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Author Topic: Roleplay Kudos  (Read 5641 times)

Offline FerretFoo

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Roleplay Kudos
« on: June 18, 2014, 03:52:25 AM »
How's it going everyone, alright so the point of this is to give kudos. Not to just anyone (although I'd give kudos to everyone as you are all amazing people.) But the point here is to give kudos to a user or mainly to a character that you've roleplayed with. Now obviously it can't be your own, that be too easy. Give praise to someone who you've had an interesting roleplay with.

The meaning of this is to give praise and to encourage more roleplay among the community. I'm not saying there isn't, there is. Mainly to further encourage creativity.

Think about a roleplay you've been in whether recent or sometime in the past. How was the roleplay? What happened? Was this species interesting? Did it inspire you to make character similar or did it give you an idea for something? Who was the user? These are just a few questions of course you don't have to follow these but they are just example to get the ball rolling. It does not have to be long but should be longer than a "Hey nice character nice roleplay" Give us a little reason why it's a nice character and roleplay :3 you can kudos as many characters/users as you like :D

Now for who I am about to praise.

User: Raivenwings - Character: Fang

What I like about this character is that he is simple. For being the cliche scarred up bad guy he is portrayed amazingly well. I have had many roleplays with this user and this character and every time I feel excitement. I've roleplayed a lot but it's hard to find such a character that can make any situation extremely entertaining. Fang does such a thing, his presence commands the field in my opinion. This character is not overpowered at all I've used more overpowered creatures against this character. But every time Fang's viper like tongue leaves me wanting to see just what would happen next. Of course when roleplaying you're portraying the personality of your character but I have found myself dulling back my character just so I can witness more of Fang. I give kudos to the user and the character of this amazing beast. For being a typical devil spawn monster, this character has to be one of the most unique creatures I have ever seen and his back story is beautiful. Congrats Raivenwings :D I love roleplaying with you and I look forward to many more roleplays together <3

Now tell us who you give kudos to?
« Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 06:27:04 AM by FerretFoo »

Offline RaivenWings

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Re: Roleplay Kudos
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2014, 04:11:03 AM »

I'm just gonna squee over here now <3 I'm so glad people enjoy roleplaying with Fang. Like, seriously, it makes me super happy to hear other people say I've pulled something off well. It's like a pat on the back X'3

So, here's my Roleplay Kudos, the first one that came to mind:

User: FaintSilhouette Character: Candela

From the first time I roleplayed with this character, she took the front and center stage. From the quirky and adventurous puppy stage to her grown, violently beautiful attitude and colorful choice of wordage, she had my attention and love. Her character is so fresh and vibrant, and her personality can be seen as either good or bad depending on her mood and what the situation is. She is the the 'worst mother' and the 'best mate' and I just.... can't even. Sometimes you just wanna steal someone else's character; if I could, I'd make a Candela clone -- but only you can pull it off, Silleh, and I give kudos to you for giving life to such a great character :D

I has a Demonloaf! Thank you Haur!

Offline FaintSilhouette

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Re: Roleplay Kudos
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2014, 04:18:12 AM »
*Squeals* XD Thanks Raiven :'D  I like this thread. Warm and fuzzies all around?

Lets see here, how's about Niche? >:3

I adore Niche's personality. Its little-guy syndrome and tiny-badass without being taken to any extremes. Shes just the right tinge of unpredictable but again, not to any extreme. She's an adorable little wolf at her best and a demon purse dog at her worst, what else can I say?

Lanetic, Rune, and Tiberius drawn by Bazookaneon

Offline RaivenWings

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Re: Roleplay Kudos
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2014, 04:19:45 AM »
Have to love the demon purse dog X'DDDD


I has a Demonloaf! Thank you Haur!

Offline Haruki

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Re: Roleplay Kudos
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2014, 05:46:30 AM »
Hnnng do I have to pick just one? I know so many amazing roleplayers and some really,  really incredible characters.

Username: FaintSilhouette Character: May

I picked this character because she had a major influence on the creation of Pyrrhic.  May's backstory was the base plot for the infantile pride and I'm fairly confident that without that major conflict,  the best roleplay group I've ever had the privilege of being a part of would have died before it could even get started. But aside from that, I loved the way that you revealed aspects of her past and hidden attributes slowly, with practiced patience, and artfully. I learnedthe true meaning of subtlety from May. And May herself? She's imperfect,  complex, beautiful, aggravating,  and hard not to love. Like, when I learned she was going to get kidnapped I legit had a mini panic attack and had to remind myself that this person doesn't exist and that Silh wouldn't kill her anyway.

At least, you better not.

Offline FerretFoo

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Re: Roleplay Kudos
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2014, 06:26:11 AM »
You don't have to pick just one! ^^ I never said just one :P

Offline RaivenWings

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Re: Roleplay Kudos
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2014, 06:29:19 AM »
When I heard that May was going to be reborn I kinda died a little bit inside; the 'Demon' in me was very upset X'D I mean the CHARACTER Demon. X'DD

I has a Demonloaf! Thank you Haur!

Offline FerretFoo

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Re: Roleplay Kudos
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2014, 06:10:16 AM »
User: FaintSilhoutte Character: Candela

Alrighty where do I start here XD. So this kudos is giving based on a recent rp and just how damn well it was. Here's the scene, we've got a guy know as Seveta (my char) who thought he could hold his insane murderous brother in chains. We have a mother known as Candela (Silh's) who's son Kahn (RaivenWings's) freed this such murderous beast who in turn thanked him, with this son's death. Now to the kudos part.

The way Candela reacted was amazing it was no less to be expected from the great Silhoutte! While her character was there at the end, the end of the rp was the most remember-able (minus Kahn's death o.o!) The way Candela went off I actually felt that emotion and I felt how Sev felt as he was more than being scolded. In fact I felt this feeling the moment Candela popped in cause I knew, I knew Seveta and me were going to have to explain it and I did NOT I repeat did NOT want to explain to a mother why her child died. So Silh once more kudos to Candela! She is an amazingly well done char and so different from anything I've seen before :3.

PS. I'd like to take the time to encourage anyone who reads this to make a roleplay kudos to anyone, you don't have to just kudos just one char at a time! Make it hundred in a single post if you want :P let's give back to this community shall we?
« Last Edit: July 01, 2014, 06:11:55 AM by FerretFoo »

Offline RaivenWings

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Re: Roleplay Kudos
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2014, 06:34:05 AM »
Okay here's another to get the thread rollin' XD

User -- Haruki  Character -- Champagne

Now here is a character I love to get to know, IC and OOC. Everything I read about her, from her strong voice to her witty humor and undeniable loyalty makes me strain to get to know her better, and involve my characters with her. I'm ichin' to see her in a fight with one of my own, to evoke FEELS, and just witness the overall badassery of her.

p.s. She still looks sexy bald. yes.

I has a Demonloaf! Thank you Haur!

Offline FaintSilhouette

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Re: Roleplay Kudos
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2014, 11:11:42 PM »
Thank you Foo! :D

Username: Raivenwings Character Name: Demon

Ferretfoo already did Fang so why the heck not?

Demon is cliche but he's a cliche done /right./ Honestly when I first heard what he was/what his backstory was four years ago I was like "Oh crap, here's another attention-seeker half-demon character, here we go. Predictable as hell. Here we go." ...But that isn't what happened at all. I'm almost ashamed to say any of that even crossed my mind. He isn't predictable and certainly not an attention seeker. He doesn't need to be. He's easy to sympathize with and good a complement to Raiven's other character Fang without being a 'perfect goody goody' opposite. His halo hangs around one of his ears. He isn't overpowered and his personality is too diverse for me to put in a few words, but it /works./ Perhaps the idea of Demon's character set up has been done many times before but I have not seen it done so well and it really never does get old.. What's not to like?

Lanetic, Rune, and Tiberius drawn by Bazookaneon

Offline Haruki

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Re: Roleplay Kudos
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2014, 09:25:30 PM »
This thread is cast away into the abysmal recesses of page two, buried by random stuff and forum games. This makes Haru's heart sad. Bring on the roleplay Kudos, people! D:<

Username: Shiro Character Name: Linus

When I first heard of Linus, I was so uber confused. Who's this dude, just randomly telling May about her past life? What does he care? Why does someone so nonchalant take the time to deal with Pyrrhic and their "petty problems"? The more I learned about him and his fiery temper, his chillingly abject attitude, his polar views on the world and how it works... I just loved him even more. I was, like, bouncing in my chair at getting the opportunity to look into his memories with that Kay/Linus RP. He's as simple as they come-- "Want food. Want fun. -grunt-" -- but also one of the most complex. He struggles with himself, struggles with others, struggles with sexuality and morality and damnit if I don't wanna keep the closest freaking eye on him. His 'little shit' mode is not a force to be reckoned with either. Just... hnng. Give us the Linus. All the Linus.

Username: RaivenWings Character Name: Demon

I DON'T CARE WE NEED ANOTHER DEMON PRAISE. I will shower this character with praise. Demon 5ever. No but srs I love Demon. So freaking much. Even when I first met him, I was a little sketched out by his skittish behavior yet its like 'no come back I love you' the entire time. He's brave and loyal and oh-my-freaking adorable. HOW a grown-ass 30 year old pulls off those big brown puppy dog eyes is beyond me. You pull off the shy, awkward male so perfectly, better than most ACTUAL shy awkward males that I know. Yet, somehow, he's got just the flare of spiciness that allows him to whip out a post-coital tusk-you joke at Kozuka. Still makes me giggle, not gonna lie.

I'm really, really excited to see what he's like as a father figure. I'm so grateful that I had the opportunity to get to know such a great, complex character and I can't seem to ever get enough. It's at the point where I don't think I could ever say, "ya know, Rai, you should just play someone other than Demon." Uh, no. Demon all day errday.


Username: FerretFoo Character Name: Tiberius

Tibs. Oh, Tibs. The first time you played him in Castle I was like, '=.= A senseless rage baddie type. Greeaaaaat.' And, dude, I'm EMBARRASSED to say that. Look, my cheeks are red. You sure freaking showed me. He went from slicing off some innocent girl's head and making it rain, to being Champagne's sister. He is anything but stagnant and mindless. His Knight's Code and thirst for knowledge make him dynamic and interesting. The curious love that he shares for Rune is enough to make anyone do a double-take. Tiberius is the true definition of an antihero and it has been DAMN interesting to watch it all play out. I want everything to do with this character and I just wanna toss everyone I have at him.

Btw Tibs/Lan make that ship sail.

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Re: Roleplay Kudos
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2014, 07:53:10 PM »
Ok, just so you know, this is gonna be crappy. But yeh know what? I don't care. I just wanna show lovies.

Username: FaintSilhouette Character name: Crescent

Ok. First off, seriously, when I first rped with Crescent, I had to just, plain up stop, which I did with a lot of characters down the road but Crescent more so, and just be like, "Holy damn. That. Is. Good." Just. Emegherd. Crescent is just, an extremely well executed character and more than likely one of the most well executed I've seen in my book since, well, EVER. She's a lovely little badass. And not to mention a slight bit creepy. But not evil. And to pull that off, in my opinion, is AWESOME. She's clever as hell and can beat the crap out of you if she wishes. Just, Faint. Definite kudos to you. I wish I could pull this kind of stuff off. <3

Offline Bazookaneon

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Re: Roleplay Kudos
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2014, 03:48:11 AM »
Fudge I'm going to do this.

Username: FerretFoo
Character: Tiberius
You know I would nominate Tibsy for this. Reason being is for the same reasons as Haruki pointed out; his transformation. This guy went from being a total villain to being a creature trying to find reconcile for his actions. When I finally decided to go with your idea of Tiberius being Rune's protector, I had not expected it at all to transform Tiberius' character entirely. I had thought, at most, Tiberius would have gained a soft spot while probably doing some still bad stuff behind the kid's back or something. For him to give in to Champagne and so much as grovel at May's feet what a result that really surprised me and I freaking love it. Really, the whole villain-to-hero arc is a rare type, even in our group since most of us cling to our best baddies. But you Foo, you seem to do this arc the best, and you pulled it off with Seveta too. Kudos to you~

Username: Haruki
Character: Torrid
Okay, I love Champ and all, but I have to admit, out of all your characters, Torrid is my personal favorite. I just love his energy and his flare and charisma and it's so fun to respond to. From the Macho bunny thing to watching his plot to rescue Hero from that whorehouse and the whole prostitute thing, oh god, those were just lots of fun.

Username: FaintSilhouette
Character: Lanetic
Okay, I know, I know, this might be expected. But as of right now I really like how you've modeled Lanetic. She's just an ordinary timber wolf, with no powers, no abnormal size. Just a pelt that's mistaken her for a guardian and hence what brought on her big adventure. But all of her experience makes her very capable on her own, and she won't let anyone put her down because of what she is. And I say "YOU GO GIRL" to that. I seriously love characters like that; when they don't have any special strength or abilities but can still defend themselves and others well and isn't afraid to get dirty if it means helping out.

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