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Topics - Haruki

Pages: [1] 2
Hi everyone. I'd like to bring this to the attention of anyone who has ever had that moment where you feel like you have run out of things to say in a rp and people are waiting on you to finish your post (I.e. everyone, ever).

Don't worry. There is always something there to be said. You just have to reach out and grab them

If that isn't inspiring, I don't know what is. Keep on rping like pros, Last Moon.

Leaving/Hiatus / Haru (Still) Hasn't Gotten It Together
« on: May 09, 2015, 02:32:39 AM »
Like, not even a little.

It's dead-center of finals week
The tears, they doth streak.
A new job, while rewards I do reap
Leaves me not with time to... sheep.

Yeah, no, this full time work and school thing is exactly 0% as easy as I thought oh my god. I love you all, and I want to slather my love inappropriately across LastMoon at will. But alas, Satan proclaimed that numbers and letters shall be mixed in math, whatever lane you're driving in shall be slowest, food is not free, and exams shall be final.

My summer's not far out. Bout a week or so, and I'll be able to get on in the evening hours. Maybe do the staff thing, too.

Please enjoy this rendition of the pennywhistle solo from My Heart Will Go On.

Introductions / Wtf Haru get it together
« on: February 28, 2015, 11:22:33 PM »
Sob I'm trying okay.

So, I dropped off the face of the earth there for a while. There's really no good excuse for abandoning post, but I will say its two parts college and one part Supernatural responsible for my absence. I offer no apologies.

But I'm back now and swinging. For those who PMed me and never got a reply, I'll get back to you asap.

Forgive me for my sins, LastMoon.

General / Valentine's Day Card Exchange!
« on: February 14, 2015, 08:03:58 PM »
Happy V-day, everyone! This is like a little corkboard for the community where you can post a valentines day card for anyone on the forum. Give it to a friend, a stranger, a staff member, and if you have enemies, they could use a day of love too.

For FaintSilhouette

For RaivenWings

(Only Supernatural fans will get that one)

For Zaroque

For BazookaNeon

For Raksha

For Aquaranha

For Husky

For StarryNightSoul

For FerretFoo

*flings love at LM angrily*

Requests & Commissions / LOAF BAKERY!!
« on: January 06, 2015, 03:48:13 AM »

So I don't know why but I saw this image and just had a gigglefit and then I was like, I'M GONNA MAKE A CATLOAF and so I did. But no, I couldn't just stop there. I had to make more. LOTS more. Loafs of characters of all kinds, each with their own flavor of loafery. Here's what came of it:

Champloaf-- Haruki

Torridloaf-- Haruki

Amphoraloaf-- BazookaNeon

Mayloaf-- FaintSilhouette

Demonloaf-- Raivenwings

Jelloloaf-- Husky275

Luxloaf-- SuperNoodlePot

Lithloaf-- Shiro

Runeloaf-- Bazookaneon

Tiborloaf-- Snackman

Taniloaf-- Dutchval

Bellaloaf-- Belladonna

Loloaf-- Lowin

Gizfangloaf-- WarFang


Do you want one?

Of course you do! All I need is a fullbody screenshot/art of your character and I'll make it rain pixels up in here. I don't mind making several for one person, so people who I've already made one for can just spam this with requests. But it's gonna cost you. What, you thought this was free? Nope. The price for each pixel is one vote for me on the Staff of the Year competition.

loljk its free. But you should vote anyway.

Code: [Select]
Character name:

Buns in the oven:

remember kids, vote for Haruki. She'll jiggle your puffs.

Discussion & Suggestions / /Pick Map
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:03:08 AM »
Super simple idea that popped into my head.

It's a game command where, much like how one rolls x number of dice of y sides, the game uses the same randomizer to pick a map. The command could be /Pickmap and an auto-message names a random map. It would be extremely useful for people starting roleplays and things like that, and argue over what maps to go to. Or, just to try it and get into some less used maps more often.

I know that you can always say something like Savannah1, Crater2, Default3 and then roll a dice of three sides to decide which one to go to. But that limits you to how many maps you can think up or want to type. It would be much easier just to type /Pickmap and have yourself an adventure.

Would you guys use this?

Last Moon Media / SOON.
« on: October 17, 2014, 04:53:11 AM »
Happy throwback Thursday. To celebrate, I'm bringing an old thread back with my little friend, Kumeyaaye.

Or should I say... SOONMEYAAYE.


Person who posts the best SOON screenshot wins the internets.
Amuse me, peasants.

Discussion & Suggestions / Guys Check this Out!
« on: August 25, 2014, 05:48:01 AM »
Okay I know I caught it mid-loading but I think... I think this actually looks a lot cooler than the current set up we have with the mild gray tables.

I mean, just look!

Isn't that sexy af?

This is uber going in as a suggestion from Haru because hnng. It's so beautiful. ;w;

Presets & Markings / [Whispers] I did a thing.
« on: August 16, 2014, 10:15:22 PM »

Doesn't look like this little update's gonna be put ingame any time soon. So, I figured I'd show it off while I can before the revamp comes out.

Forum Help / Tables?
« on: July 02, 2014, 03:02:48 AM »
Hey guys. I've scoured the internet for the codes that would be compatible with this forum (HTTML, BBCode, Anything under the umbrella of SMF 2.0.8 ) and none of it is working with this forum's formatting.

I'd like to achieve a simple table, with background color and two rows. My goal is to try and make something like what I made here:

Even using the basic table that the button on the posting options provides, doesn't create a true-to-form table.

Code: [Select]

Makes this:

I'm out of ideas. Help? Staff, super-smart people? Jimmy Neutron?

Discussion & Suggestions / Character Limits
« on: July 01, 2014, 07:51:21 AM »
I made a thread similar to this on the old forum, and got a generally "yeah sure" feel out of it. However, a recent conversation I had with Rimisa, Bazookaneon,  and FaintSilhouette brought this back to the forefront of my mind. I'd like to do the same for all of you.

A large drawback to roleplaying ingame is the very short character limit that inhibits most paragraph style rpers from getting a well constructed thought out in one post. It gets confusing when there's more than two people, and posts get jumbled between each other. Sure, taking turns helps this, but it gets lengthy waiting for others. Especially once its 5+ users.  It will take an hour to go through a full rotation, and essentially nothing happened. So we have to either cut one another off, or make our thoughts more simplistic and neither of those is fun.

I'd like to see the character limit be VASTLY extended-- trippled or quadrupled, if not removed altogether.

"But Haru, the spamming! They could clear a chat in default.!"

They can do it now, even with the character limit. It isnt hard. Fill your chat with nonsense, hit the up button. Enter, enter, up. Post it infinitely.  And lets be honest,its not that big a problem. Trolls will troll as they please. And if it DOES become a problem,  report and praise the block button for His excellence.

The same goes for forum posts. Honestly? I had to send six PMs to one person to share ONE savechat with them. And with that stupid "you posted in the last 60 seconds" thing,  that was hella tedious. Know those feels?

What do you guys think? Vote, comment, hate/bash/love/exalt.

Mini-Games / Vending Machine
« on: June 17, 2014, 03:00:10 AM »
Here's a fun little game I learned a long, long while back and would like to bring to LM.

No one knows what you're gonna get from the magic vending machine. It could be /anything/.

Here's how it goes.
Player 1:
"Ca-clink! You get an old phonograph!

Inventory: A used shoe
A Zaroque stuffie"

Player 2:
"Ooo A phonograph!
Ca-clink! You get 500 baseball cards"

An old phonograph."

And so on. The goal of the game is to get the longest inventory list, with the most interesting items. The more creative the better!

I'll start us off:

Ca-clink! You get twenty pairs of toenail clippers.

Inventory: None.

Autobiography / Kendruki.
« on: June 17, 2014, 02:06:21 AM »
All the cool kids are doing this...so I'm doing it too. ;u;



Name: Kendra
Sex: Female
Age: Eighteen
Habitat: Pacific Coast, USA
Status: Taken (By human, and bird)

Hobbies: Aquatic sports, painting (digital and traditional), Last-mooning, volunteer work, massive collaging projects, roleplaying.
Things irrelevant to my interests: Nascar, ukulele lessons, accounting, little-league anything, cosplay
Things contradictory to my interests: Babies, writer's block, stomach indigestion, garage fires, twerking, family reunions,and, most recently added, foam fingers.

Best thing to note about me: I'm friendly, but sometimes my sense of humor leans towards the twisted side. Don't take a word I say seriously!
Also, Roleplay is the quickest way to my heart. Like, expressway. Come at me with them para's, gurl.

Oh, so I tried to make myself into a lion version. I got this. Dafuq, right?

Soyeah, that's me. I think I'll just drop on out of here.

"Peace out, mofos"

Game Help / Never go full hillbilly.
« on: June 17, 2014, 02:00:06 AM »
Champ went full hillbilly. Never go full hillbilly.

Hi guys. There's a teethtex issue going on, and I wanted to know if it's just me, or if everyone's seeing this too. I see this not just on my own preset, but on all of them. They're perfectly normal, minus the hillbilly-ness. As slapstick and funny it is to see, it kind of ruins some good screenshot opportunities.

Didn't want to just go straight to the staff and ask them to update if it's just a problem with myself. Weigh in?
Anyone else see any characters headin' to the honkey-tonk?

Literature & Poetry / Short Stories for the Studious Soul
« on: June 17, 2014, 01:57:07 AM »
Hello all! As much as I love writing novel-length stories, I can't finish them just as much as anyone wants to take the time to read them. So, I give you a set of short stories meant to entertain, to comment, to sadden, and not necessarily in that order.

  • Word counts will range anywhere from 500 to 2,000 words.
  • Constructive Criticism is appreciated.
  • If you want your character written about, ask me. Maybe I'll get an idea.

Featured Characters

Champagne© Haruki
Torrid © Haruki
Akari © Banana1003
Kozuka © Haruki
Natyerii © Husky275
May © FaintSilhouette
Demon © Raivenwings
Victory © Haruki
Valor © Shiro
Passion © Raivenwings
Fang © Raivenwings

Story Name: "Tusk You"
Featured Character: Champagne, Kozuka, Akari, Natyerii, May
Genre: Comedy
Word Count: 1,360
Status: Polishing
Rating: T, for Champ's naughty mouth
Summary: Kozuka's being an ass. How will the other Pyrrhic Passion
 members react to him antagonizing Champagne?
More importantly, will Champ decide to kill him kindly?[/font]

Spoiler for Hiden:
She had to admit, Crater sure was beautiful. So this was how her newly budding acquaintance lived? “And you said you live with a pride?” Natyerii asked curiously.

 May, who had not yet developed into her monstrous genes, nodded as she balanced of paws she hadn’t grown in to while she showed her around. “Yeah. It’s called Pyrrhic Passion. Nice bunch of people. Eccentric, but nice,” May said fondly.  Having already toured the small pond rimmed in cherryblossom trees, and the stone-like shelters near it, she led the much smaller demoness through the main thicket in the heart of the territory.

 May knew that, not only were the pride members not the “YOU ON MAH TERRITORY, YOU DIE!” type, but with herself as an escort, there was little conflict to be had. She could take confidence in their leader, Champagne, to welcome newcomers with open arms. Well, with her recommendation, that is.

 Not too far a distance away, under a natural stone awning in the base of a shallow crater, said leader was absolutely livid. She’d recently found the love of her life, and he’d reciprocated her infatuation, and they had announced their intent to be mate-bound before the pride with many congratulations. So why was she so upset?

In a word: Kozuka.

“I’m just saying,” The brutish lion continued haughtily, “He’s such a pussyfooter! I’ve had bowel movements with more leadership skills than that guy!”

Champ’s eye twitched with fury, rubbing her pulsating temple with the blunt end of her claw. “Kozuka… I swear, if you don’t shut up…” she growled under her breath.

Oh, but then that wouldn’t be Kozuka. “This pride needs a leader with a backbone!  And you picked the  invertebrate. What do you see in the guy?”

“Kozuka,” Champagne interrupted.

He didn’t seem to notice. “I mean, sure, if you’ve got a hankering for the effeminate shy-guy. But as a leader?” His paw gestured about animatedly to make his point. Somehow, his tone of voice still came across as passive-aggressive.


“Don’t get me wrong, he’s pretty nice for a twat…”

“UGH, You are such an ass, do you know that?” Champ let out a guttural sound of frustration deep in her throat. She shot to her paws, her white fur  half-lit in her rage.

“Hey, whoa, there’s no need for name calling…” Kozuka managed to stare back dryly, even as her fiery eyes flared under the shadow of her mane. Her irate scoff brought him back on his line of thinking. “What I mean, is, Champ, you can do better.” His dark violet eyes flashed with a glimmer of mischief under the hood of his lids. “A lot better.”

Champ leveled him with an incredulous glower. Her tail had its own furious swordplay behind her, flicking like the flames she wished would shoot from the earth and boil his eyeballs from the inside. “Kozuka,” she barked. Bring on the rage. “I'd sooner pleasure myself with an elephant tusk than even consider you a suitor!”

Kozuka’s mane was blown back by the force of her holler, and his ears were wafer-thin against his neck as he watched Champ storm off. Her movements were tight, mechanical, and her lips were drawn in a grim line.

Akari, a close friend of Kozuka’s, could only stop and watch as her leader rolled right by like a hurricane across the coast. Best not to intervene, the decidedly intelligent lioness thought. She glanced towards the awning that Champ had left, and found a grumpy-looking Kozuka beneath it.

“Hey. So… what was that about?” she asked conversationally. She always knew how to approach him, how to not set off his oh-so-sensitive belligerent button.

Oh, hell. Of course, Akari decides to show up now of all times. He had only a few options. He could ignore her until she went away, which likely wouldn’t happen because she’d just extract it —whether orally or rectally—from him. So that was out. Leaving only the option of the truth or… maybe an idealized view of it.

Meh, fuck it. He’s still stewing, and feeling temerarious as usual. “I have no idea,” Kozuka lamented, looking all the victim. “I wouldn’t mess with her today. She must be in heat, or something.” He visibly shuddered.

Somehow, Akari wasn’t completely buying it. Champagne had been nothing but nice to her, if not maybe a little intense at moments. “Uh-huh… so what happened?” she prompted.

“I don’t know,” he repeated, “I was just laying here, minding my own business, and then here comes Champ telling me about some crazy kinky shit that she’s into. Needless to say, I was perturbed.”

Akari’s eye twitched. “Crazy… kinky shit…?” she echoed.

“Yeah, like, masochistic. You want to know what she told me?” He didn’t notice as her baby-blue gaze shifted from him to directly through him. “She told me about how she pleasures herself with an elephant tusk.”

Akari’s lack of response made a silence hang heavy in the air. Suddenly, and seemingly without provocation,  she burst into laughter. “What?” he asked. She only shook her head, bracing her ribs against the force of her mirth. It proved too much, and her airy giggling won the knock-down as she collapsed to the ground, rolling from side to side. Oh, Kovu! It was just too funny! It hurts! It hurts!

Kozuka quirked a brow down at her. Sure, it was funny, chuckle-worthy even. And then he felt it. A twinge, a sense, a pinch, a twitch, call it what you will; He felt it. Champagne stood behind him, her eyes boring an inferno into the back of his head. Her glare was so strong, it could shift the Earth’s axis a few degrees. Metaphorical flames shot out of her spikey fur, ominous clouds gathering over her head and shooting lightning bolts down about her.
He swallowed. “She’s right behind me, isn’t she?” he asked. Akari nodded, her laughter reaching a crescendo.

Kozuka’s eyes turned, followed timidly by his head, to catch only a meager glimpse of her ire. In the same moment that his gut was turned to magma mush, he felt her paw immediately on top of his head, ramming his face down into the dirt. His muzzle smooshed like a pug, Kozuka let out a low moan of pain. He probably couldn’t get up if he tried, which was a testament to just how utterly pissed off Champ was given his size. She’s strong when she’s angry!

“Hello, Akari,” she said pleasantly, sweetly, even. “My, you look lovely today. More so than usual. How are you?” Champagne was nothing short of saccharine, her fangs glimmering in the bits of sunlight let through the shade structure.
“I’m good, thanks…” Akari had just sat back up, having finally gotten her laughter under control. In light of Champagne’s sweetness, even with her taut muscles forcing the lion’s face deeper and deeper into the dirt, Akari didn’t know whether to be afraid or, well, afraid. “How’re you…?” She ventured, with no small amount of trepidation.

“Oh, me? I’m doing just fine,” Champ answered conversationally. Her eyes turned down towards her subdued quarry, and Akari watched as they flared to life with her wrath. “Except for the vexing presence of a certain asshat.”

He could only let out a muffled “mmmph.” It only served to get dirt in his nostrils.

Akari gave in to her mild amusement of Kozuka’s very submissive—and painful looking—position, and let the grin twitching at her lips crack. She opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the sound of laughter. Kozuka’s exposed eye slid up to the top of the hill, finding what it was Champ and Akari’s attentions had snapped to: May, up at the crest, with a non-hostile looking feline at her side, chuckling to themselves.

“I’m so in!” She heard Natyerii say enthusiastically, marred by giggles.

Ah, good, Champ thought smugly, more people to see his embarrassment. Her look of superiority didn't last long, as she heard May reply.
“Welcome to Pyrrhic Passion,” she sniggered. “Where the leader tusks herself regularly.”

Champagne’s face flushed so hard, that her red cheek stripes faded away.

Story Name: "The 9th"
Featured Character: Torrid
Genre: Comedy/Romance
Word Count: 527
Status: Polishing
Rating: M, to be safe.
Summary: Torrid doubts he could survive this night in one piece...

Spoiler for Hiden:
He'd fallen from a cliff, that was one.

He could still remember the shell-shocking sensation of nothing beneath his paws. Gravity wasn't known for its niceties, but consistency. He cried and flailed and felt distinctly like a pup birthing from a standing mother, then had succumbed to deceleration trauma. Cute euphemism, that was, he'd say to brush off his injuries after he'd awoken.

Oh, he certainly lost another when he'd been on the receiving end of moose antlers. That had certainly been a bad day. As though it wasn't enough that he'd lost his kill, he was maimed by it before his future ex-girlfriend. Needless to say, he'd gone to bed hungry that night, and in more ways than one.

Fire ants sucked dick, he knew full well. He had thought those to be the worst. Had, prior. Number three in chronology, but not agony! The dark-pelted wolf felt a shiver run down his spine at the very thought despite the warm temperate air of the forest. Those fire ants probably should have taken two rather than one.

A near-drowning, four. Elephant stampede, five. An earthquake, a good brawl, sleeping in the snow; six, seven, eight.

Of all the ways that he'd lost one of his nine lives, this certainly had to be the most fatalistic.

He felt his blood boil, evaporating the fluids from his body and sapping him of any semblance of strength. He wanted to sink to his knees, sob and howl in anger and rage as he was set ablaze. The cool night air laved against him, yet doing nothing to cool the burn. He was aflame, a living inferno threatening to start a continent of wildfire.

She lay before him, touchable, yet so far beyond him. He swallowed hard, feeling his gullet sink to his paws then back. If he didn't shut his gaping trap, his tongue might go the same route. Long, think tendrils of her hair flowed across her shoulders and onto the ground, half-veiling her eyes as she tossed a look back at him. "Well?" she asked, her voice inviting, yet impatient. He gave a low whimper as he stared at the back of her head, willing himself to come closer, yet afraid that he will reach his boiling point and float away on the cool night breeze. He knew that as soon as he touched her, broke that barrier, it would be all over.

She sighed, swishing her tail from one side to the other and unknowingly goading him into further realms of lasciviousness and forcing him to acknowledge pent base desires. His lust, interminable. Her draw, incomprehensible.

His crimson eyes darkened as his pupils expanded with audacity, staring at the object of both of their desires. She'd entreated him, him! Of all, he'd been asked to scratch the itch she couldn't satisfy herself. Wide, flaring hips framed the entire purpose of this encounter. His nostrils flared, and he felt his entire body tremble with internal siege.

"Are you going to pull this tick off of me? It hurts..."

He stared a little longer, then nodded.

Come to think of it, wolves don't get nine lives, do they?

Story Name: "Champagne's Garden"
Featured Character: Champagne
Genre: Tragedy
Word Count: 349
Status: Polishing
Rating: PG
Summary: How many little flowers must Champagne plant beneath the wide elm tree?

Spoiler for Hiden:
Champagne smiled fondly, dressing the sweet little creature in a ring of paw-strung wildflowers. She’d worked meticulously on the collar. Her claws were designed for the shredding of flesh, not for the tedious task of weaving chlorophyll strands together. Still, the young mother had worked tirelessly, undeterred by the gentle nudges of concern from  her loved ones.

Beneath the wide elm tree, that same elm tree where she’d been conceived, the little pup lay quietly in her upturned paws, as though she was sleeping. Champagne smiled at the peaceful expression on her daughter’s face, the dappling of light filtering through the wide canopy in pockets of shadow. Mother and daughter’s pelts nearly matched, the beams highlighting the red manes and shadows darkening their white pelts in the most aesthetically pleasing contrasts.

Beneath the elm tree, the same elm tree, he’d said it. “Stay with me.” He’d said it. “Champagne… be the mother of my cubs.” He’d said it! “I’ll never leave you.”

Beneath the wide elm tree, he’d wrapped his arms around her. She’d felt safe, she felt wanted. She'd wanted to give him everything, and she did.

“Your new sister,” she cooed, smoothing the little tuft of crimson hair from the cub’s face. She turned to the little patch of growing wildflowers, of weeds, dandelions. She’d always thought the more resilient were most beautiful. “Isn’t she beautiful? Welcome her.”

Beneath the wide elm tree, he’d told her he needed an heir. If not from her, then from someone else. It was her fault; It was her muddied heritage.

And there, beneath the wide elm tree, the same elm tree, where she’d done so many times before,  Champagne hunched over and clutched the silent, tiny body to her chest. The birdsong ceased, as though they knew that she needed a moment of silence.  She’d done this so many times, grew accustomed to the silence, and she grew accustomed to the void within her chest. Her little friend, her constant companion. It wasn't going away anytime soon, so she might as well befriend it.

Champagne placed the quiet cub in the shallow indentation and began to fill it.

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