June 04, 2024, 02:54:38 AM

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Messages - articwolfgirl

Pages: [1]
Bugs & Glitches / Re: Ursa Minor Missing?
« on: June 07, 2016, 02:34:35 AM »
I have tried that as well, my adult dragon is see able when its shrunk and I beleive its smaller then my Ursa when 'grown'. I can't find this little cub for anything x3

http://sta.sh/0xl5u5e9aes   <<< Picture of my character with 'invisable bear' Ive been trying to even click on him hold on

To make everyone laugh, this topic can be closed now btw too!


 Found him... thats worse than a flea XD Thats a micro!

Bugs & Glitches / Ursa Minor Missing?
« on: June 07, 2016, 02:10:50 AM »
Got the Ursa Minor as a pet which its large size is amazing (Im a world of warcraft nerd... I missed my Arc :'( )  But when I shrunk him he went invisible, completely. Quit game came back, restarted same problem. He still attacks I see the damage being knocked off my targets but He is no where to be seen. Went on different maps, same problem.

Discussion & Suggestions / Re: More dontaion ideas.
« on: June 05, 2016, 04:37:27 PM »
I rather like the idea of Donations for medals. It would depreciate the value as the game is free to play in the first place. If anything it would give medal currency an actual value. Then again that is just my opinion, not to mention that would bring in more donations.

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