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Author Topic: FaintSilhouette's Character Journals [Unspoken Perspectives, Crescent]  (Read 3728 times)

Offline FaintSilhouette

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Alrighty, so I did something like this for my character, May, back on Feral Heart ages ago. I got bored and decided to do it again but instead decided to branch out a little bit and use my other characters as well. Most of these writings are from the perspective of the CHARACTERS and not the person playing them, are we clear? So what my character's "think" does not necessarily reflect what I think. Also, most of these writings will be in a letter or journal format. So while most of my characters are animals and thus could not write even if they wanted, this just sort of explains some thoughts/ideas from their perspective that would not or could not be expressed in roleplay writings.

The first of these is a letter from Vintage. (Go look for my character bios if you want more info on who she is. I'll go ahead and say that the bio is not up to date and still has her listed as a puppy, rather than an adolescent. But hey, if you want, go look.) Vintage has been jokingly referred to as the "correct" "version of the orphan-cub running around Default." Why? No cliche background, no outlandish behavior or attention seeking, but still a character in the seat of being without true parental guidance from the start with a constant tossing from home to home throughout the roleplays she has been involved in. SO without further ado, Letter to the Caretakers from Vintage Moreni.

Character journal
Name of Character: Vintage Moreni
Journal Name: Letter to the Caretakers
Character's Perspective: First Person

I could afford to think about this later. I could afford to enjoy the lush green grass, the rolling hills, the waterfalls, the chilly winds, and the snow just a few miles north of here. I could afford to get some sleep. I could afford all of these things but I cannot afford not getting this off my mind first.

Funny how some of the things you know about your entire life don’t seem to sink in until later. You’re just too innocent, too oblivious, and too enthralled with the world to notice even as it sits in front of your face. Perhaps I have ‘Leo’ to thank for that. I still have him. I put him somewhere but he’s seen better days. Half his mane has been ripped out, one of his legs is hanging by a thread, and there are countless holes. Sometimes I just have to let myself laugh and think, wow, this guy, or really this /thing/ brought me through the hard times; a faded little lion plush I found discarded in the dirt.

No, I wasn't abandoned. My parents didn't perish in a fire either. That’s some pretty predictable stuff around here and you call me a teensy bit callous if you like but that happens so much around here, the victims are bound to have someone to relate to. Now as for me? Nah, not a chance. Both of my parents are still alive and well. Dad is a criminal on the run, mother went to prison for not turning him in, and my aunt didn't feel the need to take responsibility for me. (Although since we’re talking about Candela, I can’t say I’m upset now that she mostly kept herself out of the picture. She’s very… temperamental, for lack of a better word.) The world of the time traveling canid is a complicated place and it is made even more complicated when someone, such as myself, has to be accounted for and isn't. Especially when the last thing the Council wants to do is let you roam between stitches in time unaccompanied.

Now that isn't to say I had it worse than anybody else, of course not. Yet, somehow when I look back I realize just how badly exaggerated things get when they’re viewed from the eyes of the child. Sure, I’m still a teenager, but definitely old enough to realize some things I hadn’t before.

The most of important of which is, the number of people that love me. No, I don’t mean the ones that pitied me. I had plenty of those. I mean the ones who had a genuine interest who put a roof over my head and a place to curl up in when I felt alone. These tan paws have had to travel far in only two and a half years and I think I finally found some stability here. I spent my whole childhood hoping, begging, and praying to have a place to belong. And you know what? It’s not even a place.  It’s the people and not just any people. They’re the ones who lifted me up, talked to me even though I wouldn't talk back. Perhaps I just never knew quite what to say and I often don’t but you deserve so much more than that, more than I could say. Thank you for overturning the basket, thank you for the leather jacket, and thank you for the food I desperately needed but didn't work to earn, thank you for someone to look up to, and thank you for the roof over my head. Maybe I should have spoken up sooner, but thank you isn't enough and it never will be.

Character journal
Name of Character: Crescent
Journal Name: Unspoken Perspectives
Character's Perspective: First Person, Crescent's point of view

You can tell that the world is becoming a pretty crummy place when people pick and choose what they want to hear. Growing up, all I would ever hear is "encouraging" things like "just be yourself and people will like you" only to be berated for my behavior five minutes later. Then when I would try to force myself into that unfathomable mental hellstorm of going against my own beliefs, people berate me for being 'fake.' What do you all /want/ from me? You're too hard to please.

So instead, I take care of myself. I take care of others who take care of me. That's fair, isn't it? And I don't bother with anyone else who doesn't.  Its funny to me to think some of the locals were horrified when they found out I moved into Ice with my sisters. "Leaving your parents at such a young age! But they /love/ you! What a tragedy!" My mother most likely did but her love was not worth the slaying that she and the rest of my siblings who stayed at home endured. I can't help but say it, I told you so. They should have left when they had the chance, when I invited them to. Its such a shame, but I can't be blamed if someone's idiotic impulses drive them straight into death on a whim built on feelings and morals that are more often that not, hypocritcal.

I'm sick of being told to look through someone elses eyes, like as IF someone could force-feed me the emotions and sympathy that I can't sense. Did you ever stop to ponder that perhaps the reason you struggle with seeing my point of view with anything short of explosive emotion is no different than how I cannot see yours without it? As I have told many, you would have a better chance of making the blind see again than you would 'correct' what is wrong with me.

I have moved far enough away. Aside of working with my sisters, I have to kept to myself and my interests of cooking and maintaining the den. Is that not good enough for you? What would you have me do? Honestly. Morally, I have no sense of direction. What one man screams as being righteous, another declares as evil. How am I supposed to know which is which? I am not seeking power, only understanding. However, it appears whatever I perceive as "wrong" or "unjust" is never reconciled because my definition of "wrong" diverges so sharply from everyone elses.  Just because I cannot /provide/ empathy does not mean I do not deserve it any less nor the hostility I have received thus far. That isn't my fault. How hard is that to understand?

« Last Edit: September 02, 2014, 02:43:38 PM by FaintSilhouette »

Lanetic, Rune, and Tiberius drawn by Bazookaneon

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Re: FaintSilhouette's Character Journals [Letter to the Caretakers]
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2014, 05:59:36 PM »
I like this alot
I could easily sit and read things like these all day really

Offline Haruki

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Re: FaintSilhouette's Character Journals [Letter to the Caretakers]
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2014, 05:05:27 AM »

I would love to read one of these from Mismatch. I wonder if she thinks in an accent too.

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Re: FaintSilhouette's Character Journals [Letter to the Caretakers]
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2014, 06:42:26 AM »
OhGod I'd read a Mismatch one anydayyyy~
This was fun to read too I like 'em.

Offline FaintSilhouette

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Re: FaintSilhouette's Character Journals [Letter to the Caretakers]
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2014, 05:03:36 PM »
Wow. o.o' Didn't think I'd get such a good reception with this. X'D Thanks guys ^_^; and I'll try to do one for Mismatch sometime, perhaps after she's been in another RP again, but we'll see. XD. And oh yes, any character that has an accent will have that accent portrayed here. LOL

And if anyone is that interested (which I doubt) I dug out the older journals that just followed May from forever ago. I don't know how much sense you guys can make out of them, even those of y'all that know May in the present but here they are. (You may or may not need to log into your feral-heart account, I'm not sure.)


Lanetic, Rune, and Tiberius drawn by Bazookaneon