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Messages - granite

Pages: [1] 2 3
Autobiography / Re: Im still here -cough- ~unfortunately~
« on: March 17, 2017, 05:42:25 AM »
-chuckles-  yknow id never do somethin' too foolish

Leaving/Hiatus / Re: Farewell I guess.
« on: March 16, 2017, 05:24:09 AM »

ill miss you ulti,i hope you heal emotionally soon ill be here when you return ~love gran

Thank you granite!

Ofcourse ulti, even if it's been a lifetime fam is fam ~gran

Mini-Games / Re: How well known are you?
« on: March 16, 2017, 05:19:20 AM »

Introductions / Re: Apology
« on: March 16, 2017, 05:15:24 AM »
I may be a bit late, nonetheless ill welcome you back whenever there's been many worse before you and im sure we've yet to see the worst of it, so come on back if ya want maybe we'll have a party like back in the good ol'  day's ~gran

Mini-Games / Re: How well known are you?
« on: March 08, 2017, 04:40:48 AM »

Autobiography / Im still here -cough- ~unfortunately~
« on: March 07, 2017, 06:37:19 AM »
Im still here watching you guys do your stuff. Although im not in game nearly as much as i used to be im still watchin you guys in the forums. Im very.....limited in what i can do atm. Under constant surveillance. Even as i type this now im a bit paranoid. But ole gran is still here dont know why i posted this.  Maybe to keep you guys from forgetting me. Have a nice nap or day or suspension or weekend or whenever your wasting time readin this ~¤gran¤~

Game Help / Re: Castle Map?
« on: December 01, 2016, 05:04:19 AM »
go to portal island from default when you get to portal island look for a big shelf looking structure the roof is hollow so just hop in and inside there should be a portal that's name on your minimap is castle

hm.....if I had to choose id spend my year with evahne

Leaving/Hiatus / Re: Farewell I guess.
« on: October 19, 2016, 04:15:31 AM »
ill miss you ulti,i hope you heal emotionally soon ill be here when you return ~love gran

Leaving/Hiatus / Problably going soon....
« on: January 11, 2016, 07:18:33 AM »
Well fellow mooners, I had to leave sometime.

ive been on LM for about a year, been through many roleplays, most where fun, others not very.
anyway, none of that matters now. because I'm most likely leaving my beloved home, last moon.
why? well, ive my reasons. but to show my love to last moon, its players its staff, its owner, and map creators, ive decided to write you all my final poem to be posted on the last moon forum.

just the title "Roses are sweet violets are true last moon was for me but now its for you"

farewell, goodbye ole' friend o' mine the world I once loved, the one I must leave. I loved the dragons flying high in the jungle, the cows roaming free upon the hidden valley's grove The illusive keysword that escaped my grasp. the blades of leaves by the castles path, the scorching sand of the savanah, the cold forests of shadow veldt, the deadly hidden slendy wolf, to the imperial dragons wise eye.the role plays went for hours and hours the stories unrolled for all to see,the creator myz who rebuilt it all, the mooners that re crfted the maps,the prey,the bosses, and the pets,and all the friends that I saw go, I'm afraid I must also, but to lastmoon I say my last, don't forget me ill always look back.so I say to you and all that read,roses are sweet violets tell the truth last moon was good to me,let it be good to you....

~Granite's last~ {farewell to you all}

Game Help / I lost my size upgrade
« on: July 21, 2015, 02:19:15 AM »
i bought the size upgrade to 3 for my char gatekeeper then changed him to a cat then back to a spiked wolf and renamed him the free flame and my size is gone

Art / Re: I actually tried
« on: July 01, 2015, 09:09:13 AM »
Omegerd they're so happy I can only draw sad things

Requests & Commissions / Re: Closed Requests!
« on: June 23, 2015, 04:36:34 AM »
  :D :D ;D omf i love it thx ultimate creations <3

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