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Messages - Vessan

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General / Re: What's the animal you like to rp as the most? (Poll)
« on: July 12, 2016, 11:25:43 AM »
Considering the 100+ humanoids and human-likes i have

Start an OC war.
Gather all your ocs from past present and future!

Themed sets will make our progress faster, but it's still a lot of work to do so we'll pick priorities, but we also don't want flood the game with too many new maps, but some older maps would still need a touchup here and there due them being... well desolate!

Unless we make new paths and connections between biomes to make exploration less confusing.

All of this wil come after the winter update though.

Art / Re: ~Aeth does another stupid artwork~
« on: July 12, 2016, 11:19:52 AM »
I love dragons, I love these too!

Art / Re: Vess draws a thingie from tiem to time; Today!
« on: July 11, 2016, 06:40:48 PM »
Dank ;)

General / Re: wow gee this is a nice thing to happen
« on: July 11, 2016, 06:34:49 PM »
Well thats rather lovely :D

Well I generally do random good stuff in rl.
And like...One small drawing I did went with a tourist couple back home to Taiwan.

I was so happy.

They were overjoyed.


General / Re: What's the animal you like to rp as the most? (Poll)
« on: July 11, 2016, 06:33:00 PM »
I also like to roleplay as Humans ^^
I've got several human and non human anthrophomorphic characters like Demons and such.
I also have a few TEF ocs which are deer, but I have over 30 lion ocs.

Art / Re: Vess draws a thingie from tiem to time; Today!
« on: July 11, 2016, 02:48:48 PM »

Art / Vess draws a thingie from tiem to time; Today!
« on: July 11, 2016, 02:28:16 PM »
Diptih, because a friend of mine couldn't recognise this character untill I gave her her iconic haircut.


Some other art I did today: (dracostryx group)

For fablepaint:

For ButlerVicki

And I'm still drawing :D

Bring back the rave party map from the original Impressive Title game!!
It was essentially lots of strobe lights, neons, dark colors, and a few posters too! (there was a drinks bar, some pools, and lots of "Rave Cats" who could be praised and you could get rainbow items or paw/tail fires.) There was a giant stage where you could kinda sit around.

Glow sticks, piercings, (eye glows? ), shades, and ,,, gloves? could be interesting to find there.

Much fab.

I'd add glowing ring bracelets, neck bracelets, fancy glasses and hats... Maybe even some party haircuts...

Discussion & Suggestions / Themed suggestions, some suggest themes :)
« on: July 10, 2016, 09:36:27 PM »
It is much easier to do something if the suggestion is themed and in a bundle. It makes it easier for me to gauge how well of an implementation it would be.

So essentially we are not looking for suggestions like this:
-Phoenix hawk!
-Barn owls
-Fence meshes!

Because in my honest opinion...they will never be made or implemented into the game.
(or they get made but never implemented)
(essentially it goes like this: okay I made a barn owl...now...ugh...where should I put it?...What should it drop? Ah so...drop the same things as the 2i8212gazilion other prey do.)(We just end up being too scattered and nothing gets implemented.)

So what we want you to do, is to do themed suggestions.

In these themed suggestions you can pretty much pick a general theme and under it suggest what you would like implemented.(retextures, new models, quests, wearables, objects, quests, special stuff...)
Ie. forest pack, butterfly pack, rave party theme, jungle island...

The suggestion may be as vague as just a theme ie:(Magic!) and we'll do the rest or you may go into as much detail as you want with quest suggestions, item suggestions, NPC suggestions... You may also state your support to another person's suggestion and add onto it! Multiple heads are more creative =)

Gg go go, be creative! We wanna know what you'd like to see in the near future!

Current theme in working: Desert living. (^^, suggest!)

General / Re: Feralheart vs Last moon
« on: July 10, 2016, 10:49:07 AM »
And aww, so nice to hear so from you guys ;w;

I actually really hate elitism, so you best treat your co-players like if you are one of them, because you are.


The extra accounts are used by roleplayers to spy and harass other rp groups and of course cause drama!
In an old rp group where I was, there was a case of a single person using cca 13 accounts to troll and cause drama and conflict.


Iirc I saw 'super' mess with the fh source on a stream once, i think specifically messing with character movement speed, but it all hints now that kah might have it due the recent...uh event/messup/deception that happned...

Regardless of it. If they don't have the source code,
they can still repalce models and make new markings and items, basically the FH update is not an update but a big, lame mod!
Thats why they couldn't rename buttswing yet they could change the animation.

Old News / Re: A way Overdue Thread *PLEASE READ*
« on: July 09, 2016, 05:47:14 PM »
It is going to happen, I swear ;-;
*sobs profoundly*

Leaving/Hiatus / Re: Small Hiatus
« on: June 18, 2016, 10:50:45 AM »
Take care!
Don't forget to linger on the sun for ar least an hour, it tends to help when the world seems to be comming down.

If we implemented PvP.
I suggest only for a short time or only for a single map that could double as a theatre/arena.

And of course it needs red sand because Arenas had red sand. Red sand doesen't stain :)

Unofficial Contests & Events / Re: Contest Ideas?
« on: June 12, 2016, 11:20:28 AM »
There might be a fun character contest sometime in the near future. It will be nonserious and for us all to play around and mess around with for at least a whole day or week.

I'tll be a fun and unique event I promise ;)

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