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Author Topic: Not Exactly a Hiatus But I Ain't Sure Where Else This Would Go?  (Read 2273 times)

Offline Balto

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Not Exactly a Hiatus But I Ain't Sure Where Else This Would Go?
« on: January 07, 2015, 11:35:04 PM »
As a few of you have noticed I haven't been on half as much as I used to be and the times I am on it's not usually for very long, but I figured I'd just say why and that it won't be changing any time soon. As of late I've not felt as welcome or wanted around the place *Through my own doing I'll not get into that though* So I've not been showing up. I used to enjoy being around and felt people enjoyed me being around, but now I just feel tolerated at best and I'm sorry I've made you guys feel how you do about me. I know I did some stupid stuff and I understand, but I am seriously sorry and if you guys would prefer me to just go completely feel free to say and I will.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2015, 05:16:59 PM by Balto »
Finnaly an icon of me.

I am the guy who leaves that candy by your bed when you sleep <.< >.>