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Topics - Blu

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Forum Help / theres something im questioning about
« on: August 01, 2014, 01:19:01 AM »
Theres a [Nuzzle] and [Bite] at the bottom of your avatar. what is it about?

Tutorials / How to be big like me.
« on: July 27, 2014, 01:40:25 PM »
You cannot be big until the Revamp (Big UPDATE)
Step 1.
Ask @Myz If you want to be big.

Step 2.
He will say go to and his email.

Step 3.
he will Ask how big you want to be and he will say how much it is.

Go to and sign in. (if you dont have a paypal account then, Ask your mom)

Go to the top left and look for something that says, Sell or something close to that.

I think thats it!

Literature & Poetry / MOST EPIC THING EVER
« on: July 23, 2014, 09:50:45 PM »
There once was a duck stuck in a Truck, screaming "YUCKK". The duck sang Chuck-A-Luck and got out of the truck, but stepped in muck and cried.

Mini-Games / (No Name) Game
« on: July 22, 2014, 11:40:02 PM »
I dont know what to call it!

The first person will post 2 words, such as Microsoft Windows, and the next person to post will use the 2nd word in their post.


post 1- Microsoft Windows

Post 2- Window Blinds

Post 3- Blind Mice

Get the idea?

I start: Super Man

Game Help / help!
« on: July 22, 2014, 10:11:55 PM »
When I try to play LM I only get to play it for a couple minutes. It says im "cheating/hacking" but im not, I dont have any hacking things, but cheat engine. I dont use it that much and I dont have that on, I just got the cheat engine! D: Maybe its the cheat engine idk. But could someone help me?

Game Help / Help!
« on: July 18, 2014, 02:40:45 AM »
Norton is blocking the game from me playing it and it says "Game.exe is not safe and has been removed!" Ive played it for 3/4 months and It never did that before. help me!

Art / the BIG blu '3 '
« on: July 16, 2014, 04:15:02 AM »

Amazzin right?
Lineart by brownwolf19 on DeviantArt

Game Help / Just a question
« on: July 04, 2014, 06:56:03 PM »
Where do you get a Chain collar?

« on: July 04, 2014, 05:55:10 PM »
I screamed like a little girl and jumped into the water, "MY BATTLE SHIP!!" Jenxie chuckled and kept shooting it with her cannons, I made a new one quickly, I made it with double cannons, It was larger then jenxie's and I shot her battle ship Once and it made a large hole in it. It began to sink slowly. I kept shooting at it with all my cannons rapidly until it was all wood floating in the water. Jenxie yelled and raged and left the game. "That's what you get, No being upset" I chuckled and said to my self.

Mini-Games / The 1 word story game
« on: June 30, 2014, 08:09:11 PM »
Instructions:You have to post 1 word and make it into a big story
Player 1:Once
Player 2:Upon
player 2:A

Then blah blah blah goes on


General / The video...
« on: June 30, 2014, 03:36:41 PM »
Watch it

General / Another creepy pasta thing
« on: June 25, 2014, 04:07:16 AM »
There once was a little girl, That girl was name hannah... She was in the toy store with her mother and she was fascinated by all the toys. Hannah tugged on her moms shirt begging to go down the hall. The mother nodded and she skipped to the way back, it seemed to get darker and there wasnt much toys, instead there was sharp butcher knifes and broken glass cups, and bottles. She didnt notice and kept going down the hall until she got to the end. it was misty, cold and really damp. She got scared and there was a door. she got curious and put her head agenst the door to hear. There was nothing, but silence. She took her head away from the door, but after she did that there was a loud "BANG". Hannah jumped and was terrified, she started to run back and her heart was racing. the "Bangs" followed her and got closer and faster. She could see a light,  hannah was out of breath and fell down, she cut her elbow and knee and screamed, the "BANGS" Got closer and closer. She got up and ran for her life! when Hannah got to the light she fell down on her knees out of the fog and there was a strange man looking down at her, hannah looked up and screeched, she got up and limped and crying, the good thing is that the banging stopped but the strange man was following her, Hannah whimpered to her self "W-Why does it have to be me...?" she saw her mom but it wasnt facing her, she limped towards her and fell down and grabbed onto her leg, the mom shook Hannah off and Hannah looked up with tears streaming down from her face... the mom turned around but it wasnt her mom, the strange woman that looked like Hannah's mom had her jaw ripped off and the woman had a large butchers knife with her eyes ripped out of her sockets and into the grocery bag with the ripped jaw....

Forum Help / Solved: What is.. karma?
« on: June 21, 2014, 10:16:17 PM »
Whats "Karma"? I have 2, Is it bad? D:

Game Market / Tradin'
« on: June 21, 2014, 09:46:24 PM »
Trading:Rainbow guitar[X3]
Blue bubble, Rainbow hoop
bracelet, rainbow bracelet,
Pizza, Y&S Token, Crystal
sword, Purple spiked collar,
Purple checkered bracelet,
Pink earring, Nose ring,
Red glowstick, Rose[X5],
White winged wolf toy,
Messy Trex,             
FireShard:needs to be a Really good trade.
Wish list:Blue shard, green
shard,  Blue paw fire (Both
left and right), Soccer ball
guitar, Sickle.
Totally want:Pentagram Shard.

Dont reply on this, this is old.

Discussion & Suggestions / What if..
« on: June 21, 2014, 08:19:57 AM »
There was rainbows and, witchcraft and flying stuff everywhere!

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