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Messages - Noxieous

Pages: [1]
Art / Re: Noxie Artsies~
« on: April 17, 2016, 10:53:34 PM »
Thank you so much, everyone!

Art / Re: Noxie Artsies~
« on: April 03, 2016, 10:19:15 PM »
Thank you~!
And sorry, I'll remember that next time!

Introductions / Re: Hey there!
« on: April 03, 2016, 06:29:55 PM »
Thank u so much both!

Oh I can imagine! I've already seen some... Stuff....

Introductions / Hey there!
« on: April 03, 2016, 04:03:18 PM »
Hey awesome people!
I downloaded Last Moon a couple of days ago, introduced by my lovely boyfriend, who seem to be quite fond of the game. And I must say that I've grown fond of it, too!
I'm 18 years old, bisexual and pretty weird. English is not my native language, I'm from the pale Denmark. Yes, vikings!
Of music I love something like Heavy metal to classic music. Yes. I just love music in general.
I am an artist as well, but do not expect to see a lot of art, I'm too lazy to actually draw and finish my drawings :P

So how's people doing?

Art / Noxie Artsies~
« on: April 03, 2016, 03:54:50 PM »
Hello people of Last Moon!
I'm new to this game. I've only been playing it for a couple of days and it's so catching!
I may or may not have made tons of characters already. (oops...)
And I would love to show you a bit of my art, as well!
My favorite character so far is my feline Caine. I've already got lots of accessories, but I'm too lazy to draw them :P
Caine is a sabertooth, that's why there is this weird... Place, without shadows, where he's supposed to have his tooth. And I forgot his red dots.. Oops.

Oh well. Wonder if I ever get to finish this drawing. I think I'm working on 10 drawings and I'm soo bad at finishing everything I start up.........

So, what's up?! I'm actually curious if people only want to see Last Moon art or pretty much anything?

Woah, I actually finished him!

Some of my older art.
I love shapeshifters, and of course this bastard got a human form as well. I just cant draw humans......... 8)

These are really just old drawings I dont have the time to draw, sadly :c

But if anyone's got ideas for when I might get the time, I'd love to hear them B))

Pages: [1]