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Messages - War

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 22
Autobiography / Life updates, where I've been and if I'll stay
« on: December 02, 2018, 09:51:30 PM »
Well, this doesn't exactly fit into an introduction, nor does it fit into leaving/hiatus. This is more a general update as to why I've been gone (though I'm not sure how many folks know of me nowadays, lol!)

I've had a lot shit happen in my life, both good and bad, and I haven't really had the time to be around (obviously).
I'm in my last year of college and doing really well for myself, with a good outlook for attending university in the future. I may also be eligible for a scholarship for university for my chosen degree (computer science) which is real neat.

However I've also had issues to do with my health, both mental and physical, though thankfully I am finally getting someplace with that. But as things stand I will likely be taking a year out before I go to uni to make sure my health is in order (I require physiotherapy and there is a chance of needing major surgery in my future should things not go as well as I hope). But the silver lining is I finally have concrete diagnoses for my issues, which is a relief.

Do I still draw? Absolutely. And I've gotten much, much better. And I've taken up sculpting and painting too, which I've found a challenge but one I've been taking in stride nonetheless.

Will I be staying? I have no idea! Maybe someday I'll be back to play or even offer my IT and artistic skills if they're wanted. For now, though, life's a bit hectic and everything is uncertain.
Again, I wouldn't much call this a 'going on hiatus' post, though if y'all mods think it's best suited in that category then I trust your call on it.

So, yeah. That's where I've been. Hope y'all oldguard folks I know have been doing okay, and for you new folks I hope you're enjoying the community!

Introductions / i guess im back
« on: October 29, 2017, 01:46:36 PM »
sup assholes im back
[gets banned for swearing]

anyway HI i guess i'm back sorta??
i successfully made it to 6th/college-level study and i'm doing IT and stuff so. that's where my life has gone and that's why i'm dead LMAO

Autobiography / Re: hello i am a human being
« on: February 27, 2017, 10:09:37 PM »
welcome to our personal purgatory.

Discussion & Suggestions / More efficient chatbox replacement?
« on: February 21, 2017, 04:42:36 PM »
Okay so,
I realise that our current chatbox on-site does get the job done, but I have a proposal that offers far more flexibility for chatters.
And the proposal is known as IRC.
Some of you may have heard of this, but for those of you who don't, IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. Now IRC is available on many, many different networks however the one I am familiar with the most is synIRC (but we'll get to that later).

So how does it work?
In an IRC chat you can set up 'channels': these channels can be connected to by users using an IRC Client. This allows users to chat in the same channel from anywhere, provided they're on the same network (i.e synIRC)

What makes an IRC channel a better alternative is the fact that Moderators and Administrators can me appointed positions of power in the channel. This means that if anyone is spamming in the chatbox, that specific user can be kicked by a half-operator, moderator, admin, or the channel owner to prevent further spamming. Spammers and/or trolls can also be banned from the channel, though I suspect that won't be much of an issue.
(There is also 'voiced' users which allows users to speak during a channel mute, but this is less relevant.)
A chat 'topic' can also be set by channel operators, meaning that important announcements can be in plain sight for everyone to see.

An IRC client also allows for a user to see the number of members logged in to that specific channel, however this can be disabled with special channel 'modes'.

There are literally dozens of channel modes, including ones that can make the channel hidden to all users outside of this website, and modes that prevent channel message 'flooding' (or put simpler, a certain amount of messages posted by one user in a certain timeframe.)

And the real kicker is, anyone can access this channel from anywhere. There are clients for mobile and web that are independent of the embed chatbox, meaning users don't even have to be on this website to see the chatbox!

And yes, I know where I can get a lag-free and easy-to-use client embed, and I know how to set it up too! :>

EDIT: Did I mention you can also use the embedded client to live-time PM users? And you can also establish your own sub-channels for RP groups too. And for staff, you could make your own hidden, invite-only channel as well.

beats discord and skype any day //COUGHS

Art / Re: Twerking clowdfish
« on: February 13, 2017, 12:54:03 AM »



Contests & Events / Re: February Monthly Prizedraw
« on: February 08, 2017, 07:54:53 PM »
I want to enter the prizedraw


Autobiography / I think...
« on: February 08, 2017, 01:37:57 AM »
...I may have done one of these already?
Anyway lol I wanna do another. Something for newer folks to refer to?

Hoi, I'm War/Kath, and I'm currently a GCSE (soon to be sixth or college) student from the UK.
I currently study Art and IT, as well as geography, and in the next few years I hope to take myself to a University in mainland Europe to study and work in cyber security and database management :'>

I've prooobably been a member of the game itself for 3 or maybe 4 years now at this rate, iono. Been here a helluva long time for sure!

Anyway I'm generally a lazy and tired kid who enjoys doodlin' and for the most part doesn't bite all that hard either. Maybe.
Be seein' ya! :'P





Game Help / Re: Malfunction?
« on: February 03, 2017, 10:32:20 PM »
Press the Alt Gr key to the right of your spacebar, and that will stop the spinning when pressing A and D

Art / Re: some of que's stuff
« on: February 03, 2017, 10:14:55 PM »

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