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Messages - RaivenWings

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Last Moon Media / Re: MLG Last Moon
« on: August 17, 2015, 07:15:25 AM »

Last Moon Media / MLG Last Moon
« on: August 16, 2015, 11:07:19 PM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2rUtb1Ppu8" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2rUtb1Ppu8</a>

You're welcome.

Old News / Re: LM Menu Recreation Contest 6/7/15
« on: August 07, 2015, 05:07:23 AM »
...this is sad, bruh XDDD

Last Moon Media / Re: SOON.
« on: July 05, 2015, 07:08:24 PM »

Lyric... ><; Oh hun.

I've never had such bad anxiety but I've seen it in my mother and in some of my best friends. I have periods where I'll get overly anxious, but thankfully not as intense as some. I do, however, understand a lot about suffering from ADD and depression. From poor grades, not thinking there's anything good about yourself, and not understanding why you were delt the shit cards in life. I've been there.

I remember having some of these same fears to a lesser extent when I was younger. I'm still young, and still have shit cards in my hand, but soon you'll come to realize that there is so much more to life than the angst of your highschool (and college) years. That sounds corny and cheesy, I know, but there really is. A lot of things you can look back on and realize that, no matter how incredibly horrible they seem now, many of these issues won't matter later. Or, if they do, you'll have learned to see them coming and know how to act to prevent yourself from having panic attacks or dark thoughts.

A lot of what I want to say sounds cliche and trite, but know you can always throw me a message if you need to, on here or on skype if need be. Just believe me when I say you are not the only one. You're not alone with these feelings. And just know that it'll pass.

Old News / Re: LM Menu Recreation Contest 6/7/15
« on: June 30, 2015, 03:53:54 PM »
Oh booyah, something to do! :D

Old News / Re: LM Menu Recreation Contest 6/7/15
« on: June 30, 2015, 07:58:36 AM »
Is there a limit on how many entries per person? ;D

General / Re: You must never
« on: June 30, 2015, 04:25:25 AM »
So much truth XDDDDD

I won't touch the FH forums anymore, and haven't been in a public map besides the portal map in ages. My friends and I go on because we have our own huge collection of private maps, presents, emotes and more.

The majority of FH sparkle-derps and mate-humpers make it inhabitable in the public areas, which is why, in a plot my friends and I had, we assumed the FH 'region' was devoured by hell. CLOSE ENOUGH.

Art / Sketch Dump for frands :3
« on: June 28, 2015, 07:56:41 AM »
I little while ago I doodled. Everyone who's characters are featured here has seen this but OH WELL. Hi Last Moon, you get to see 'em too!

Candela [FaintSilhouette]
Keeper [BazookaNeon] Kiriwin [Shiro]
Ferret [FerretFoo]
Malia [Me] Acorn [FaintSilhouette]
Merrick [Husky] Hazel [Nitrobug]

Characters (c) to their respective owners~

General / Re: Valentine's Day Card Exchange!
« on: June 28, 2015, 03:42:09 AM »


General / Re: Show us your pets!
« on: June 25, 2015, 06:13:14 PM »
Guineas! *chants to see the guinea pigs*

General / Re: What prey/meshes do you want added in Last Moon
« on: June 13, 2015, 12:26:11 AM »
Wheeeeeeee--! Gonna throw my piece in.

Prey (not listed already)
Elk, moose, okapi, gazelle, foxes, rats, mice, opossums, toads, snakes, frogs, various fish/birds, fantasy creatures (maybe rare spawns only?) like gryphons, kirin/unicorns, enfields, bigfoot XD

Big yes on any human-y meshes. I think Town is one of my favorite maps in Last Moon, and I'd love to keep it and/or have some other Village-y maps around. Okay not talking about maps, meshes. Let's get some more undergrowth varition aside from from generic flowers/shrubs. I'm talking moss, stones, the little details that make standing in place in a map roleplaying a beautiful experience.
I'm also hoping for more... darker meshes. Maybe not as dark as CoS with the bodies and random gore, but the other stuff, like cages, chains, etc.

Literature & Poetry / A Conflict of Interest
« on: May 17, 2015, 10:48:28 PM »
The following is a short interaction between a few of my characters, following a crucial roleplay plot from a few years ago. People who don't know my characters may find this more than a little confusing XD

A Conflict of Interest

     "I generally tend not to judge anyone based solely on their attire, dear, but you could use a little re-vamp of your human wardrobe. Isn't that... I don't know, a bit medieval?"
     Silhouetted against the bright daylight behind him in the cave, a tall figure emerged with his hands tucked neatly into the folds of his flowing cloak. "Don't speak unless spoken to, Orphia. There are very few reasons to let you go on existing." The figure stepped into a small ray of sunlight filtered from the gaps in the cave-like structure of roots and stone. He lingered at the edge of the den, for if he stepped in much further, he'd have to duck his head in order to go on.
     Ruby lips parted ever so slightly in a seductive smile. "Darling. Come on -- you know I'd never turn a blind eye to a masterful creature as yourself. I see you're in need, otherwise you would not have come to see me." The soft click of inhuman limbs were in time with the crossing of her arms across her chest.
     The man sneered slightly, merely a twitch of his upper lip and the side of his nose. His features were sharp but clean, his pitch black hair in stark contrast to the almost vampiric paleness of his skin. She was speaking like she had a leg to stand on. Or, eight, to be precise. He was about to speak again when she crawled further out of the darkness toward him, running her palm across his cheek, careful to stick to the shadows. If he was capable of it, he was sure he'd feel sick to her touch. "Tell me, what can I do for you, 'O dark lord?" She chuckled quietly, easing those hands across his collar as the rest of her arachnid body inched closer, the tips of her legs clicking against the stone.
     "If you think your actions will work on me, my dear. They won't." He said, lowering those scarlet slits to stare into the pure blackness of her eyes. There was something so intense behind them -- even he was having issues reading her intentions. She laughed huskily, her lips mere inches from his. "I'm well aware. I'm just enjoying myself." Orphia raised her hand up the back of his hair, her fingers curling around one of the dark horns twisting from those black strands. She prodded the sharp tip before withdrawing her hand, narrowing her eyes at him. "But if you really wanted me dead, I would be. And we both know that. Now, Azaelon, darling, speak your mind. What do you need?"
     Hands still in his pockets, the man's throat rippled with a quiet but rather canine-like growl. He felt disgust for his lowly creature before him, but she was right -- he needed something from her. He wondered... was she simply the 'black widow seductress' she always seemed to appear as, or was it merely a card she played to hide her actual prowess as a powerful demoness? After all, it was rare to see her 'type' in such a high-ranking position, let alone with such a following as hers. "I need a spell." He said after a few moments, to which she pulled back slightly, blinking affably at him.
     "Is that it? Just a spell? Why, if that's the case, then why all the fuss?"
     "I need a spell to open the gates."
     Now Orphia's dark eyes boggled slightly, and she pulled back more, dropping her hands at her sides. "To Hell. The gates to Hell. You're not serious... are you? Do you know the kind of power it'd take to accomplish something like that? You'd need--"
     "A Reaper? A Guardian? Yes, I'm aware. I simply need the spell." While he was often a master of his own power, spells and black magic were not his strong suit. Using your own natural dark abilities and conjuring up the power to create a portal to another spacial dimension itself is an entirely different thing.
     Orphia drew her finger thoughtfully across her jaw, tapping her ruby lips with a dark claw. "You are serious. Okay, I'm game, love." Ooooh, was she game. It was fun enough being out up top on her own, but what if her lovlies could come and be at her side? She could easy take a chunk of whatever land Fang was attempting to corrupt, and rightfully so for giving him such a spell. Well, she'd have to find it first, but that wouldn't be much of a matter.
     "Can you get it or not?" Fang growled quietly, exhaling slowly. Orphia's smile returned to her lips, and she dropped her hands to her hips. "Of course I can. It migt take a bit, hopefully enough time for you to get the pieces of the puzzle, the Guardian and the Reaper... but..." Orpihia slinked forwards again, drawing herself up against his chest and looping her arms around his neck. "...You will share a bite with me, right? Let me guess -- FeralHeart, right? That's where those pesky little mortals have been toying with you, hmm? Maybe even help me later down the road."
     Orphia felt her body jerk with a sickening crunch just before a shriek of pain left her lips. Azaelon had moved so quickly, kicking one of her front legs sideways and snapping it like a twig. Sickly yellow-green blood trickled from her broken arachnid leg, and her cry was cut short as one of his hands wrapped around her throat and pushed her slowly back toward the wall of the cave.
     "You'll get what I see fit -- nothing more." He said softly, glowering into her wide eyes. She was a slimy, filthy excuse for a demon afterall, so it seemed. And bringing up his weaknesses in FeralHeart only helped to push his patience with the vile creature.
      Orphia gagged but didn't dare raise her body to fight him off. She could probably defend herself, but what was the point of showing off how strong she actually was? Her leg would grow back. And what the hell was his problem? Was he really having such an issue with his foes that the mere mention of them threw him into a fit?
      "F-Fine, wha-whatever you say, Fang!" She cried out, adding extra notes of desperation to her voice. He didn't release her though, merely narrowing his eyes further at her. "Don't test me, Orphia. There is a reason you're a far lower ranking demon than me. It seems you've forgotten how to respect your elders." He continued to walk her backwards, pushing her into a shaft of sunlight. Orphia's scream was real -- the sunlight burned, sizzling and exposing tissue under her flesh. Fang waited a few moments before releasing her, watching her shivel and cower back in the shadows. He didn't wait for her to speak again, turning and heading toward the exit with his cloak flowing behind him.
     Orphia shuddered, fury rising to her chest as she watched him leave. She'd get his spell, all right -- but he was missing a crucial element. "Dolum. Come here, darling." She said as soon as Fang had vanished. A dark gray, earless, canine-like demon emerged from the shadows, dipping his head in a subtle bow before rising his red eyes to hers. "Yes?"
     "Go with Fang. Help him catch May while I find this spell -- but don't let him know I sent you." She said, rubbing her throat as the skin began to heal on her charred face. "And sweety? When he does get them open, report back to me his strength. Find my followers and bring them to me. When Fang's rule is over... we will take FeralHeart."

Literature & Poetry / Re: The Löwin Chronicles
« on: December 20, 2014, 05:20:56 AM »
/Sits and waits patiently for things to read

Autobiography / Re: The Lovely Löwin
« on: December 13, 2014, 08:00:30 AM »
Hallooo, Lowin, and welcome to Last Moon! :D I have a question for you (to get that wonderful even number); How long have you been roleplaying? Hope to catch you in-game one day!

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