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Topics - Divinejackal

Pages: [1]
Leaving/Hiatus / i just have to quit.
« on: April 18, 2016, 11:46:24 PM »
haha bye nerds
no but really. i've been on here for a year now, a good year, a bad year, all that and shit. i've just finally decided to leave. this does hurt a me little, seeing as all the friends and memories i've made here will stick with me for a long time, but recently things have just been too much for me. if you noticed my absence thats why. but seriously, to all my friends, i love you a lot and i'm so glad i met you all, you helped me through some bad times and made things just a little brighter and i'm forever thankful. if you want to keep connections with me please send me a PM for some sites i'm active on and my skype. and to everyone else, you're all a bunch of meme loving fucks and you're great.
in conclusion, lastmoon was great at times, i just have to leave.
keep being rad, -divinejackal

Last Moon Media / Div's Music
« on: November 29, 2015, 05:16:44 PM »

Last Moon Media / Div's adventure through Lastmoon (yay even more)
« on: May 16, 2015, 07:10:36 AM »
AKA I found the tab button actually does something
Here we observe the wild Old Hiker Bobbi looking majestic+pissed
And here is Bobbi doing what she does best,hiking while looking majestic and possibly brooding
Whisper pondering what the meaning of meaning is
Bracket the selfie hog
Lilith the old lady acrobat
Nightshade looking over her kingdom
When a sale does not go well at
Dutchval scarring me for life
Pumpkin Child shows their undying love for Venwolf
The most majestic Perahta can get
Jaecar becomes a firepit because of treachery
I do not remember this, but I am assured it was amazing
The Pumpkin Squad~
It's like a family photo an I love it
Dutch calls upon her mighty laggy army of T-rexes
Then Giant Mantas
Oh hallo Amoll
Roscoe joins Turcoclurn's journey of weird shit
The untold tale of Sigh

probably best if we just let it be
Du tries to be cute
I left for a bit and forgot about this accidental zoom-in and the house echoed with my terrified screeching
A rare day when The Yena Overlord gives her blessings
Only the facts

My deeeeep and daaaark secret

I hope you enjoyed this journey of self discovery and majesticness.

Autobiography / A jackal that is divine
« on: May 08, 2015, 12:19:16 AM »
Just as accurate.
Hallo hallo my name be Divinejackal,but you can call me Div,Don,Or Rika. But uh if you dun wanna call me by those then tell me cause I have too many more.
But really though, I'm a 14 year old German dorkasaurus who loves hyenas and won't shut up. I am currently studying coding and genetics, trying to improve my art, and I am also writing a book that I hope to publish in the future. Sososososo, here's a few things about me:
-I love hyenas,hyenas always, hyenas everyday, give me your hyenas, mmmm hyenas.
-I love making species and characters.
-I love love doing breeding outcomes of my characters, it's even more fun to do them with others,I'm always interested.
-Most of my Lastmoon characters are from dreams I have had, in fact most of my ideas come from my dreams.I also like to hear what others remember about their own dreams.
-I cannot do ANYTHING without listening to music, tis life.
-I am Demi-Homosexual
-I like to implode.
-I have two dogs,a cat,and a horse.
-I love constructive criticism so please give it to me if I ever post stories/etc. It really helps.
-I am the fabu overlord of The Industrious Island and Salt.Co.
-Anything Halloween themed,I'm in.
-I love me some Were-wolves and centaurs.
-I am a talking machine.
-I love to crack quick remarks and make people smile, its great fun.
-Night owl for life.
-Leather jackets are my fav, I wear them all the time <3.
-I love making new friends and getting to know them,y'know,like friends do.
-Making dress up games is the best.
-I like funny gifs that lower my standards.
-I love too much, cri cri ;(.
So ye,if you have any questions or just want to talk, please tell me! Always happy to help.
'I like things,a lot of things.'
okaythankebye B)

Leaving/Hiatus / Another Hiatus For Div
« on: January 20, 2015, 08:17:51 AM »
Hi,and bye again.
I have decided to take on another hiatus from game. I apologize for my absence for this short while, but I hope you can understand I am currently not in a good state and just need to forget some stuff that has been looming over me.
If you need to contact me, I will be there. Either on the forums, my Skype, or any others I am on/have. Good wishes and fine days to you, friends.

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