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Messages - Satine

Pages: [1]
Game Help / [SOLVED] Stuck on Map due to crashing
« on: December 05, 2016, 12:45:36 AM »
Hello! So I created my in game account (Enjeura) a few months ago but since I was too busy I never got to play the game properly, until yesterday. I've been playing all day today, and everything was running smoothly.
However, I was on ReallyBig and I ran towards a portal while I was hunting. The portal lead me to a underwater cave map. However, as soon as it finishes loading and I get inside the map, the game crashes before I can move or go to my set home. I tried changing rendering subsystems but I still keep crashing, because I'm just stuck on that map.
I wanted to know if there was another way to send my characters to another map, or any other solutions at all. I haven't tried uninstalling and installing it back because I don't think that that will reset my character's locations.

Thanks for the help, guys! (:

[EDIT] I discovered you can delete the save point file from the Last Moon folder. Thanks anyway! xx

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