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Topics - Sempiternal

Pages: [1]
Introductions / Allo From Tatchit~
« on: June 17, 2014, 06:40:30 AM »
                                      ~Ayooo Its Tatchit~
 Some of you may know me as "NichiTheLoner" But I decided to change my Forum name. Well. How about a list about me?
So Some Useless Things About Me that Were Very Hard to Come Up With.

[1. I'm stupid
2. I have unusual and exotic animals.
3. I like doggys
4. I have a degree in not giving a crap.
5. I never tell a lie. ( that was a lie)
6. I drink ONLY 3 things. Water, Chocolate Milk, and Mountain Dew.
7. I love MMORPGs or just RPGs.
8. I find these facts hard to come up with.
9. Your feelings usually don't mean anything to me. (Unless I really care about you)
10. I love to ride my horses.
11. I love photography.
12. I love to sit on my butt and do nothing.
13. I keep to myself.
14. I'm extremely nervous about life every day.
15. Every morning I feed my 54 animals.
16. I'm a chick.
17. I've been told that i never care what others think because i don't.
18. I can choose favorites without caring what others think.
19. I love to draw Wolves. Well really, only wolves.
20. I barely ever agree with people.
21. When I do agree, I like to change stuff.
22. Last Moon. Im addicted.
23. Im the most stubbornest person you will ever know. I will always be the most stubbornest person , and I have always BEEN the most stubbornest person .
24: But oddly enough, I'm really really shy.
25: If I have a bad day I punch a hole in my wall. (i have a lot of holes in my wall)
26: I can read
27. I have very few friends.
28. I honestly think immature kids are the most annoying thing in the word. Yet I can be immature.
29. I've been told I never listen to people and that is so freak'in true.
30.I believe that you can't control what people say but you CAN control your reaction.
31. I believe that coming up with 31 facts about myself is totally pointless other than giving you insight into my life
32. I know I can come off as a little B*tchy, but Its just how I am. Im sorry xD
33. And well, Here's what I look like:

                     Well There you go fegs.
         and I can't wait for the new game update! Hopefully I'll be coming back soon. c:


Forum Help / Help pls.
« on: June 16, 2014, 11:27:51 PM »
Ok, I don't know how to put a picture or gif as my profile picture/avatar. and If anyone could explain how, that'd be great.

Pages: [1]