June 15, 2024, 10:59:22 PM


Have you got any close friends... Virtual ones?

No. But I've got in real life!
I've got virtual friends but not close friends. :/
I don't trust them, but I still call them close friends.

Author Topic: Trust the virtual friends?  (Read 2162 times)

Offline Neeva

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Trust the virtual friends?
« on: June 26, 2015, 03:10:43 PM »
I'd like to talk with you guys about a subject many of you //probably// heard about.

Virtual friends, specifically virtual friendships.
Maybe the under 16 or even over 16 years old readers are often asked by their parents, real [even if 'real' sounds wrong, I'll go with it; I'll explain later] friends or family things like, "Why are you spending so much time on your PC?", "Is it more important than your real life?", "Are you watching something you shouldn't?" //I think you know what I mean.// "Can you show me what's so interesting so you spend here hours, just typing?" and much more. Yeah, those 'stupid' questions that stress us out, and we were just browsing the web- Or talked to the so-called friends, and when someone comes in we literally do this:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Even if we don't have what to hide, we still do this. We're quite stupid, right?
Actually, we do it because they are like "OOOO WHO R U TLKING 2?" and we're a little annoyed by it.

No matter what, we'll continue chatting to that person, because we consider him or her a friend.
Does this mean it's a better friend than our real life ones?
Many children are involved in this kind of virtual relationships, and they REALLY get attached to the person they talk to. They mostly use the poor, cheap chat grammar, with the sickening Homestuck vocabulary. [No, I don't hate Homestuck, I kinda like it, just... A little pun. Please don't kill me. I've got a Senpai to love.]
So, it's so much like "ily u better than x or y, they 2 stopid peple" [Translate: I love you, you're better than x or y, they're two stupid people.]
This kind of relationship is, everywhere, and I mean it.
I've seen this kind of kids on both Last Moon and Feral-Heart.
I don't blame them. They're young and- Y'know very well what I mean.

There are also teenagers, who are worse.  They spend twice as much time with these 'strangers'.

So, here are some opinions. Quite all are, like, for kids. .-. So don't struggle to read if you're not interested.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Is good to socialize with others, but please, have a limit. Too much of virtual things may damage your health. Slowly, but certain.
This is more like a parental opinion. [For very young readers?] Take care whom are you talking to; NOT everyone is kind. As your mother says, some pretend to be children of your age, teenagers and you may give them personal details, like, your address, phone number and get in trouble.
Never mind this. It may scare you.
You may also meet great people here, because, the most important thing to know about talking to someone on the internet is that THEY ARE A PERSON BEHIND THE SCREEN, NOT ROBOTS BEHIND WEBPAGES, so try to be nice and don't hurt their feelings.
Don't talk with people on websites with a name sounding suspicious, and most important, DO NOT TRY OMEGLE
(Omegle- A stupid website for cretins *excuse my foul tongue but I couldn't help myself* where you use your webcam or not and talk to idiots and have a nice chance of seeing something rated as XXX content)

In my opinion, having this kind of relationship is VERY okay, because not everyone has a biiiiiiig big huge massive group of friends.

I've met a lot of interesting people on LM and FH, all very nice.
So, it's nothing wrong in talking to people... On the internet. Mainly because they're humans too.
AAAAND they may search for friends too.

Speaking of it, roleplaying is a perfect way you can socialize. It's a lot of fun and for beginners it's a good way to grow your vocabulary.
I'll make a topic about roleplaying later, make sure to check it out if you'd like to <3

About 'real'- I've met my best friend Ivy on Feral-Heart, we talk a lot on Facebook and Kik, so that's why I can call her a real friend- She never gave up on making me smile, she was there when I needed her and also we have a lot of common likes.

At the end, I decided to write some good things about virtual friends and some bad things about them.

+ When you're bored, you can always say 'Hi' to them and chat about... Things.
+ They can be really nice friends, and make you enjoy every minute of typing.
+ You get to meet new and interesting people.
+ You'll get to learn about their country, likes and dislikes, and things that are useless...x'D

- You may not meet them in real. That's upsetting.
- They may not remember you after a week since you first met them. [In real life, sometimes, they remember you're the strange guy/gal asking about MLP. x'D]
- They can lie about the age, gender and so on. [But that shouldn't stop you, right? x'D]

SO, can you trust them?

Hope you don't think I wrote this while drunk. //In fact I've never got drunk or drank beer or other stuff.// I just think I had to do it. Now, go on and say I'm stupid.
Forgive and forget...Right?
« Last Edit: June 27, 2015, 07:12:36 AM by Neeva »

I have no life at all

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Re: Trust the virtual friends?
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2015, 09:22:47 PM »
Like you said there, since I am quite young yet, I am mostly careful with the people I meet through the Internet, LM and FH. Even though if they're lieing about their age and gender, I don't care, because most of the people I've met here quite kind. Though my LM and FH friends are mostly there when I need them, I would never comparate them with my IRL friends.

Offline Neeva

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Re: Trust the virtual friends?
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2015, 07:11:10 AM »
Well, real life ones are... VERY different
They're people YOU really know, people that are here to hug you after you watched SAW and you're like ''JIGSAW IS UNDER MY BED ;-;'' Aaaand I go into details. -Facefloor-

But, it's nice to talk to Ivy. We also chat on Skype, we roleplay on Kik and such, but as I said, I didn't give her personal information such as my address. It's just nice seeing her, she's a nice, lovely person. Even if it's virtual, but remember, she's still a person as I am.

I have no life at all