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Messages - Mondevu

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Re: Unable To Redeem Medals
« on: August 12, 2018, 05:08:49 AM »

I'm dumb. XD So sorry. Thank you^^;; =Squirrels away=

Game Help / SOLVED - I'm blind XD
« on: August 11, 2018, 04:20:31 PM »
So I've been questing for a while and I went to the Medal NPC to trade out for some Silver Medals. I cleared out my stash of all the items I didn't want, but I can't purchase the Silver Medal even though I have enough Bronze Medals. I keep getting the following message in the chat.

Introductions / Returning!
« on: July 31, 2018, 12:56:22 AM »
Hey there! ^_^ The name's Mondevu. Been around the IT community as a lurker for quite a while. I've even been here once before a few years ago. Some of you may remember my Hunting Zone map that was allowed on SoE & IW back in the day (no, it's not coming with me; that map has retired and most places don't allow custom maps anymore), and I also was a frequent visitor of FH. I like that this server does things differently, and wanted to get back into it again. :3

Now, for those of you who are curious outside of the initial introduction, here's my IT history:

I got my start on Impressive Title V4. Or at least I think it was V4. I know it was back when all the models looked polygonal and weren't as smooth in shading as they are now. XD Roleplayed a great deal back then, had a few characters (one of which has stayed with me the whole trip). Then items and hunting were brought into the game and suddenly no one wanted to RP anymore. Obviously, this frustrated me, cause while I didn't mind the idea of hunting critters to get items, it was all anyone would ever do. I still had a lot of creativity I wanted to bring with me, but I would have other players legitimately stop mid-RP to go hunt something they had seen a hundred times before in other maps. So I grew to hate hunting.

I was thrilled to learn that Feral Heart was not going to have hunting and items, and sure enough there was a much greater focus on roleplaying. But as we all know, KovuLKD released the oIT code to the wild. I was actually kind of excited to go back and see all the maps I missed, and as more serves came out I finally found myself enjoying hunting. When it made sense, that is. There were those servers where item drop rates were garbage and prey was literally impossible to kill. I avoided those. But I've got Skype as my primary RP platform now, so while I do still enjoy RPing on IT style ervers, I also have an enjoyment of item hunting as well.

Plus it's just fun to see the bizarre prey that pops up these days. I laughed when I saw the pokemon running around on here. XD Anyway, I'm glad to be back and I look foward to seeing people in-game. ^_^ Hopefully even to RP, if anyone's interested. See ya'll in-game!

Game Help / Account Reset/Delete Requested
« on: July 30, 2018, 05:32:08 AM »
Hello! I joined Last Moon quite a while ago (prolly a couple years by now), and had an account in the game. I know my forum account was deleted due to inactivity, which is fair. However it seems now that I'm back, I can't access my in-game account. I don't remember the password to it, and I'd like to just start from scratch since it has been so long. So I was wondering if someone from the staff team could please delete it so I can recreate it? The username should still be Mondevu. Any help would be much appreciated! ^_^

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