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Author Topic: Game Controls and Help. For New people who haven't played ITS's  (Read 5362 times)

Offline мσภรтєямσภkєん92

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Why dont Spoilers work ;w;??


ITS's (Impressive Title Servers)
Just made this for new people who have not played a server and are confused with the controls so here~

NOTE: A lot of spoilers.
(if they dont work can someone plz find a way for me to make them work.)
Most Of These Images were Hard for me to get since some of the actions move to fast.
W = Forward - A = Left - S = Down - D = Right
Space Bar = Jump - Space Bar 2 Times = Double Jump
F = Fighting Stance - F again = Normal Stance
)In Air)
C = Fly - Page Up = Flying Up - Page Down = Flying Down
)In Water)
Page Up = Swimming Up - Page Down = Swimming Down
Alt = Lets You Move your Characters Head - Alt again = Not able to move Characters head but it moves it self Left or Right
F1 = Controlling your Characters View with mouse , Right Clicking and holding will let you Zoom In
F2 = Same as F1 but Zooming In is the Scroll Button and Controlling Chars View is Right Clicking and holding
F3 = Flying Camera - Press - or + to go slow or fast
F4 = Seeing What your Char sees - control where your char goes
F5 = Your Camera is Frozen in a View but can be changed by using Scroll Button. Right Clicking and holding will Zoom in and Out
Actions - Secondary Actions - Emotes
J = Opens Actions - Secondary Actions - Emotes
Sit = letting your char sit down
Lay = letting your character lay down Side Lay = Letting your char lay down - basically like sleeping. Roll Over = Rolling over staring at the sky or making your char look left or right. Crouch = Crouching . like stealth or backing off from someone/thing Point = Poking? or Pointing? whatever you think would be right Stretch = letting your Char Stretch. Head Bang = A Dance move where your char is in a stance and banging his or her head Head Swing = Making your char swave left and right  - from tail to nose ButtSwing = your char waves his or hers behind left and right -No Image cause im sure you know what i mean when i said that-
Wing Swave = You need Wings for this or you can use it for randomness without them
Spoiler for Hiden:
MoonWalk - Your Char does le moon walk - basically walking backwards but staying still and moving his or her head up left or up right Thriller = your char is moving left and right and then spins in a circle then continues the process
Spoiler for Hiden:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Rofl - Rolling on the floor laughing is what your char magically does Roar = Even a Deer and a Weasel can roar - Roaring Curl = your char is laying down curled and can either sleep or stay awake curling - like in the curling to get warm Faint = Something made your char faint.. - Your char faints on the ground with his or her mouth open in shock.
Spoiler for Hiden:
Secondary Actions
Nod Head = Your Char nods his or her head. as in Yes
Shake Head = your char shakes his or her head sideways. as in No
Nod head (Slow) =same as first one just slow.
Shake Head (slow = same as first one only slow
Head Tilt = Confusion???? ?? - your char lifts head up and tilts it as if in confusion
Spoiler for Hiden:
Lick = something tasty? - your char licks the air or something that you want your char to lick - pizza? a tree?.
Spoiler for Hiden:
Nuzzle = your char is Nuzzeling something - maybe trying to give it love?
Spoiler for Hiden:
Sniff = Your Char smells something or just for randomness
Spoiler for Hiden:
Tail Flick = your char flicks his or her tail like a whip or just left n right.
Spoiler for Hiden:
Laugh = something is making your char laugh
Spoiler for Hiden:
Chuckle = something is funny, what?
Spoiler for Hiden:
I would do all the Emotes but that would take up A LOT of space on this page.
You can find out the Emotes when you play the game
Friends List and Block List
N = Friends List
Adding a player to list = either Typing /friend (username) or clicking on someones char and holding then clicking on Add Friend
Removing a friend = either typing /unfriend (username) or clicking on there char and holding and clicking unfriend or press N then click on there name and click Remove friend
Online Friends = the friends that you have that are online right now
Offline friends = Friends that you have that are offline right now
Online Players = The Entire Servers Players in any map - 10 members in total - 42 members in total - etc
Block List = this is where you can block a player cause of them being annoying to you, or being mean. - you can easily type /block (username) or click and hold on someone and click Block.
What PM means = Private Message
Private Message = where you can send a message to someone, and NO ONE ELSE can see what it is, only the person you sent it to
How to send PM = Pressing N for Friends list and clicking their name then clicking PM and something like this should show up
Spoiler for Hiden:
well at the start when your typing it, it will say /Yuka Shizaki: or whatever one of your friends username is
How to send a PM thats not a friend = easy just type /(username): and here you go
Quest Log
L = quests
Quests = li'l' missions you can complete to receive rewards from such as medals and items
Finding Quests = is in this purple portal
Spoiler for Hiden:
in this map called portal Island
Spoiler for Hiden:
which is this white portal in this map called Default where everyone almost is and chats in
Spoiler for Hiden:
and the portal to Portal Island to get to the quest map is this map
Spoiler for Hiden:
How To Get Quests from the portal = Go INSIDE the purple portal and you will come across NPC's that have green names under them
Spoiler for Hiden:
then click on one of them and this will pop up
Spoiler for Hiden:
when you click Accept it will be put in your Quest Log (L)
Completing quests = going to the right map say Bonfire Island to get peacock massacre completed
How to complete it = kill the prey you need to kill to complete it like this
Spoiler for Hiden:
Thats what will come up when you kill the right thing.
How to get reward = when you kill what you need to kill press L - click the quest you did -
Spoiler for Hiden:
Click Complete
B = Bio
What is Bio = i think you know what it means - unless you are young -
What is Bio (2) = A Bio will let others know a description of you OR your char. it can be helpful at times.
Spoiler for Hiden:
P = Party members
Party Chat = Press `~ to change between Local General or PARTY CHAT to talk in diff areas.
How do i start a party = type /party (username) then a invitation will be sent to them. or just click and hold and click Join Party
Spoiler for Hiden:
Talking in Party Chat = If you are not in party - this will happen
Spoiler for Hiden:
(did that on purpose for the image)
when someone is in party it will come up like this
Spoiler for Hiden:
Leaving Party = press P then click Leave Party
H = Home Button
Go Home = teleporting to Default OR wherever you set your spawn spot.
Set Home = Sets your current position to home.
Reset Home = Reseting home and now its set to Default instead of your current position.
Dimension = other ares where you can be alone or with other people just friend talk and that~ like Dim 1 Dim 2 Dim 3 Dim 4 5 6 7 8 and 9 - Dims higher then 9 are Staff only
Other Help
type /? for more help

I PRESUME this is all xDD
I hope this has helped MANY New People
This thread probably is large xD so yeah c:
hope it helped
and See you peoples~

MonsterMonkey92 C:[/size][/color]
« Last Edit: August 07, 2014, 05:43:39 AM by мσภรтєямσภkєん92 »
Hello there
im not new i was on le old Forum so <:3 Hola

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Re: Game Controls and Help. For New people who haven't played ITS's
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2014, 01:18:22 PM »
Aye there already is a complete controls thread made by Zaroque on here, but I'm not going to lock yours due to the extra information on here. Nice job Monster.

Offline мσภรтєямσภkєん92

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Re: Game Controls and Help. For New people who haven't played ITS's
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2014, 02:32:35 PM »
Alright xD

and Thanks~ c:
Hello there
im not new i was on le old Forum so <:3 Hola