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Messages - Haruki

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General / Re: TV/Book Character Tropes
« on: January 20, 2015, 12:26:59 AM »

This actually got me thinking and I went and googled character tropes to see a full list of them. What I found was basically every character ever.

Kaynen: Poor vision, but can see things beyond what most others can. As a soulseer, she's able to manipulate her soul and the souls of others, usually for good. Kaynen tends to remain neutral and untangled in emotional complexities of plots. She's the Blind Seer, Enigmatic Empowering Entity, and The Higher Self.

Champagne: Intense, passionate personality. Feels a need to dominate, by whatever means possible... even if it involves using sexuality as a weapon. She leads a small army in a battle for what she believes as good. She has elements of The Lady In Red, The Good Bad Girl, Femme Fatale The Rebel Leader, The Ladette, and The Hard Drinking Party Girl.

Torrid: Playful, mischievous, generally tends to bend and break rules just because he can. Openly flirtatious, friends with everyone but never actually pledges allegiance to any group. Always seems to have a lot of money, but is generous and just as willing to give it all away. Torrid has overthrown the head of the Mafia in Missionpoint, Mada, and secretly assumes his title. He's a shapeshifter who is nearly impossible to make angry, but when he does, he loses control and becomes a nonsentient monster. He's got tropes galore: The Rebellious Spirit, The Gentle Giant, The Lovable Rogue, Just Like Robin Hood, Chaotic Good, The Mock Millionaire, The Drunken Sailor, The Reluctant Monster, The Shapeshifter, The Trickster, Boisterous Bruiser, and almost but getting there, The Anti-Hero.

Shelter: A former priestess with a golden heart, a loving soul, and the desire to bring as much happiness as she could to others. She was sacrificed to an evil entity for selfish gains. She has bits and pieces of The Messianic Archetype, The Idealist, and The Damsel in Distress.

Lasciv: An older gentleman, father of Champagne, with a huge voice and an even bigger heart. He's always telling stories, giving advice, or just generally loving others. He might be old, but he still stirs up trouble every now and then, and can hold his own in a fight. He has the ability to control and spread diseases through his blood. He's: The Mentor Archetype, more specifically Eccentric Mentor, The Storyteller, Father Neptune, and The Shell Shocked Senior.

.... yeah, I'm not even gonna try and pretend that I'm creative.

Game Help / Re: Mac?
« on: January 19, 2015, 03:20:41 AM »
I've seen people have success using WINE before. Worth giving it a try

Game Help / Re: Taming
« on: January 18, 2015, 05:50:46 AM »
At this point, taming has become antiquated. If you're looking for a challenge, or just wanna say 'yeah bro I totally tamed this one' then kudos. But your best (and sure) bet on getting a pet is going to the bazaar and spending medals. It's really the only way to know you're not spending hard-earned tames just arbitrarily trying to tame something that might not be tamable.

General / Re: What music are you listening to?
« on: January 18, 2015, 12:38:11 AM »
Easy, relaxing, yet upbeat. Totally my kind of dig.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oydbEwgUh_k" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oydbEwgUh_k</a>

It's like if soundscapes and alternative acoustics had a beautiful illegitimate lovechild.

Tutorials / Re: Apostrophe problems ' " ~ `
« on: January 16, 2015, 09:02:07 PM »
Huh. Learn something every day.

Last Moon Media / Re: Killing Slender
« on: January 16, 2015, 07:20:04 AM »
How long did it take you to find him? I've combed that forest top to bottom and I can never find him.

Have you tried turning on your flashlight?

jk but srs I've never gone in that forest and NOT had him show up. O:

Requests & Commissions / Re: LOAF BAKERY!!
« on: January 15, 2015, 08:58:41 PM »
Glad you like em! Cheers!

omg woman ily so much <33

You should like erect a shrine to me or something
Or vote for me
Which is basically the same thing

Excuse me while I politely proceed to jiggle your puffs.

Requests & Commissions / Re: LOAF BAKERY!!
« on: January 15, 2015, 10:56:13 AM »
The Loloaf is fresh and ready. Smell the pixelly goodness.

Giz wat r u doin
Giz stahp

Game Help / Re: Private Pets
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:49:03 PM »
Cool. Seems solved, locking~

Requests & Commissions / Re: LOAF BAKERY!!
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:10:47 PM »
That one's gonna be tasty

Requests & Commissions / Re: LOAF BAKERY!!
« on: January 13, 2015, 10:12:19 AM »

I got you bro.

To those who have buns in the oven, be patient. Our chefs are underpayed and lazy.

Game Help / Re: dire hawks .w.
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:47:54 AM »
I find those hawks are terrible to find. They look exactly the same as normal hawks to me, so I investigate each one

Yeah, I hate that. You go in to click on one and its just another common hawk. Call me flighty, but I find that whole situation too hawkward to handle. Its like you're right there, and then it just swoops in to hawk-block you.

This seems solved. Gonna go ahead and lock it. If you'd like it unlocked, shoot me a pm.

General / Re: Words?
« on: January 13, 2015, 07:58:20 AM »
At the request of several people that I dig through the forums to find this and make it a thing again, I necro this thread. May it rise from the dead and imbue knowledge upon the slovenly.

Here, even new words:

Having shapely buttocks
"Ay, gurl. I see you got dat Callipygian figure."

1. Of or relating to Cytherea
2. relating to the planet Venus (Scientific)
3. inspiring of affections esp. sexual
"You keep up with that Cytherean talk, I might just leave with you."

1. Very hot and dry
"torrid heat this afternoon"
-- Full of passion or highly charged emotions arising from sexual love
"A torrid love affair"
2. Full of difficulty or tribulation
"Wall street is in for a torrid time"

You're welcome.

Game Help / Re: Map Making
« on: January 13, 2015, 07:34:28 AM »
Developer applications are still open. They don't have to get permission for every map they make.

Game Help / Re: Private Pets
« on: January 13, 2015, 07:20:59 AM »
As far back as I can remember, only staff members can have private pets. For a short time, you could buy them with a TON of diamonds, but I don't think that's in place anymore.

Don't quote me on this, but maybe working out something with Myz by donating might be a workaround. Can I get a second staff member input?

Hope this was helpful!

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