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Topics - iMorpheus

Pages: [1]
Introductions / I have returned
« on: October 30, 2016, 04:34:00 AM »
Hey guys I'm back (;

Also in case you're wondering yes my art commissions are still open, being as I have been gone for sometime I still gotta remember my prices XD. But I have returned!!!

Leaving/Hiatus / Small Hiatus
« on: June 17, 2016, 10:08:45 PM »
As some of you know, I haven't been coming online much. Well there is a specific reason behind this.. I am currently fighting depression, but no I do not ask for sympathy, please.. I will be back, and I may pop on every now and then and say hello to some of y'all. I just haven't felt very motivated for the past few weeks, which I apologize for. I am still finishing all of the art commissions that have been paid, so don't worry, I haven't forgotten about those. But yes, I just thought I would let some of y'all know. I will be back soon though, so stay tuned.~

Discussion & Suggestions / Just a quick suggestion~
« on: June 09, 2016, 11:30:00 AM »
Now I'm sure this has been brought up before, but due to many people asking and wondering, I've decided to just bring it up once more.

Some of the community, including myself thinks it would be nice to bring taming back into Last Moon. Buying animals is a splendid idea, don't get me wrong, and of course keep that option around. But it would be nice to have taming back into the system, only because I use to feel real accomplished when I would tame a boss animal ( lol ). But it would be nice to bring it back for some who use to enjoy the difficulty of taming certain beasts. Of course keep the second option of buying pets, but bring taming back as well.

Sorry if this has been brought up multiple times, but here is my suggestion! :D

Autobiography / Meet The Morphy
« on: June 03, 2016, 02:39:16 AM »
Hello everyone!! iMorpheus here.

Some of you may already recognize me, but I figured why not give some information about myself~

Well firstly, I did play LM when it first came out, but I wasn't really known around the time, and I didn't really play it as much back then. My old laptop decided to break on me, which resulted in me not playing LM for about 2-3 years. But, as you can see, I bought a new laptop and I am back to annoy you all again!!

I am an extremely nice person, I hate rudeness, or even being rude.. Especially for no darn reason, so don't worry! If you ever want to be my friend, or just talk and hangout, it's totally acceptable, I promise I don't bite. c;

Things I like:
x cats
x animals
x baby animals
x drawing
x food
x swimming
x running
x relaxing
x going out
x Starbucks ( white girl probs )
x more drawing and baby animals
x ice cream
x did I say food?

I am also an 18 year girl, soon to graduate high school ( I got held back in 3rd, cri ) and hopefully I will be attending a junior college for sometime before getting into a university. I really aspire to become a tattoo artist, or graphic designer / concept artist for movies. This is defiantly an ultimate life goal that I hope to one day achieve!
I also own 2 cats, 1 dog, 1 rat, 2 birds, and 4 fish. ( I am the original zookeeper ). I most certainly love animals, probably more then humans, because they cannot sass you back... Lol.

Anyway, that's just the basics of knowing me, feel free to get to know me more in the game, or just send a friendly PM! Anything works. I am always eager to make new friends on here. ^^

Requests & Commissions / Morpheus's Art Commissions
« on: June 02, 2016, 03:08:27 AM »
So I have decided to take requests, I have been in quite a drawing mood lately, so why not take some requests!

My payment is pretty simple. I'm not taking real money, but I am taking LM medals for my art! If you want a sneak peek of some of my art, you may visit my Deviantart @CanibalCake or my Furaffinity @iMorpheus or, you can take a peek at my art thread on here!

Anyway, onto the payments. Luckily I only want medals for my art, or items, but I prefer medals a bit more! For more details, please pm me and we can hopefully come to an agreement with something! I will also need any references of character(s) you want me to draw, and any details like backgrounds, or situations you want me to draw as well.

Art / iMorpheus Art Thread (UPDATED)
« on: June 01, 2016, 02:32:59 AM »
Hello all! :D so I'm deciding to make a thread here for my art. I'm currently taking requests! Go ahead and look at my requests / commissions board for more details!

All the art on here is what I have done this year, I just wanna keep track of my art and stuff like that. Make sure to check back every now and then for more art updates! :3 comments are welcome!

Things I have done in the previous years.

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