has only been open for a little bit over 6 months. Thanks everyone!
Top Poster: Abomine (146 posts)
Top Topic Starter: Big Blu (28 topics)
Highest Total Time Online: Bazookaneon (10d 9h 13m)
We get an average of 30-50 players online in the game at a single time during the week and 50-70 on weekends.

Staff News
As you may have noticed, our team has greatly increased in size over the last few weeks.
We currently have 20 staff members in total and we're still taking applications for Developers.
The reason we're adding so many new people is because when the new game comes out, the team will be split and moved to DoE (the new game) or stay on LM, no staff members (exception of Co/Owners) will be on both games. Every original staff member has been given the choice of what game they want to work on but every new one will be asked to work on DoE at least until it is done. Everyone will remain staff on Last Moon until DoE is released.
Staff remaining on Last Moon:
Myz, RakshaWw, Dutchval, Husky, Haruki, Saii, SuperNoodlePot, Joshtiger.
Staff moving to DoE:
Myz, RakshaWw, Forests, Zaroque, Rimisa, Pamuya, Zombie, Quammar, StarryNightSoul, Maskaeodum, FaintSilhouette, CrossOver, WarFang, Rika, Bholoni, all new staff members.
Staff still deciding/inactive:
Currently, Forests and Zaroque are the LM Admins, they have some of the biggest/most important community and game related roles/jobs. They will be moving to the new game with their current positions which means LM needs new Admins to take their place. After a lot of thinking, Dutch and Husky were offered the positions of which they have accepted, so once the new game is released they will be promoted from Global Mods to LM Administrators, until then Zaroque and Forests will remain the LM Admins.
Congratulations to them!

New Games' Progress
A name has been chosen for the game! Dawn of Eternity, DoE for short!
The website is also currently in the making and may be released well before the game.
Progress is running smoothly for the game, there are new coded features, maps, items, etc.
There's still no release date and we have no plans on aiming for one as there is still so much to do.
So many new things have been done (I currently can't even remember them all!) but I'll just briefly explain how the currency system works:
Items (medals) will no longer be used as currency, it is all through the system. When you open your items window, you will see how much gold you have. You get gold from quests, through in-game mail (won't explain the mailing system yet!) and killing prey; the more health the prey has, the higher amount of gold the prey drops. Items can still drop from prey but we'll only have them do that during special circumstances such as boss prey or events. Items will need to be purchased through NPC shops or found randomly on the floor in maps/worlds.
I would love to give away more special things but there needs to be some surprises for when it's released!
We also now have a deviantArt account where you can find even more preview images.
Preview Images:
Spoiler for Hiden:

Omg, so excited to hear more on the new game and that is even has a name! ( I don't know what it is LOL :- ))) ) And congrats to husk and dutch for the admin positions! :o

Aaaaaa this will be great !

I hope this game will turn out great

Wow, DoE looks awesome so far! Keep up the good work guys! (:

That horse model and the textures omg must have NAOOOWWW

Wow! DoE is looking great, and I love the name given! Thank you to everyone who has helped make this game, and are still running LM. You guys work so hard, so thank you! Keep up the good work:)


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