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Topics - Ellywyn

Pages: [1]
General / Homework Help (Spam?)
« on: October 05, 2014, 12:20:21 AM »
This is for Statistics, since none of my classmates feel the need to do any work over the weekend... on an assignment DUE ON MONDAY... but, to each his own.
I've resorted to online attacks! WHOPPERS! XD Everyone on Deviantart and FB are too busy doing nothing. SO... Here I am.

Ellywyn sobs uncontrollably. "I just want to get straight A's!"

Question: What animal do you see me as? (Thank you, Mrs. Conrad, for giving Mrs. Kent the idea to dip into psycology. It's pretty cool, actually. But stillullullulalalululululululololol.)
It can be anything: From an insect, to a bird, to a fish... i.e. Deer, horsefly, dragonfly, chickadee, rottweiler, parrotfish, shrimp, orca, giraffe, zebra, lion, etc.

::So far I Have::

Deer - 1

Golden Eagle - 1 (Gryphons not allowed. :/)

Fox - 2

**I do cumulative frequency/etc. after I collect all necessary data points (I need at least 20). Thank you in advance! :3 Eww chaaaaarts.

That chest cold? Yeah, not a chest cold. XD It's progressed a bit, thanks to me being stupid and deciding I wanted to walk in the RAIN, because - because--chest cold! As it turns out, I have pneumonia--as the title boasts.
So, while it pains me deeply to know it's going to kill my friends, my post count, and all you lovelies, I'm going to pop in less, and rest more for the next two days.
Just so you know I don't hate yah, I'm just snoozing. It's been storming a lot anyways, and our internet has been fuzzy at best. Yuck. It sure beats living in smog-city, though!
Carry on! Tarry long!

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qr54rgJGUQ4" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qr54rgJGUQ4</a>

Mini-Games / Type With Your Eyes Closed
« on: June 22, 2014, 05:42:42 PM »
So. Yeah. Self-explanatory---except here's how we do it: The user above you has a word they want you to type. No peeking...

Poster 1 > "Type: Conglomeration."
Poster 2 > "Ckglmertipn. LOL Close, right?
                  Type: Fickle."

Poster 3 > "Fickle. Easy!
                  Type: Whipperwallop!"

Poster 4 > "Wjillerqallop. That's not even a word!
                  Type: Sphinx."

And so on!

I shall start: Type: Grieves.

Introductions / Hello!
« on: June 17, 2014, 05:20:11 PM »
I just wanted to greet the other members of this forum and let them know I don't bite... Much. XD
Hello! I am Ellywyn. Ell, Ellie, Winnie, Lea, and Red all work as alternatives.
My favorite book series are WARRIOR CATS, WATERSHIP DOWN, and
TALES FROM REDWALL along with SKULDUGGERY PLEASANT. (I have so many others it isn't funny, but that's the gist.)

Though my all-time favorite book is Blood and Chocolate, by Annette Curtis Klause (it is not as bad as it sounds, though I would recommend it only for 17+ mentality. I discovered it when I was 13, however I was told I had the mind of a 40-year-old, so I never really cared about... Y'know. :/).

I will admit that I love comics (I am a geek/nerd/hippie/activist rolled into one), and once aspired to be a graphic novelist. But that was two years ago. XP
I love reading, writing, Anthropology, Psychology, German, Latin, math... I love to learn, in general.
I adore all animals... But I do not have any love for bugs. Idon'thatethem. I just wouldn't want to wake up to a stampede of tiny legs crawling all over me. Puppy legs, okay. Hippos are a bit too big, but you get the idea.

I love swimming, and hiking! Soccer is pretty cool, though I can't play worth beans.

I guess that's all... for now. :)

Thanks for stopping by!

Sorry if I blinded you with my colors!

Oh, no-no-no-nonononono! HO--LD IT! 

You should all nuzzle me before you go. Because nuzzles are love. And you should love me. I love YEW! <3
Not in a creeper way.

Mini-Games / Alphabet Soup
« on: June 17, 2014, 01:48:38 PM »
Alphabet Soup is About Life

Intructions: The first person to post on a new round (the person has posted about zee) chooses a theme (like, ''animals,'' or ''cars''). The rest of the poor suckers going down the line have to find a word that starts with that letter.

Example: Theme = Food
Poster 1: A is for Apple.
Poster 2: B is for Bark -- tree, bark.
...skipping to the end...
Poster 26: Z is for Zapples! Okay, new theme is animals!
Poster 27: A is for Alligator!

And there you have it!

I will start it with an easy one: Animals!

A is for African Civet!

Mini-Games / Rhyme Zone
« on: June 17, 2014, 01:42:06 PM »
The Rhyming Game - each poster gets one line, and it must rhyme with the one above it. A new sentence = a new rhyme.
After a new page starts, you begin with a new word (lite, bright, kite, might --new page!-- dog, log, fog, etc.)

Poster eins (1): I had a chicken named bob.
Poster swei (2): I was walking down the--omgyglob!
Poster drei (3): The candy cane man took out a golden fob!

And so on and so forth. It doesn't even need to make sense!

I'll start:

Pinklefunk is my name.

Mini-Games / Lie to Me
« on: June 17, 2014, 01:35:02 PM »
I felt we needed more games.

Here's one I used to play a lot--it became harder and harder as time went on, for obvious reasons--and that's when it became the most interesting!

Instructions: You post three things about yourself, and people have to guess which is the lie. It's a fun way to aggravate buddies! XD

I'll start:

+ My favorite color is pink and green (together--in a pattern).
-  I dislike anything on my feet.
* I love autumn the most out of all the seasons.

General / Words?
« on: June 17, 2014, 03:48:12 AM »
I wanted to share some stuff.

Obacerate - verb -  used most commonly from 1656 -1658
Meaning: To stop one's mouth.
Example: "When he swore onstage, several audience members obacerated themselves." They shut their mouths, for they were so surprised and/or horrified.

http://phrontistery.info/clw3.html (Reference: Compendium of Lost Words.)

Scelidate - adj   - 1877-1877
Meaning: Having legs; legged
Example: "The legless dragon of Eastern myth contrasts with its scelidate Western counterpart."

Suffarcinate - v - 1656 -1656
Meaning: To load up; to stuff
Example: "His daughter suffarcinated the moving van with a hoard of old clothing, much to his chagrin."

And others:

amandation   n    1656 -1755
act of sending away or dismissing
His rude amandation of his guests earned him a reputation for curtness.

amarulence   n    1731 -1755
bitterness; spite
After losing her job to a less qualified man, she was full of amarulence.

mancation   n    1727 -1727
maiming; mutilation
The general would suffer no mancation or execution of fallen enemy troops.

ictuate   v    1822 -1822
to emphasize; to put metrical stress on
She preferred free verse over carefully-ictuated classical poetic styles.

noscible   adj    1654 -1654
knowable; well-known
It is noscible that no amount of training can make up for experience in the field.

novaturient   adj    1679 -1679
desiring changes or alterations
The novel's author rightly rejected the novaturient wishes of the screenwriters

nubivagant   adj    1656 -1656
moving throughout or among clouds
The glider flew like a nubivagant bird before emerging out of the clouds and into view.

Yeah. Your brain just exploded. Seriously though; check out the link! If you confuse your enemy, you win!

Also, if this is in the wrong place, I sincerely apologize! Just tell me where to go and I'll clean it up!


To throw something or someone out of a window
"If you do not shut up,  I will defenestrate you."

Marked by a lack of civility or graciousness; vulgar or obscene
"The churlish teenager must have said fifteen explicatives in one sentence"

An illicit lover; a person with whom someone is having a romantic or sexual relationship and especially a secret or improper relationship.
"The unfaithful husband left his spouse to be with his paramour."

Obviously true, yet taken for granted.
"The fact that war is an integral part of human history is an axiomatic truth."

Achieved an excessive cost <a pyrrhic victory> costly to the point of negating or outweighing expected benefits.
"The pyrrhic victory was won at the cost of the life of every one of the general's men."

A hussy; an untidy, dirty woman.
"He can have that dirty slattern if he wants her."

Having shapely buttocks
"Ay, gurl. I see you got dat Callipygian figure."

1. Of or relating to Cytherea
2. relating to the planet Venus (Scientific)
3. inspiring of affections esp. sexual
"You keep up with that Cytherean talk, I might just leave with you."

1. Very hot and dry
"torrid heat this afternoon"
-- Full of passion or highly charged emotions arising from sexual love
"A torrid love affair"
2. Full of difficulty or tribulation
"Wall street is in for a torrid time"

(Haruki! <3)

Pages: [1]