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Author Topic: Roleplay Rant  (Read 4218 times)

Offline TheRantingWolf

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Roleplay Rant
« on: August 10, 2014, 11:28:48 PM »
Hello guys
TheRantingWolf here
I'm back with another rant
this time it's about roleplaying. Let me begin by telling you guys a little story. Okay so a few months back I had been roleplaying with a Devaintartist. I have been rping with her for almost a year. What stopped her was the fact that she "ran out of inspiration" when in reality that she didn't want to role play with me because I didn't tell her my character's strengths and or weaknesses.

Since when have we ever played world of warcraft or even pokemon? this doesn't make since to me one bit. How many people actually give a crap about this kind of stuff. No one on god's great earth cares.

Let me explain: in a regular roleplay, you are just roleplaying using a storyline. Usually the storyline opens up more about the character your dealing with. Once that happens you understand more and more of the person's character rather than them telling you from the start spoiling it for you.

So what do you think Last Moon? do you think that this is important? or is it best left for the person to figure out on their own?
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« Last Edit: August 15, 2014, 01:51:25 PM by Husky »
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Re: Roleplay Rant
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2014, 07:12:36 PM »
*Looks around empty room*
Huh. Not sure why no one replied to this. It's an interesting topic.

My FIRST thought on this is, hey, man, let's drop out the names here, yeah? No need to go embarrassing anyone.

And to answer some of the questions that you posed, I would say I agree with you to an extent. I am personally someone who prefers to find out about a character through roleplay in the same way that you listed above. Generally, if someone starts telling me all about there character when we are NOT in-character, then they can come off a little self-centered and too focused on their own characters. In moderation, it's no big deal, but demanding things like that out of character is cause for a good, hearty, old-fashioned "No."

However, I'll make an exception in that point by saying that I'd like to know the powers of the others' characters when there is a battle/something that can harm or affect my own character. Say my character Stacey is normal, and does something stupid and picks a fight with John, my friend's character. I don't want to know John's power until John is going to attack Stacey. If his power is, oh, I dunno-- Firebreathing, then it would be up to John's owner to say, "Hey, Haru, mind if Stacey gets burned into a charred crisp?" I'd like to know in advance what will happen to my character so I can decide if I want to let it happen. If John's power was planet-eating and moon explosions then, uh, yeah. I'd go ahead and put the brakes on it.

Ya feel me?

But yeah, you brought another topic altogether in asking since when do we care about how powerful a character is? In a sense, we don't. This isn't a competition, and it's not about who can make the strongest, most badass, most evil, or grittiest character there is. I love the kind, the quiet, the mousy, and the fearful types just as much. However, there is a certain degree of need-to-know when it comes to the power of another person's character.

And I don't mean "Hey, yo, on a scale of 1-10 my character is a ten hurr durr." No, don't go saying it, because as you said, no one OR their grandmother gives a shit. Power is proven through action and ofreputation-- Something YOU can't build, but your character does. But the need-to-know basis of a character's power (especially a malevolent one) is in that other people need to be aware when their character might be harmed. NOT the characters knowing, but the USERS.

So when your DA friend wants to know the powers of your character, to some extent, that's a little too prying. But, in another sense, they might simply be worried that you would use your character's power too eagerly and hurt their beloved So-and-So. The best way to approach that situation is say, "Hey, I know you're curious, and I like that. Please, just give me a chance and let's RP it out. I promise I won't attack or harm your character without your consent. Here, I'll make the first post."

See what I mean?

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Re: Roleplay Rant
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2014, 12:39:37 AM »
Not really
cause like I said I don't usually let my character's use their powers. If it's a regular roleplay for a certain fandom then I know that my character can't go beyond the fandom that they are allowed into.
This has been an on going problem for me cause I have roleplayed with other people in the past and have never had that issue.
You guys are not the only ones spamed with this I have been everywhere and got that NO ONE cares response
thanks for your input
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Re: Roleplay Rant
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2014, 11:22:36 AM »
I second what Haru has said.
I think in an RP it's best to leave some of the less important details in the dark. Means a little more surprise here an' there, makes it more engaging to take part in. I ain't no expert on the matter though.

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Re: Roleplay Rant
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2014, 03:07:44 PM »
I'm siding with Haruki also. If she is demanding to know everything upfront, that's a little prying. However, at the same time, its good to have a /vague/ idea about someone else's character at least. They just want to know a little bit about yours so they don't land their character between a rock and a hard place. Besides, usually if you RP with that person regularly, you tend to start expecting just how far that person will push with certain extremes, with or without asking you.

 Like, I RP with Haruki /all/ the time so if she wants to leave something in the dark about her character's strengths/weaknesses for the sake of suspense I am all /for/ that. However, if its some random person I've never RP'd with before that's giving me nothing to work with, I don't trust them not to do something outlandish and stupid. I just don't because in terms of roleplayers, there are far more bad ones than good. I /want/ to know something and I'd be more than happy to /give/ something in return.

 So to me, it all depends on who you're working with. Hence, I also only use certain chars when RPing with people I've never really associated with before, usually because they're simpler to understand.

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