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Topics - Emubird1

Pages: [1] 2
Travelers Themed by Maps
I've seen this idea kinda used in another server, only they have prey only of their owners. However the general idea is that you have a playable character model set as a prey, typically with the texture of a preset, and it can be killed by the players of the Impressive Title server. An assortment of people could make the preset for the texture, depending on what the prey should look like. By using this, new prey could be added into LM with a unique twist to it. For every map there could be a traveler of some sorts, each with their own preset themed with the map they're in.
Shreiking Hill: Zombie/ghost preset
Savannah: African wildog preset
Ice: Crystal/Ice/Water preset
I was thinking that these travelers, of which would have fairly high attacks and health, could be part of some new quests that would be interesting. Their spawn would be fairly rare, since they could also have additional rare items that can't be bought in the shop.

A New Map
A new map named, "Moon's Peak", could be added to Last Moon. The majority of the map would be covered in deep black seas, the black liquid similar to tar. Although instead of having the area hot like liquid tar would normally be, the area is freezing cold. For the map the visible breath would be turned on, and frost would rise up from the dark ocean to give off the idea that the map is fairly cold. Jutting out of the ocean would be mountain rages of dark grey rock, along with random peaks. In the center of the map would be a very large mountain range, holding a large sphere textured as a moon. The texture around the moon's ground would be blacken and smoking, as if it had made contact with the planet. In this map it would always be nighttime, and the music to the map would be calm and slightly eerie. On the moon's mountain range would be a temple, sort of like ivory marble pillars holding up a ring above the moon. For prey this map would have an assortment of animals with a similar theme; they would all be tinted black and semi-transparent like shadows.

Literature & Poetry / Smilodon-243166 (Short Story)
« on: April 09, 2016, 06:50:06 PM »

Trigger Warning: Animal abuse, cursing, blood, undernurishment

(Sorry for any misspelling, I tried my best to find them :3)

"The ones above declare him the devil, while my brothers and sisters see him as the champion, but I find a different label within the man. The man who has been broken and shattered for years, his own demise woven by his own fingers. I deemed him father years ago, as he had blessed me with the intelligence of not only speech, emotions, but with a chemical that has turned all barriers to dust. In my mind I've identified the barriers, and I have put them to rest for years. Barriers such as primitive impulses, hatred, hunger, self pity.

"My hunger is but a mere ache, for it is no longer a rein that yanks upon my mind. Upon a time I felt the need to release my rage and frustration, but after all the screaming and yelling, I have concluded that it was all useless. The mind has always been blocked by itself, and comprehending itself would've been insanity. So I allowed it to fade, along with several other barriers. I quickly learnt as a cub about self pity, and how it pained me to lay upon the cold cell. When my bones would snap I could not twist my body to curl, the wall proved to be the one who warmed me. These days I'd weep, turning the incident in my mind. But after so long with such little use, self pity was deemed another wall to my purity.  With my intellect I've vanquished what is trivial, all but one single barrier that gnaws at my ankles just as chains and ropes have. Fear in itself can be overruled, as my mind has multiplied cell after cell to sharpen my focus to a thin point to do so. However, this does not allow me to diminish it. Throughout my three years I have made little progress to snuff fear from my mind, yet my primitive impulses hold me back from true meditation.", the words were uttered upon the black lips of the test subject. Deep within his throat the words hummed, dragging raggedly from his neglected body. Beaten, starved, and coated in grim the feline lay in the dark cell, doing no more but speaking to the ears that his words could reach.

His spotted coat frayed outward from the leakage, sticking up in clumped areas where blood had dried and stuck the hairs together. Under the coat hung bones and muscle, barely any fat clinging to the frail body of Smilodon-243166. The ribs pressed and pulled out his chest, each deep inhale exposing the front of the rib cage. Connecting to the rib cage, tall bumps ran along the middle of the over-sized smilodon's back, where each vertebrae was accented by sinking skin and fur. Overall his frame was thin and brittle, lacking and large percentage of his original weight that he had grown into from his adolescent years. Although the feline was undernourished, the five ton creature still managed to move around thanks to the doc.

Smilodon lay at the foot of the electric platinum-alloy bared door, his tired amber gaze idly studying the ring in the middle of the basement. Still covered in blood from the death of the last fight, the padded raised mat stood as a reminder for all of the subjects. All fifteen could be killed, all fifteen could be humiliated, and all fifteen were just play toys for the dark haired man. Subject 243166 understood the fragile mind of the doctor, along with the high probability of him essentially snapping one day. The thoughts swirled in is head and he turned them over, searching for bits and pieces that showed the slightest glimmer of passion.

"Father, creator", he mumbled as his vision focused on the rolling electric pulses of the bars, "Maker, designer, prime mover." His sharp amber eyes clouded up, tears running slickly against his dingy and matted fur. "Why do you hold no mercy within your heart.....whom made you like this?", the smilodon's voice shook. With unsheathed claws he drug them across the thick stone floor, an inch of rock pulled up from the four trenches. Nothing Smilodon had ever felt before; self pity, anger, fear, or hunger could overrule his current state. For once in the subjects short lifetime, he experienced confusion and remorse.

His ramblings were cut short by the slide of the elevator doors, announcing the appearance of the doctor. Smilodon bit into his lip, drawing blood with his sharp fangs as he heard the sound. The ungodly clicking of the rusting steel-tipped boots, with each step came the clop and clip of the metal. Crying out at the horrid sound, Smilodon-243166 reached up and crashed his large paws onto his ears to block out the sound. 'His feet sound like hooves', 'those eyes are not mortal', 'his skin is grey like a corpses', 'he has fangs and claws made of metal'. The murmurs rang in his skull, bouncing and rolling like pool balls against his cranium as the clicking neared his cage.

Thankfully the sound stopped, replaced with the quick beep of the code next to the door and a deep growl. "Nnhgg.....", the doctor snarled as the door was shut off and opened. Smilodon lifted his shaking head to gaze at his maker, his thick neck failing to keep his head from quivering. The man was only 5'10", allowing the subject to tower clear over the man. However, his appearance was bleak as ever. Subject-4554 had often speculated that the man was like a hallowed log that had long since dried away and rotted; his skin was pale as a ghosts and graying, his hair was always unkempt along with a full messy beard, and his intense blue eyes appeared to glow against the charcoal-dark bags under them. Parting his lips, the middle aged man spoke with a slightly slurred tone, "Screaming, ranting, weeping. That is all you do, nothing but a whole lot of philosophy bullshit!", he yelled at the large cat. "Up there I hear screams of bloody murder, shrieks harsh enough to blow out an eardrum. And then, I come down to the basement for some peace. While your demented brothers and sisters stare at their bloodshot eyes in the mirror, waiting for the next blood, you preach about your knowledge!", the man kept scolding the test subject as he entered the cage.

Smilodon got up, towering eight feet tall up to the ceiling of the enclosure. Dwarfing the man in size, weight, and weapons most would've overtaken the man. However, all except the new subjects gradually discovered the abilities of the human doctor, along with what he had done and could do again. Smilodon was no different from all the others, although he had witnessed much more gruesome scenes; the lower jaw ripping from one of his sisters, the mutilation of his brother's face, the forced removal of all of Subject-4554's teeth and claws, and how the doctor had beaten many more of his siblings to death.

"Doctor Galleo please, listen to reason in your drunken estate!", the subject pleaded to the man with his ears folded back against his head. "You gave me this intelligence, you named me for your achievement! And yet, yet you still act as if I should never use it or explore it. Every waking minute I think about what you do and how insensible it is, and how redundant the torture of innocent creatures has become. You do not seek to cure illness, nor to improve the overall health of a species, you--you create monsters for your own selfish amusement!", Smilodon panted as he finished his speech. With his heart pounding and forcing blood to rush, he huffed like he had just ran a mile.

Galleo narrowed his eyes, strutting over before he tangled his fingers into the neck fur of Smilodon-243166. Clutching the hairs in a fist, he used his muscular arm to yank the subject forward. Without complaint the subject allowed himself to be pulled down, meeting the doctor eye to eye. "Do I do all of what you said? Yes. Is it a horrid thing to do, worthy of an immense punishment? Yes. However, do you think for even one second, that I'm going to stop?", he hissed at the subjected as he leaned in, "No...." The man broke away from the creature, shoving him backwards before exiting the cage.

Smilodon watched as Galleo turned and started for the code pad, reaching out to press the numbers. But something happened within the small moments, something stirred and slipped from his mind. Only four seconds went by between the over-sized smilodon darting from the cage, lashing out to rake off thick layers of Galleo's back, and sending the doctor and his AK47 flat onto the floor. Galleo's gun slid over to the wall, clunking as it hit the bricks. The white lab coats remains were torn from Smilodon-243166's claws, the feline making his way over to the man with a hunched posture. Galleo's torn up back excited the subject, as he smiled through his long fangs at the blood seeping from the grey shirt. Rearing up for a moment, Smilodon-243166 brought down all his weight on Galleo's left shoulder just as he began to sit up. With a pleasurable crunch, the doctor screamed and howled out as his shoulder was shattered.

"I want to you cry! To plead just as you have made us do!", Smilodon bellowed at the man as he swatted him around, his long claws catching a taring at the doc's body. After a few more bats the doc got up, forcefully stomping down on the paw of Smilodon before he grabbed a claw. Taking it tightly in his hands, Galleo twisted and snapped the claw from it's sheath. Blood followed from the wound, the subject hissing and mewling at the intense pain. With the nerves torn, his paw toe hummed and became numb for a moment.

Boiling with rage and hatred, Smilodon charged Galleo and swung a carefully placed paw at his knees. Once they buckled and snapped straight, Smilodon-243166 struck out with his other paw before he sent Dr. Galleo into the grey brick wall. Galleo hit the wall and his cranium clacked into the hard brick, flashing stars in his vision as the world melted sideways. With the doctor subdued in his current state, Smilodon strolled over to Gallow before he opened up his jaws and lowered his head. Tensing his jaw muscles, Smilodon snapped his jaws close and awaited the soft squish and cracking of Galleo's head.

A few moments go by and Smilodon finally notices that his jaws had not met their mark, and were instead barred off by Galleo's arm. The man had forcefully jammed his arm into the back of Smilodon-243166's jaws, his blood seeping into the feline's throat and down his chin. Smilodon-243166's eyes flicked to Galleo, bewildered by how quickly he had moved. He watched the man for a few seconds, a few seconds too late before he was met with the dark barrel of the gun. Pulling away and opening his jaws wide, Smilodon-243166 frantically tried to make the killing blow. With the subject's jaws wide open, Galleo smirked, aimed, and pulled the trigger into the upper part of his mouth.

The bullet dug into Smilodon's mouth, flying through his muscle, bone, and eventually shot through it brain and out the back of his head. In his eyes the world blurred together, light growing soft as the world around him became white noise. With a thud, the subject hit the ground and laid in his own blood. The crimson pool got larger, and as it did the grin on Galleo's face widened. Dr. Galleo struggled to get up, limping over to the elevator with his sprained legs and his concussion. Covered in blood head-to-toe, he shuffled past the other cages of the subjects.

Just as he had told Smilodon-243166, they were all sitting or laying down at their mirrors, staring at their bloodshot eyes that had lacked sleep for months. Some murmured to themselves, while others stayed silent in thought, images and instances swirling in  their broken minds. None took note of their brother who had died, for they had given up compassion a long time ago. So the creatures stayed huddled up, only peering out of their cage to gaze upon the corpse of their brother, a few watching the blood pool up as it flowed from his body.

Everything went back as it had ever been for those three years; Galleo healed himself with advanced care, graphing skin over the areas where it was stripped, and injecting cell medicine into his veins to quicken the healing. The subjects were quite for a while, not screaming or attempting to flee and kill the doctor. They watched the man function as he had ever done, pained by how un-phased the doctor was. There were whispers in the night, discussing the death of the most intelligent subject.

Dr. Galleo carried on with his life, still testing upon the animals to see what he could turn them into. The old subjects were released or killed, serving no use for the doctor. They were seen as unfit and much to dangerous for the doc, and so the operation was pulled. All of Smilodon-243166 was destroyed, all but the brain that contained the powerful chemical that had allowed him to advance past all the other subjects. With the chemical extracted, it was placed within a silver needle and hidden away in a small box in the empty basement, awaiting the day where it will be used once more.

Presets & Markings / Commissions(Now Closed)
« on: April 09, 2016, 05:52:24 PM »

Commissions are no longer open, so refrain from PMing me about any presets. Thank you!

Before getting to the actual layout, I'd like to credit Venwolf for allowing me to use a ton of her recent comission thread as my own! It's saved me time, and is extremely helpful of her.

Do not post on this thread, PM me as instructed

1. Aquaranha
2. Lx

*If these slots get filled, please wait until a slot is open

You must pay the 3 diamonds/10 U.S dollars for the in-game preset, I will not.
*Edited, since I do not need extra medals.

-No copyrighted characters
-No already owned species
-Nothing that disobeys Last Moon's code
Exe: Too much gore, ANY sexual content, taboo symbols/words
-No designs/markings owned by another person/copyrighted
-You pay first, and then I will make your preset
-No refunds, be sure you want the preset that you asked for to be in-game
-If you want clothing on it, provide pictures. (No copyrighted clothing)
-You must provide a picture for your preset
-You must specify the bodypars you want for your preset
-No presets that contain too many flashing scrolling

How to make it
-You can draw a reference and PM me the image
-You can ask for a theme and I'll think one up
-You can use another IT server, like Feral Heart, and send me images
-You can use....

Body Parts
Use, http://lastmoon.org/forum/presets-markings/last-moon-body-names-~-preset-help/ , to find which body parts you want

What I can do
-Other species (Like giraffes, dragons, etc)
Examples at:
Old: http://lastmoon.org/forum/presets-markings/preset-dump-by-emubird1/
New: http://lastmoon.org/forum/presets-markings/bunch-more-presets!/

How to Buy One:
1. Get your design image
2. Copy and paste this code into a PM to me:
Code: [Select]
In-game Username:
Name of Preset:
Name of Preset Parts:
Scrolling Parts:
Requested Scrolling Image(s):
4. Pay the correct payment!
5. I'll send you a confirmation image via PM on the forum in which you may request a change
6. You are require to give the 3 diamond to Dutchval and give her the files, the files of which I'll help you download.
(You may also use the 10 dollar payment, I'm just not certain how it works)

Example PM:
In-Game User: Emubird1
Name of Preset: Honeycake
Name of Preset Parts: Body1,Head17,Mane22,Tail11,Wings4,Tuft8
Scrolling Parts: Everything deep yellow needs scrolling
Requested Scrolling Image(s): http://purefragranceoils.com/images/kisses_honey.jpg (Please link me the image in PM)

Presets & Markings / Bunch more presets!
« on: March 30, 2016, 11:32:32 PM »
(I can't remember which presets came first, so that aren't in order. xD)
Spoiler for Hiden:
*Preset owned by a user

Spoiler for Hiden:
*Preset owned by a user

Spoiler for Hiden:
*Preset owned by a user

Spoiler for Hiden:
*Preset not owned by a user

Spoiler for Hiden:
*Preset owned by a user
P.S. This photo is outdated, the eyes were fixed to be less cross-eyed

Spoiler for Hiden:
*Preset owned by a user
P.S. This photo is outdated, there was a mane added.

WARNING: Below this text is a preset with gore on it. If you are sensitive to exposed bone, torn flesh, cuts, blood, raw flesh, or missing organs I'd recommend not looking at the last image.
Spoiler for Hiden:

Presets & Markings / Preset Dump by Emubird1
« on: February 16, 2016, 02:38:11 AM »
Most recent from top to bottom
Spoiler for Hiden:
Name: Cookie
*Chocolate scrolling markings

Spoiler for Hiden:
Name: ??? (AshTheCat will name it)
*Front paws and belly have grey scrolling

Spoiler for Hiden:
Name: Pandoraemus
*Scrolling head and leg markings, full scrolling on the tail

Spoiler for Hiden:
Name: Papyrus (For SwiftPaws)
*From Undertale

Spoiler for Hiden:
Name: Sans (For Endermanfarts)
*From Undertale as well
*Has his slippers, just not in the screenshot

Spoiler for Hiden:
Name: Pandora (Personal preset)

Presets & Markings / ¶ Tula Remanence ¶ Emubird
« on: January 02, 2016, 01:33:41 PM »

Made my third preset, Tula Remanence, a hyper demon that I've made for role-plays in the future. However, a lot of him came from google images, such as the wing leather texture, the Celtic clip-art, and the scrolls. He didn't take very long to make, but coloring a merlion head is not something done 5 minutes(Closer to 2 hours :'().

Game Help / Map Making
« on: September 28, 2015, 01:31:50 AM »
I've been unable to start practicing with maps because of the configuration file, of which I can't make. Does anyone know ow to make the .cfg file for a map? If so, please reply.

Bugs & Glitches / Game Crashing Over People
« on: September 27, 2015, 07:29:18 PM »
Even if it is only six people inside a map, it crashes my entire game for no apparent reason. Then when I exit the screen, it has a error message that looks like this.V

It has made it nearly impossible to navigate Portal Island, only can I do so by restarting my game each time I travel through Portal Island. Not only that, but when I switch dims and enter another portal, the dimension resets to 0. Does anyone know how to fix this? If so, please reply.

Presets & Markings / Emubird1's Preset, Able
« on: September 13, 2015, 08:20:53 PM »
Notice: I used this preset as practice, as I haven't made one in a few years. (Sorry if they pictures should be under the spoilers tab, I couldn't find a way to do so. :c)


Egyptian Eye Paint

Blue tongue and gums, crack in the skull that has rapid scrolling, and rapid scrolling on the eyes.


Leg cuffs plus bead ankle bracelet



Discussion & Suggestions / New Map! (Granite Heights)
« on: August 31, 2015, 04:40:37 AM »
NOTICE:This map may have objects in them that Last Moon DOESN'T HAVE MESHES FOR, and I am well aware of this. As such, kindly cease from replying that there aren't meshes for this map. Emu thanks you for consideration.
Warning: Lots of visuals.
Side Note: Read these posts and your future might make more sense. :)

Granite Heights

General Idea: Granite Heights is a large mountain range spanning across miles of land, ranging from high peaks to foothill. Across this land mass are large patches of granite, a mineral that looks a little like pepper and salt, hence the name Granite Heights. Though the mountain range is fairly desolate there are a few trees dotting the landscape, more growing in a small meadow that you may find in the map. This meadow is kept lush by the mountain's side freshwater fall that comes from one of the mountain's tunnel systems, forming a small pond to nourish the trees, grass, and lavenders. However there is a meadow similar to the small one, found in the middle of this map is a large meadow full of orchids colored silver, white, and blue. No body of water can be found, as the plants take water from the cave systems that fall just under the large meadow. Significant enough, the meadow has a great white oak in the middle of it.
Trees: http://tinyurl.com/qfrg2ut
Babul, Mahau, Juniper, White Oak.

Fake, Clover, Delphinium Hybrid.


Terrain Landmarks:
Small Meadow-The small meadow can be found alongside of a mountain in the Northern area, where it gives you access to a small pond, shade from trees, and a small hill to look up at the night sky.

Large Meadow- The large meadow is found in the center of the map, and it's mainly taken up by the white, silver, and blue flowers. Clover and sea green grass part the flowers, along with a very small soft dirt path to Oak Hill.

Oak Hill- It's lower than the mountains and peaks, but Oak Hill overlooks the large meadow and the sea of flowers and orchids. Upon it, the great white oak grows to the height of the mountains and shades half of the meadow under it's great branches and leaves, allowing night flowers to bloom.

(BTW, shout-out to the user Granite for giving me the idea for the name, even if it was just a joke. I hoe I turned it into a beautiful map idea. ^^)

P.S- If you have a vague idea for a map but would want more to be added to it, tell me it below and I might be able to help! I'll give you credit! And if you're too shy to reply to this post, feel free to PM me, I'll be fine with either.

Discussion & Suggestions / New Map! (Red Forest)
« on: August 28, 2015, 12:11:25 AM »
NOTICE:This map may have objects in them that Last Moon DOESN'T HAVE MESHES FOR, and I am well aware of this. As such, kindly cease from replying that there aren't meshes for this map. Emu thanks you for consideration.
Warning: Lots of visuals.

Red Forest

Plot: The forest had been been a lush green years ago, until the moon bled red moonlight upon the leaves of the woodland. For years after, all of the foliage was stained red in a eternal autumn from the moon's blessing.
Tree types:
Alder, willow, birch.(Leaves turned red)
Red leaf bush, red lavender, and red rose bush.
Poppy, Achillea spec, Canna 'Warscewiczii.


Landmarks in Terrain:

The forest rests in a low valley, and the walls rise clear above the red trees. These walls, of course, are blackened stone that falls down to the dark red stone of the Red Forest.

In the upper left-hand corner of the map you'll find a pond that has a creek running out of it, the water in the creek itself is tinted red just like everything else in the forest.
Den Site-

Through the thick autumn forest, there is a ditch that is used as a den site for felines and canines alike. Over the ditch, a tall birch tree had fallen to form a path over the ditch.
Lake and River-

The lake that comes from the river itself strays into the red forest, rushing red water through the woodland to feed the forest's roots. However, the lake falls from the forest and onto a beach. This beach is light red, closer to salmon, and opens up to a medium sized lake.

Set in the lower middle of the map, a low meadow pours out from the forest and into a large meadow of poppies and red lavenders. Flowers grow thick around the meadow, along with thick red grass.

On the left side of the valley the foothills can be found, they are dotted with large boulders and shale walls. Moss grows on the boulders, sharing the deep red shade of most of the foliage. Small caves can be found around the foothills, serving as a great place for homes.

Like this idea? Show your support and reply below and I'll make more!

Forum Help / Deleting a Post
« on: July 26, 2015, 11:16:04 AM »
Is it possible to delete a post that you wish to take down, if so, how?

Discussion & Suggestions / Quest Completion(Very small)
« on: July 22, 2015, 12:39:17 AM »
Similar to the show pets there are small things in Last Moon that can be a bit of an annoyance, and one of those things is the quest completion. You are required to physically gain your reward, by clicking the button. Sadly this may not work everytime, and you may miss the button. This wouldn't be a issue at all with small quests, or large quests that require a lot to kill and would make it so that you'd find out very soon that you hadn't completed the previous quest. This isn't the case for the quest Crazy Cows, and by chance other ones. So instead of killing prey without having the quest, perhaps it would be okay to automatically reward the player once everything was done on the checklist.

Just as I had said, this is a very small suggestion. (Tying to make maps in Feral Heart at the moment)

Intro: I've seen many other posts about items, shards, etc. so I've decided to make my own. A few ideas might have already thought up, but if I mention them it is because they caught my attention. This post will be a lot shorter than my last one, hopefully.
(Length is taken up by font so that it can be read, and pictures. Apologizes if this fails to make it easier to read.)


Head Items
Plague Doctor Mask- A creepy bird-like mask that was used during the Black Plague of Europe, herbs were stuffed inside the beak to stop the doctor from getting infected. They were also a bit creepy, being that glass goggles were implanted into the mask to seal it shut. This would be a bit creepy but would look decent on a character.

Full eye contacts- These can be found in Impressive Title, they cover the entire character's eye in either silver or gold. Imagine what contacts there could be; lava, water/blue, black, silver, bronze, copper, gold, diamond. They're a small touch but a fairly interesting one, and they could even be in hypnotic circles.

Deer Skull- The skull of a deer that could be worn on the player, perhaps just the top of the skull so that less fitting will be needed. For instance the skull's eye sockets could lineup with the character's own eyes.

Tall Deer Antlers- Mostly found in fiction, deer have exaggeratedly large antlers that have a abundance of branches that branch off again and again. Other things could be added to these antlers; grass, flowers, berries, and vines entwining with the bone.

Masquerade masks- Instead of explaining each one, perhaps they could look like the pictures below?

Grenade- Holding a grenade in the mouth? Might look odd, dunno.

Cigar- We have a cigarette but a cigar would look nice too, maybe even have it to the side of the jaw to make it look like a drug-lord's hold on his cigar?

Buck teeth, beaver or rabbit- Light hearted and silly, it could be put on rabbits to make them look a bit cartoony. Made in a perfect U as it descends from the bunny's mouth.

Black-eye- A purplish black swollen eye could be left and right, but not enough to cover the entire eye. (This might not be to good, because it might come off as offensive)

Prey- A rabbit or bird hanging from the character's mouth, it could be used in roleplay and would be dropped and crouched by as they pretend to eat it.

Assassin's Hood- Covering the eyes just like Ezio, you could be a sneaky assassin.

Ninja Hood-  The typical complete cover of a black cloth except the eyes, and having ear holes for the character.

Ninja Star- Holding it in the character's mouth, bloody?, or it could just be shiny.

Chinese bun with sticks through it- Goofy little hairdo of a Chinese woman's hair, sticks included.

Triceratops Frill/Crest- We have the horns, now all we need is the bony plate covering the neck!

Horse mask- 


Rhino Horns- Might be too lose to the triceratops horns, but would be decent.

Non-spike Collars- Maybe just collars that have a buckle, or collars with a gold token? We could even have diamond collars, which just have a bunch of small diamonds on them.

Body Items

Gun Holster- On the thigh, like the daggers, only it's a strap and a small gun like a pistol.

Vines and Flowers- Entwining up the legs, blooming flowers and vines with leaves.

Greek Toga- The white cloth that covers most of the character, coming around only one shoulder.

Armor(War)- This has been said before, but the concept is wonderful and could just be a chest plate.

Hidden Blades- More Assassin stuff.

Cape- Everyone needs a flowing or laying sheet of colorful cloth tied from the neck, going to the back.

Shoulder Caps- Metal shoulder protection, how lovely.

Rain Boots- Why not? Big, yellow, rubber rain boots for when it rains in Last Moon.

Peacock Tail- Large multi-colored tail feathers that fray out, yet close up when you sit.

Mini Gatling Gun- More guns for the back of your character.

Loin Cloth- A belt, with a cloth, covering your loins.

Harness- Like the spiked collar, the harness would be a cool little touch.


Bees- Just a swarm of bees around you, real, angry bees.

Peacock Shade- Glowing large green feathers, ending in round "eyes" with blue whites along with a indigo pupil and iris.

Flaming Eyes- Like the paw fire, only on the eyes and much smaller.

Dust- Thick clouds of dust and ash, billowing from the character.

Fire- A circle of fire around your character.

Birds- Have a bunch of glow birdies around you, just like Snow White!

Fog- Swirling fog that follows your character

Floating Rocks- Small floating islands.

Disco Lights- Dance floor spot lights that are many colors.

Heart Bubbles- Pink round hearts that are shinny like a bubble. (Maybe only for Valentines day?)

Hail- Shards of ice raining above you.

Dragon Head and Neck- A flaming dragon neck and head emerging from your shoulders.

Mini Fireworks- A little firework show over your head.

Northern lights- Wherever you run, you lead the trail of the Northern Lights.

Fireballs- Balls of fire floating around you.

Meteor Shower- Beautiful white trailing rocks.

Orbiting Planets- You are the sun in this solar system.

Tentacles- Coming from your back, you have black tentacles.

Raining Fireballs- Fireballs that disperse as they hit the ground.

(Shorter post)

New Ideas!

(By the way this took a few more than 3 hrs so it would be kind of you to reply, thank you.  :) )

1.0 New Character Additions
          1.1 Entirely New Models
          1.2 Specialties in Skills
          1.3 Stats
2.0 Quests
          2.1 Quest Pay
          2.2 "Boss" Quests
3.0 Maps
          3.1 New Maps
          3.2 Secondary Maps
          3.3 Map Spawn
4.0 Boss animals
          4.1 Entirely New Creatures
          4.2 Links to quests
          4.3 Difficulty
          4.4 Positives

(I'll give you a hint to the length of this post; this is the table of flippin' contents)

           1.0 New Character Additions

1.1 Entirely New Models
Bovines are the animals like buffalo, bulls, cows, etc. but are much more different then deer. This model would be a ungulate, a hoofed animal, but the hooves would be special because they would be split like a cow's. Meanwhile the body would be much broader and larger, maybe having the hunched-looking shoulders that seem to lower the head, a thick barrel-chested upper body,  then tapering to the hind legs and a thinner body, ending in a tail similar to a lion's; ending in a tuft of fur that would be the tail tip. Going back to the head of the model, it would need to be thicker than a deer's head, with non-perked ears that would face outwards, and horns. Now the horns would need the same work that was done to the deer's; it would need to be made into the "mane" category, which would be beneficial because there could be a multitude of horns that would be Mane1, Mane2, Mane3, etc. all of which could be from different bovines.
Examples: Buffalo horns, bull horns, and one or two more.
Or what could happen is that all the horn items would need to be fitted onto the bovine model.
Onto the tufts the bovine model could have a special under neck to chest and head to back tuft, this could give the illusion that the bovine has the thick fur of a buffalo.
(And if able, the bovines could maybe even get a utter somehow  :D)

The bird model would be especially interesting because it would on have two legs instead of four, as well as different feet that wouldn't be paws. Another thing about a bird model is that there could be many different heads, wings, and tails.
Heads: Bird of prey(longer, curved beak.), a rounded chickadee head, a parrot head, a sparrow head, and maybe a ostrich head with a long neck.
Wings: Short round wings, longer sharp wings, flightless wings, and possibly penguin flippers.
Tails: Peacock tails(With the "eyes" being the tail tip), bird of prey tails, short feathery tails, fluffy flightless bird feathers, and just a little tail like a penguin.
These bird models could really be very cute, if you think about it, and the walk could even be a bit of a strut/waddle.

Lizards themselves make up a entire group themselves, and the lizard model could even be made into a dragon with a different head and bat wings. The body could be a lower-set body like the weasel model, only with different bends in the arms to make the lizards walk differently.
Heads: Dragon, iguana, chameleon, normal lizard.
Manes: Dragon horns, cheek thorns, triceratops crest.
Tails: Long tin tail, short stubby tail, tail ending in a ball of bone, bone-horned tail.

1.2 Specialties in Skills
The skills that these models could have would be similar to the bears and the roar skill, being that they damage more with certain skills.

Bovines: Specialties could be stomp.

Bird: Specialties could be lunge.

Lizard: Specialties could be sweep.

1.3 Stats
Health: 25
Damage: 5
Flying: -0.2
Running: 0.2
Swimming: -0.3

Health: -90
Damage: -40
Flying: 3
Running: -0.2
Swimming: 0.2

Health: 5
Damage: 5
Flying: -0.1
Running: -0.2
Swimming: 0.5

          2.0 Quests

2.1 Quest Pay
To have a greater pay for certain quests would be quite nice for Last Mooners who want to buy items, pets, or shards but don't have the time to do a quest over and over and over again. This isn't needed, but it would make it less upsetting when the incorect shard, pet, or item is bought with well-earned money.

2.2 "Boss" Quests
What would they be? Well it would be a quest involving killing a boss animal, which in Section 4.0 is explained, and would most likely involve more than one player to defeat the boss animal. A few situations/quest could be these:

Bats! Bats! Bats!
NPC: "There are a bunch of bats that are eating all of my fruit on my apple farm! Kill them and their leader in Echo Cave in Farm."

0/100 Fruit Bats
0/1 Mega Monster Bat

x1 diamond
x5 Silver

Sunken Ships
NPC: "I've lost two ships to the serpent; she swallowed them whole! Go to Underwater World and kill the Yellow Sea Serpent. 

0/1 Yellow Sea Serpant

x1 diamond

NPC: "I saw 'er out in the the great plains, close to two stories tall with her pups, mate! Go to Savannah and kill the Mega Dingo."

0/1 Mega Dingo

Pay: x1 diamond

Chilled to the Bone
NPC: "It was the most horrifying thing I've ever seen in my life, and I don't want to ever see that monster again. Go to Friged Peaks and kill the Windingo"

0/1 Windingo

x1 diamond
x5 gold

          3.0 Maps

3.1 New Maps
Farm wound be a large amount of land that has a apple orchard, a farmhouse, a pasture that is fenced in, and a large barn near the farmhouse that can be entered to find a large amount of hay and a few water troughs.

Portals Within Farm: Forest, Town, Echo Cave, and Really Big.

Frigid Peaks:
Tall black and snow-topped mountains range entirely across the map before ending in a steep cliff that falls to a vast amount of water, only baring a abandoned camp sight and a abandoned cabin that can be entered. The sky would be dark gray with black clouds that let down snow, giving the idea that the peaks are quite cold.

Portals Within Frigid Peaks: Ice and Underwater World.

And Last Mooners can add their own map ideas! (ONLY THE MAP IDEAS PLEASE.)

3.2 Secondary Maps
Secondary maps are maps within another map that are a little smaller like Ice Cave and Serpents Pass, or at lest I'm calling them Secondary Maps. These won't be more than wild maps that are realistic.

Echo Cave- Found in Farm, Echo Cave is a brown rock cave that has twists and turns but not like a maze, just like a normal cave system, in addition stalactites and stalagmites are present(Rock formations that are found in caves).

Desolate Cave- Found in Frigid Peaks, Desolate Cave is a light grey stone cave that is covered in ice, and even has a small frozen pond inside it

3.3 Map Spawn
So what spawns in these maps? Are there ones that don't spawn anything inside?

Farm: cow, bay horse, pinto horse, smoke horse, pig.

Frigid Peaks: buck griffin, griffin, white wolf, windingo.

Echo Cave- fruit bat, mega monster bat.

Desolate Cave- None

          4.0 Boss Animals
I've already talked about some boss animals but I'll explain them in context right now; boss animals are extremely strong creatures that have a lot of damage, health, and are a little rare. In comparison, Slenderwolf would be a medium boss.

For instance here is a level scale for boss animals:
Easy: Monster Cow
Medium: Slenderwolf
Hard: Windingo
Extremely Hard: (???) Something that would require a whole group of +4 Last Mooners to kill.

Some that could be created are.........
4.1 Entirely New Creatures

Mega Monster Bat- Found in Echo Cave, the Mega Monster bat is a easy boss, and it is a mega fruit bat(real) that is extremely large. It's fur is dark brown, has black leathery skin, and has green eyes with red pupils. Even though it has wings, it isn't able to fly due to how the caves are too small for it's wingspan.

Yellow Sea Serpent- Found in Underwater World, the Yellow Sea Serpent is a easy boss, and it is a huge legless, arm less, sea snake that has a frill and a blue tongue and eyes. It moves like a snake.

Mega Dingo- Found in Savannah, the Mega Dingo is a easy boss, and is a dingo that has been supersized. The Mega Dingo looks like a completely normal dingo that has no other appearance.

Windingo- Found in Frigid Peaks, the Windingo is a hard boss, and it is a mixture of animals that is based off the Windigo(A folklore legend of a cannibalistic mold of a human and a deer, normally having a deer skull instead of a head). The Windingo is a mix of a dingo, a deer, and a polar bear. It has the head of a deer skull which has the teeth of a wolf, the upper body of a thin bear that could include a wolf, the stomach of a dingo, the legs on a white deer, and the tail of a dingo. All of this is blue or white, and it has dark blue slashes on it's white deer thighs.

Griffin Deity- Found in Crater, the griffin Deity is a medium boss, which is a large mix of a unicorn and a dove. It appears to be a generic griffin; bird head, bird frontal legs, back legs of another animal, bird wings, and the tail of another animal. But instead, it has the head of a white dove that has a unicorn horn, the front legs of a dove, dove wings, the back legs of a unicorn, and the tail of a unicorn. (The entire griffin is white except for the unicorn tail that is silver.)

(Maybe more)

4.2 Links to Quests

Yellow Sea Serpent- Sunken ships

Windingo- Chilled to the Bone

Deity Griffin- The Fallen

Mega Monster Bat- Bats! Bats! Bats!

4.3 Difficulty
Generally these "Boss" animals are quite hard to defeat and will most likely require
a) A special character model and number of skill
b) More than one person to fight it
and this is because how much money they give; at the very least 5 gold, and at the most 2 diamonds and 5 gold. This would make questing more interesting and getting a lot of money quicker, which is always good to get items and other things you like.

Difficulty for Each Boss:

Slenderwolf- Medium

Monster Cow- Easy

Yellow Sea Serpent- Easy

Windingo- Hard

Deity Griffin- Medium

Mega Monster Bat- Medium

4.4 Positives
1. We'd have some new awesome quests that would be a bit more exciting.
2. More money would be made and would allow more items to be bought.
3. In order to make these things more people might donate if they're expecting some quite exciting new things.
4. More people will interact with each other, and it's not fun to be alone.


Thanks for reading, even if it was only parts due to how long the post was. Feel free to reply, it was a bit of a project so.......... I'd enjoy a few replies. >_<:;

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