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Topics - Husky

Pages: 1 [2]
General / Post your computer background
« on: July 31, 2014, 03:30:54 PM »
Hey, a computer background tells a lot about someone right?

General / Show us your pets!
« on: July 31, 2014, 01:12:58 AM »
Pretty self-explanatory, and it's a fun way to share a little bit about yourself as well.
All you gotta do is get a pic of your pet and give us a name! It could be a dog, cat, horse, lizard, fish, hamster, whatever!

I'll start off with my pride and joy

That's my baby, Ottis. Best friend since I was little.

And if it makes any of you feel more comfortable about posting strange pets, I'll go ahead and try and top you ahah.

Alvin, Simon, and Theodore. They're all brothers, and happen to be my cousin's... pets you could say. They've got a ton of cool animals back there.

Mini-Games / Rate the Signature above you!
« on: July 12, 2014, 09:03:58 PM »
Hmm was gonna wait for someone else to make this for you guys, but I guess I will.
Rules are pretty simple, rate the person who posted before you's signature on a scale from 1 to 10;
1 being lowest and 10 being highest.

Mini-Games / Guilty or Not Guilty?
« on: June 20, 2014, 04:22:17 AM »
Okay no. That was bad.

SO, the objective of THIS game is to determine if you are guilty or not of ever doing the thing that the previous person asked.

Person 1) Have you ever embarrassed yourself infront of someone you like?
Person 2) Guilty. Have you ever blew a red light?

Get it? Alright!

So. HAVE you ever embarrassed yourself infront of your crush?

Mini-Games / Kill or Save
« on: June 19, 2014, 01:37:51 PM »
So the objective of this game is to continue with a kill/save relationship for as long as possible. I'll explain.

So the rules for this are simple. The first person to post will find a way to try and 'kill' uhhhh let's go with... Joe. (This was completely random) And the second person has to find a way to 'save' Joe.

Person 1) Oh no! A flying piano suddenly landed on Joe! (Kill)
Person 2) But Joe dodged just in time! (Save)
Person 3) But it turns out Joe is allergic to strange flying pianos! (Kill)

And so on and so forth. Get it? I'll start.

Oh how tragic! Joes was mauled by a cat! (Kill)

Art / Water creature Concept Art?
« on: June 15, 2014, 09:30:38 PM »
Well I may as well dump this here regardless if anyone enjoys it XD It's nothing out of the ordinary really.

It was /supposed/ to be a creature for my groups 'game' perse in my Animation class but the rendering system butchered the material so I didn't use it on there. So I'd rather have it for viewing then sitting in my folder for no reason XD

Discussion & Suggestions / Liking system here?
« on: June 15, 2014, 03:47:04 PM »
I'm sure I'm not the only one who misses this feature from the old forum, and I know it's a little detail that I'm being nit-picky about here, but is there anyway to get a liking system for posts? For some reason, it's one of the things I miss most so I was just wondering if it was possible to implement it into this forum again, but otherwise I'm fairly content with this new forum now.

Requests & Commissions / Art Requests (continued)
« on: June 13, 2014, 10:47:00 PM »
Hey guys, it's me again for these. Send me a character reference on here if you would wish for me to draw it for you, free of charge! I'll edit this in a bit with the list of people I still have from the old forum, but feel free to request as often as you like!

References of Art


1) Sawako
2) Night
3) Bell
4) Tron
5) Shenois
6) Nighten
7) Lillion
8 ) Mudd
9) Haruki
10) Slayer
11) Khota
12) Nick
13) HatsuneMiku
14) WolfGirl

Introductions / Huskyyy
« on: June 13, 2014, 10:31:37 PM »
Sorry in advance for large images, not sure how to put spoilers on this forum yet.

Hi! As the title suggests, I'm Husky.

Well, many of you may know me from on here, considering I've been on LM since... August of last year? Anyhow, I'm such a procrastinator and there are so many new people coming so I figured I'd give you all a proper introduction of me. Because... because. So bear with me on this, I'm not all that used to talking about myself XD

So, just a little about me:

•I'm only 5'1" it's sad I know XD

•I'm 15 years old and working on getting all of my hours for a drivers license

•I'm an upcoming Sophomore in High school as of this Fall

•I absolutely /adore/ animals

•I've got a dog (Ottis), a cat (Sammy), a hamster (Harmony), and two axolotls, or sometimes known as 'water dragons.'

•I've got three brothers; two younger (Jake and Luke) and one pain in the arse older (Dillin), but ya gotta love 'em

•All of us have dirtbikes and love to race back in the dirt jumping track that we made down in the forest preserve

•I play guitar and love music overall

OH and my birthday is on January 9th, 1999. Weird right? What year? 1999. What date? 1-9-99. Easy to remember LOL.

I watch PLENTY of TV shows including: The Fosters, Pretty Little Liars, Teen Wolf, The Originals, The Vampire Diaries. And so on. I still remember watching Avatar the last airbender from when I was a kid as well and dammit that show was good XD
One of my favorite plot lines in a movie is the Cinderella plotline when someone hits so low at a point and then prevails. I don't know why but it's always intrigued me.

So now that your minds have soaked up all of that random facts, I may as well spice it up with some pictures for you!

Welp, here I am.

My real name is Nina, and I live in Illinois, near Chicago actually, so nothing /super/ special.

This is me and my three brothers way back when they were all cute and not annoying little trolls LOL

Pets! I'll warn you, LOTS of images.

The water Dragon that GLOWS :D


He's so strange

Sleeping as usual.

Whatta cutie.

Aaaand my cousin's dog who I absolutely love because... who wouldn't I mean--

Look at that face!


He's noping so hard LOL.

Well hi there.


He doesn't like mornings.


Yeah so that's really my life in a ton of pictures LOL. Well interests? I love roleplaying with the fabulous group of friends that I've met on Last Moon, I aspire to be a Dolphin Trainer or anything to help out with animals/animal abuse all around, I love to draw, play guitar, swim, hang out with my three closest friends, and go around riding horseback or motocross riding with my siblings. I've got music playing 24/7, whether it be on my docking station or blasting in headphones. It's been great meeting everyone here, and I hope you enjoy this!

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