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Topics - Venadryl

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Forum Help / How to change the time on the forum?
« on: March 01, 2015, 12:23:16 AM »
Is there any way to change the timezone that the forum is on? I have a different timezone than the one on here and I really hope there is a way to change it...? ;-;

Mini-Games / The Lyric Game
« on: February 27, 2015, 03:38:39 AM »
SO! Here is a little something that I call fun:
The Lyric Game!
How to play:

1: Shuffle your music on whatever music platform you use (Ex: Spotify, iPod, etc.)
2: Pause the first song at 0:30
3: Type down whatever lyric was closest/sung during that second
4: Once we gain enough lyrics, we can make an epic song out of these! hehe!

Mine would be:

And it was all in my head

Discussion & Suggestions / Ideas for any more Last Moon Updates
« on: February 24, 2015, 02:00:55 AM »
Here are some ideas I have for further updates of Last Moon, if there will be any.

General Ideas

~More animals in the Forest map! It seems a little barren, and the only animals that spawn there are Brown Wolves :(

~Goats and/or sheep! It would be fun to have a farm-like map where you can hunt Horses, Cows, Goats, Sheep, and Chickens.

~More items and quests!

Quest Ideas

~A quest called "Welcome to Last Moon" which would be good for new members. You would have to visit 5 or so worlds, kill rabbits or something easy, and maybe friend someone! Reward would be one Bronze Medal.

~A quest called "World Exploration" in which you must visit every single world in the game. The reward would be 5 Bronze Medals.

~And finally a quest called "Cow Tipper" which you would have to kill 50 cows or so. The reward would be 1 Silver Medal.

Item Ideas

~An item which is like the I Love LM note, except you can set it to one of your in-game screenshots and have a nice picture to display in your mouth :P

That's about all I can think of right now, hope you like my thoughts/suggestions!

Art / (~˘▾˘)~ Venwolf's Gallery! ~(˘▾˘~)
« on: February 21, 2015, 02:57:17 AM »
Hi, glad you came! I will be adding more and more art here as I make it. So enjoy, leave a comment or have a chat! Enjoy, and welcome to my little art show hehe!

Also, all of these are from my instagram in which I create things.
That can be found here:

^This one was trade work with a user by the name of gl0wbutt^

^This one was also trade work with a user whom I cannot remember their user^

^Sigh, more trade work. This one was for a user named zesty_draws^

^This one is a Where the Red Fern Grows Tribute! Except it has that wonky stain on it... Lesson of That Day: Never eat soup while drawing. And never try to cover it up with White-out, trust me it does not work. ^

^Hey, Hey! That's my health folder for school! My teacher said we were allowed to design it... I guess you could say I got carried away :D ^

^Ooh this is interesting! That's my fursuit, and yes I am a furry. This picture is me in costume with a styrofoam head and a hotdog suit... Weird. Well, anyway, the odd thing about this is that you can see my finger... So now you guys know what my finger looks like wowza!^

That's about it for now! Hope you liked viewing!

Bugs & Glitches / Loads endlessly opon entering a portal
« on: February 20, 2015, 10:34:16 PM »
The problem:

Hi, I have a bit of a predicament- well not me, but my good friend (rainbowrunner01 on the game) has been having a really bad problem where she goes into a portal (ex. Waterfall) and the game never finishes loading. It doesn't crash, it doesn't freeze her computer either, but anytime she goes into a portal it does that. We tried multiple worlds, but everytime it does the same thing. The only solution I know would be to uninstall, but even though you don't really lose much, its a time-consuming process for her with a bit of a slower internet.

I am hoping someone will have a solution to this, as I want to hunt and play with my friend and she wants to play just as much but we can't until she uninstalls or we find a solution.

Introductions / Hi there!
« on: February 19, 2015, 02:13:17 PM »
Hi there everyone! My name is venwolf, and I am a bit of a noob here, hehe. My in-game user is the same as my user here. Any tips for getting around on the forum?

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