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Topics - Goldilocks

Pages: [1]
Leaving/Hiatus / Returned!
« on: November 14, 2017, 08:19:35 AM »
Sorry for the sudden poof! Haven't played/been active for some while - thought I could do another comeback! ^^ I'll be online regularly from now since it's school holiday, huehuehue~ cx

Autobiography / I'm aLIVE--
« on: September 09, 2017, 10:29:37 AM »
*internal screaming as I rise from my grave*

Wassup peeps, Goldy's back from a freakingly long hiatus! cx Eh... not "fully back", but, yeah.

So apparently the teachers said that we can go home every weekend from boarding school, so yippee~! xD I'm very happy lololol, I can finally be back on LM! <3

So see you guys around! cx

Discussion & Suggestions / Prehistoric Map Suggestion?
« on: July 02, 2017, 06:30:26 AM »
(I don't know if there's a post similar to this, so I'm deeply sorry if this suggestion has already been suggested!)

Howdy! Goldy 'ere.

I believe there isn't a prehistoric map in-game, and that's why I'm here, writing this very post! I'd like to suggest a unique prehistoric map, with of course, a bunch of prehistoric prey! Since there's a T-Rex in-game, why not move it in with some other dinosaurs? (I'm a big fan of dinos, so ye, mweheh. :3)

'Tis all from me! Thank you. :3

Leaving/Hiatus / Goldylocky's Hiatus (Starting from Sunday)
« on: July 01, 2017, 07:30:44 AM »
Howdy, Goldilocks 'ere! Gonna say this early. I'm so sad to leave LastMoon.

Yes, I know, I've just started playing LM and am still trying to figure out how the game's gizmo works and whatnot, but everyone has a life, right? Well, my life as a student is not easy as I'm studying in boarding school. We're unable to use the computers there to download and/or play games of course, as it is strictly prohibited. However, we are able to bring our smartphones, which is great! So expect me to lurk around the forums and all, heheh. :3

I'll be back though, don't ya guys worry~ I love LM and it's community, plus I've just started, so why would I stop now?

So long, pals! I'll see you guys sometime soon!

Mini-Games / Quick, before the staffs come!
« on: June 30, 2017, 09:40:26 AM »
Okay, so I found this game on a game site and thought: "Hey, why not apply that game here?" I don't know if this game has already been hosted, but, eh.

So this is how the game works:
Basically, someone (me) will start the game with "1". The next person has to reply with the corresponding number. This will continue on and on until a LastMoon staff joins in and stops/interrupts the game. Once that's done, the next person has to restart the game with "1".

Sounds interesting, isn't it? Come and join the fun! I'll start the game. LM staffs, I challenge you, mweheheh~ >:3 Other players, let's try to get to 100 and above! xD

Introductions / Salutations~
« on: June 29, 2017, 08:55:22 AM »
Salutations, dear LastMooner(ian? eh, whatever xD)! I'm Goldilocks, but ye can call me Goldy or Locky, either works. x3 I'm a semi-lit RPer, a still-learning artist, and a HUGE fan of wolves, warrior cats, anime, and k-pop! B3

I came here because of FeralHeart mostly, but other than that, I was curious on what LastMoon was about. Found a few videos about it on YouTube and watched 'em, was interested so I decided to try it out!

I checked a few threads around the Forums (I'm a lurker mweheh >u>) and I'm glad that the community is family-friendly and helpful. Take that as a compliment, you guys! c'x

Well, that's all from me, I'm sorry if it's short. ^^; But then, hope to see y'all in-game! (So excited hhh x3)

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