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Topics - Abomine

Pages: [1]
Mini-Games / Another Revival of WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO?
« on: February 11, 2017, 09:38:52 PM »
I've found new favorite songs via games like this, and I'm hoping to get one going that will last a good while.

1) Listen to the song in the post above yours.
2) Post whatever song you are listening to at that moment.
   Note:You can only post a song if you've heard and rated and/or commented on the song in the post above yours. You can include this comment and/or rating in your own song post.

Have fun guys and show everybody your favorite music! If you have any questions about how this works, feel free to ask. I'll start us off with:

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfBY96qxVRQ" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfBY96qxVRQ</a>

Art / I doodled this on the whiteboard at work.
« on: February 09, 2017, 04:37:19 AM »
I rarely draw much anymore, but for some reason I get these wacky, random urges to doodle the weirdest things while I'm at work. Last time one of these urges came on, it was a female snorlax (which looked just like a male snorlax except that it was wearing a pretty bell collar).

Spoiler for Hiden:

Mini-Games / Revival of the Ipod Shuffle Game!
« on: May 02, 2015, 08:12:22 PM »
The Ipod Shuffle Game is back!!!

A topic like this was made a while back by Bazookaneon, and it was AWESOME! Sadly, it hasn't been posted on in a while, so gonna try and see if I can revive it! I love this game, and it's a great way to discover new music and some great stuff that one might not normally listen to.


1) Listen to the song posted by the person above you, and rate and/or comment on that song.
2) Set whatever music player you have to shuffle and YouTube the first song that pops up. If you don't feel like posting that particular song, just keep shuffling until you find the one that's right for you. Post that song in a YouTube link, and the person who posts below you will listen to that song, make a comment, and then post their own song, and so on.
3) If the song is making you genuinely uncomfortable in any way, feel free to turn it off at any time.

Okie dokie, I'll start us off. Have fun, everybody! I can't wait to hear all of your awesome music!

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvBOZCrJsAI" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvBOZCrJsAI</a>

General / ERMERGERD I took pictures of wolves, guize!!!
« on: March 03, 2015, 03:51:57 AM »
Well, okay. So they may not the big majestic gray wolves of the snowy north that you might be thinking of. They're actually critically endangered red wolves, which are a species coywolf (coyote/wolf mix). What makes them an especially interesting member of the canine family is that they combine the curiosity and high intelligence of a coyote with the strength and size of a wolf. Their exact taxonomy is a mystery, as scientists are still trying to figure out whether they are a missing link between wolves and coyotes, or just a species created by hybridization.

Anywho, these are zoo specimens. Absolutely beautiful animals, and extremely photogenic. Unfortunately, the photos themselves aren't that great because I used my phone camera. Hope ya like 'em anyway. Any of you artists out there are free to use these as references.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Spoiler for Hiden:

Spoiler for Hiden:

Spoiler for Hiden:

General / Do Any Of You Play MMOs Outside OF The IT Servers?
« on: February 16, 2015, 08:05:14 PM »
I'm thinking about getting into the MMO scene (I've been on the fence about it for years), so I was wondering if any of y'all had any suggestions for me.

Do you guys play any MMOs outside of any of the IT servers? Should I consider getting Steam as well, or is Steam overrated?

I've tried MapleStory, but I quit because pretty much everything about was just frustrating. I've also played WolfQuest (if that counts), but once I got to the Raising Pups part, I just lost interest (I also have no interest in the Multiplayer aspect of that game. The birthplace of WolfSpeak just doesn't sound like a fun place to be). Of course, some of you from FeralHeart may remember me from that game. For those of you who don't, yeah, I played FeralHeart. It was nice, but the game began to feel stagnant after a while, especially once the creator disappeared and updates became a thing of the past. I don't know if this counts as an MMO either, but I still play The Endless Forest now and then.

So...any suggestions for an MMO noob like me?

EDIT: I'm sorry that I forgot to put this up there in the first place, but I would prefer MMOs that are free to play.

General / I think I may have discovered the greatest video on YouTube...
« on: January 11, 2015, 05:14:09 AM »
...at least in my opinion.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f__SF96ORFE" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f__SF96ORFE</a>

Anywho...show us all what is (in your opinion), the greatest video on YouTube. It can be funny, it can be serious, it can be completely insane, so long as you think it's the best! Have fun, and I can't wait to see your selections!

Leaving/Hiatus / Kinda-Sorta Hiatus
« on: December 13, 2014, 01:50:15 AM »
I'm not on Last Moon everyday, but I won't be on Last Moon AT ALL for  a while. The fan on my laptop finally gave out, so I can't do anything strenuous with it, like watching videos (so my Disney Movie Marathon has been put on hold) or playing games, until I can get a new fan.

However, I'll still be able to fart around on the forums like usual. Y'all can't get rid of me THAT easy!

Bugs & Glitches / Can't Open Last Moon ~LOCK PLEASE~
« on: November 01, 2014, 09:10:57 PM »
I click on the Last Moon icon and it brings up the update window. It checks for updates, updates itself/confirms that there are no new updates, and then the window closes, which is what it does right before the Direct3D window pops up...except that that Direct3D window never pops up and the game never starts.

Should I just restart my computer and try again? Should I reinstall the game?

Any suggestion helps. Thanks very much! :)

Literature & Poetry / Elysium
« on: July 04, 2014, 03:55:16 AM »
This isn't quite a 'story' per se, but it's a fictional world that came up with one day after pondering the idea of Impressive Title servers / FeralHeart, and trying to go even further with the idea of a virtual world full of humans as animal avatars. I tried to make an rp out of it, but it died quickly, I'm afraid. I'm thinking of making a story out of this, but I'm not sure where to go from here.

It's kind of long, just to warn y'all.

"Thousands of years ago, when the universe was young, Humans were a wise and peaceful people who used their ecologically sound, superior technology (far superior to our world's current technology) to live in harmony with their planet, using their homeworld's natural resources with wisdom and restraint.

'But Humankind was not always this way. They were once a divided and warlike race, squabbling and waging war over their planet's quickly diminishing supply of fossil fuel. Near global disaster finally brought them to their senses and so began their long, arduous ascent to a state of prosperity and peace. Earth's world leaders, ashamed of their people's savage past and eager to start the human race anew with a 'clean slate', had all records of Mankind's violent history destroyed. History books, documentaries, and religious texts were burned, and in a few generations, Mankind's unsavory past was soon forgotten.

'This was the Human race's ultimate downfall. Their peace and prosperity were relatively short-lived, and because their past had been forgotten, history began to repeat itself. Ancient nuclear wars began anew, and only a small handful of humans survived this new holocaust.

'These surviving humans set about rebuilding their destroyed empire, and as a safeguard in case of failure, they created a computer program out of their surviving technology called Elysium, so that all humans who have died, even 2 million years ago or two seconds ago, could be reincarnated into the virtual world of Elysium as Souls, taking on the forms of different animals according to their personalities as humans.

'Elysium was built to be a final paradise for the Human race, a place free of sorrow, anger, and war, but the program was tainted by human nature. A human's capacity for cruelty combined with an animal's capacity for violence is a dangerous concoction...

Facts/Rules of Elysium:

Elysium is the idealized human vision of the Natural World, filled with snow-capped mountains, forests, jungles, lakes, oceans, and frozen tundras. As a reminder of the humans who created this world, various mysterious ruins are scattered throughout Elysium. The average Soul, not having any memories/knowledge of its past life or of humans in general, merely accepts these ruins as part of the scenery, but those few Souls who still retain memories of their lives as humans may feel inexplicable emotions of fear, anger, or sadness in the presence of a ruin. Their human memories may also become more vivid if they are within close range of a ruin.

Souls have no physical need to eat or drink, but may do so and cause no harm to their person. Elysium is rich with many species of edible fruits, vegetables, grasses, leaves, and nuts.

Souls cannot become sick, but they are mortal and can die of old age, just like animals in our world. Their lifespans are accurate to their species, for example: a mouse's lifespan, when in good care and free of illness, may reach up to three years. An elephant under the same conditions can live up to 80 years. When Souls die due to natural causes, their bodies do not 'decay' in the traditional sense, but rather 'fade' or 'melt' into the ground like snow or dew.
When Souls die of natural causes and their bodies 'fade', they are reincarnated, either as a different species of animal, or as the same animal species, but born in a different family.

Souls can fall in love, mate, and produce fertile offspring. Even Souls who are different animals (for example, a gibbon and an iguana), can mate and produce fertile offspring, because they were both human, and because they are digital Souls instead of physical flesh-and-blood creatures, the earthly laws of procreation and anatomy do not apply. They also do not 'mate' in the same way that real animals of our world 'mate'. A special ceremony takes place, and the female becomes pregnant the next day. There is no sex in Elysium. Young born of an inter-species coupling tend to take after the female (for example, if the gibbon was a female and the iguana a male, the young would be baby gibbons, perhaps with iguana coloration and markings). However, hybrid young sometimes occur.

All babies born in Elysium are either reincarnated Souls or reincarnated humans. There are no exceptions to this rule.

Souls feel physical pain and they bleed, just like real animals of our world. If one Soul kills another out of self-defense, the killed Soul melts into the ground, just like a Soul that died of natural causes. If one Soul kills another out of vengeance, bloodlust, jealousy, or for any other 'impure/unjust' reason, different rules apply. If the Soul was killed for such reasons, the corpse of the Soul must be eaten down to the skeleton within 24 hours of the kill, or the corpse of the Soul will become a Wraith.

A Wraith is a toxic, foul-smelling demon that is an amplification and twisted caricature of all the flaws and negative emotions of the Soul that it used to be. For example, a Soul that was timid and/or had a low self esteem may make a sadistic, power-hungry, self-hating bully of a Wraith. A Soul that was selfish or greedy may become a corpulent, ravenous, gelatinous blob Wraith that devours everything in its path. Like Souls, Wraiths can be killed, but they must be killed as quickly as possible, for the hatred and wickedness of a Wraith will fester and boil, increasing it's power and causing the Wraith to become stronger. If a Soul sustains an injury from a Wraith, the wound must be treated within 24 hours or the injured Soul will become a Wraith as well.

When a Wraith is killed, it becomes a Soul again and is reincarnated just like any other normal Soul.

Eating the Soul's corpse as soon as it is killed is obviously the best course of action to prevent the spawning of Wraiths, but it is by no means the easiest or least painful. By eating the corpse, one sees and lives every memory and feels every emotion, good and bad, that the deceased has ever experienced, as a human or as a Soul. It is an excruciating ordeal, and some corpse-eaters even go mad from this process, but it allows the Soul to be reincarnated normally without ever having to become a Wraith.

This is why special corpse-eaters called Scavengers are sometimes employed to to deal with this issue. Scavengers are considered special because they are often of hardened minds and hardened hearts, more fit to deal with corpse-eating without being traumatized. They can also be called upon to slay Wraiths. Scavengers are treated equally with reverence and fear.

While the original creators of the program have been dead for thousands of years, they live on in Elysium as the Three Deities: Fabled Hare, Sacred Crow, and Ancient Turtle. They are rarely seen by the average Soul, and only on occasion by shamans or important religious figures, usually appearing in dreams. When appearing before the average Soul, they will typically take on a form that the Soul is comfortable with, usually their animal forms (though they can appear as any creature that they like, being shape-shifters). They rarely appear in God-Form, but when they do, they are said to look like ethereal bipedal apes; tail-less, hairless, and of a luminous blue-white glow. Images in their godly likenesses sometimes appear on the walls of the ruins.

Many theologian Souls, curious about the origins of their world (and most of them not possessing any recollection of their human pasts), dedicate their lives to the study of these ruins, leading to many heated disputes between religious groups and political leaders, such as to how to go about such studies, whether or not such study is sacrilegious, and whether or not revelations about the origins of Elysium would save, or destroy, their fragile world.

What would these theologians discover if they were to breach the veil of death separating Elysium from the Waking World that created it? Would they discover Humans as a race of gods reborn like the phoenix from the ashes, or a desolate wasteland as a terrible testament to the rise and fall of Mankind?


General / What music are you listening to?
« on: June 24, 2014, 05:44:23 AM »
Just post what music you are listening to right now, or the last piece of music that you listened to if you're not listening to anything in particular at this moment. I can't wait to hear all of the cool music you guys listen to! :)

I'll start us off with:

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aRKZFR5imM" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aRKZFR5imM</a>

Forum Help / Videos in posts?
« on: June 20, 2014, 02:53:54 AM »
I want to start a music thread, but I don't know how to embed videos into posts.

I've tried this:
Code: [Select]
And this:
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
And even this:
Code: [Select]
I've even tried using the actual embed code on the YouTube video itself, but all I see is a big ugly url.

Help is greatly appreciated. Thank you. :)

Introductions / A Somewhat Redundant Introduction
« on: June 18, 2014, 01:43:52 AM »
All the cool kids are doing it, so I figured I'd join the party. An introduction/short autobiography!

Herro! A lot of you might know me from the old Last Moon forums, and if you don't, I'll introduce myself!

Me in real life, wearing my beast makeup from a Halloween costume from a couple years ago.

A few things about me:
--I love to read, especially fantasy, science fiction, and classic literature.
--I enjoy watching anime, though I don't watch it as much as I used to. I read a lot of manga, though. Some of my favorites are Azumanga Daioh, Death Note, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, and Fruits Basket.
--I love animals, and some of my favorites are deer, bears, octopus, rabbits, hares, dogs, dinosaurs, horses, pigs, and vultures. Deer hold a very special place in my heart, though. Deer are my wolves, if you get my drift.
--I work in a school for adults with special needs (easily the most wonderful job I've ever had), and I'm also a part-time student. I'm majoring in English and Literature, and I hope to work as a fiction editor.
--I confess that I'm a roleplay noob. Every rp group I've ever joined has disbanded after the first couple days, and I'm usually too busy to be in a 'serious' roleplay, as my free time tends to fluctuate.
--I don't watch a whole lot of tv, but I love me some good animal documentaries.
--I'm pretty shy in real life and have a hard time making new friends.
--I have a grumpy little old lady chihuahua named Darcy who literally came off the streets and into our family. I used to have pictures of her on my phone, but then my phone got a virus and all of my pictures were erased and my camera function stopped working! I'll find some pictures of her and post them in a different topic...eventually.

Stuff that doesn't gel with me:
--cotton fabric
--speaking in front of crowds
--phone calls
--fish sticks
--My Little Pony (I can hear you all shouting "BLASPHEMY!!!")
--romantic comedies (unless it's Ouran High School Host Club)
--angry vegans
--Sea World (I saw the documentary Blackfish)
--PETA (they're a bunch of hypocrites)

I has a deviantART account if ya wanna look: http://littlemisshufflepuff.deviantart.com/

Anywho, that's me! Howdy, y'all!

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