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Contests & Events / Winter Art Contest - 2017 (Closed)
« on: December 01, 2017, 09:53:45 PM »

Welcome The Season
Winter Art Contest

Winter is coming, the cold breezes chill us to the bone and the snow starts falling. What better way to warm our hearts than to draw our lovable OCs and participating in a fun little contest?
For this art contest all you have to do is draw a winter themed art piece and me along with another judge will pick 1 winner and a runner-up. You can draw anything you want, any character you please and using any sort of media, as long as it stays within the winter theme! Simple, right?
The deadline will be February 1st.

  • Do not in any way harass or mock others for their artistic skills/ art styles.
  • There's no point in complaining or whining if you do not win. We're here to have fun.
  • If we find out your entry has been stolen or traced from another artist you will be disqualified and prohibited from joining any further Welcome the Season art contests.
  • Deadlines must be respected, there will be no exceptions.

1st Place
 - 1 Diamond Medal
 - Candy Cane T-rex
 - Special Ingame/Forum Title
 - A pixel icon and pagedoll of your character
Spoiler for Hiden:
Spoiler for Hiden:
 - 4 Gold Medals
 - A pixel icon of your character

Snowflake divider by @Gasara on DeviantART.
Art prizes provided by Ulti. If you would like to volunteer to draw prizes for the winner feel free to PM me. This will NOT increase your chances of winning.

Requests & Commissions / Experimental Requests - OPEN
« on: March 14, 2017, 05:47:01 PM »
I really wanna try something out and before I get an YCH up on dA, I'd like to test how things go here. Not gonna share much details, guess a surprise is nicer. Just post a clear image of your character.
If you need examples of my art: http://ulti-nations.deviantart.com/


I have all the right to refuse your request, even if for personal reasons. Dont bitch about it
If it says that it's close and you see all the slots have been taken there is no point in asking for one then. So don't

General / What's the meaning behind your username?
« on: January 02, 2017, 06:02:44 PM »
I was recently discussing this with someone and I thought it would be interesting to see what's the actual meaning behind the usernames of other players. You can even talk about other usernames you may use!

So I shall start
As you may know my actual usernames are UltimateCreations/UltimateCreator. While the latter one is just a shorter version to fit in the actual game, UltimateCreations was created when I was around 11, back in the days of a small disney art website, Disney Create. I think the actual name of the website explains the "Creations" part easily, being partially inspired by others with a similar formulated username. From then I just tried to find an interesting and "cool" word to shove in there. I saw ultimate writen somewhere and that was it. I kid you not at the time I didn't even fully know what the word meant. But it seemed cool so I just went with it LMAO.
I guess that explains my hatred for this username. It feels as if I'm all full of myself by calling myself the "OOOH ULTIMATE CREATOR" while in fact silly little me had no idea what it meant

But I nowadays mostly go by Ulti which, despite being an obvious diminutive for Ultimate, wasn't exactly started by me. In fact it was pretty much created by felow last moon players. People just started using it on their own. It's short simple and easy to remember, not to mention it isn't really used by anyone else on the IT community and that's why I liked it so much. And so that's what I named my fursona as wellafter leaving the 13 year old emo phase. It's pretty much my artistic/fake name as well.

So what's the history behind your username?

Leaving/Hiatus / Farewell I guess.
« on: October 11, 2016, 11:08:39 PM »
I'm currently just an emotional mess so I'm sorry if this post seems like a mess itself.
Yes I know I recently got back from a hiatus but the thing is

I can't do this anymore.

There's just been way too much going on in my life and I feel like this game isn't helping at all.
I'm not going to say that I'll be 100% gone or that I'll be gone for that long even. Knowing myself like I do I'll probably be on the forum quite often.
But as some may know this game as really affected me by being the cause of anxiety attacks and I've just been pushing this all with me but it's time to just stop acting like its a minor thing.

There's alot going on in my life as of now and I've just been a walking emotional mess lately and its not okay. I just got some... News from someone who is very important to me as well and im still not fully ok about all of it. As for that matter I guess this place just brings back certain sensible memories. And lets be honest, this place has changed alot ever since I joined. For the worse. I don't find enjoyment in it anymore so there's not really a point in staying. Its only gonna make things more complicated.

Like I said, I might still be slightly active on the forums but still, I'd like to thank a big part of the community for good memories. I've met alot of great and supportive people here and I'm very grateful believe me! But I need to take sometime and "leave the nest" now.

I'm sorry if this post is way too long. I tend to write alot when I'm like this heh...

Youre free to pm me if you really wish to keep contact with me. But its time for me to start thinking about me. And my health.

Farewell I guess.

Art / Ulti arts and stuff (UPDATED - 30-12-2016)
« on: October 03, 2016, 06:11:20 PM »
Hey hey look it's about time i did another one of these, last one was forever ago and i (hopefully) improved alot so here ya go

(Gonna go from oldest to newest so excuse if the first ones look bad)
(Also WARNING, some of these may contain cartoon blood)

Spoiler for Hiden:


<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zteRdWLUEE" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zteRdWLUEE</a>

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTi0Jrf7sys" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTi0Jrf7sys</a>

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bn0o8C1lxMM" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bn0o8C1lxMM</a>

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTQjM0FTOcM" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTQjM0FTOcM</a>

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-cxN2C4jEI" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-cxN2C4jEI</a>

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaBHPA5kTWY" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaBHPA5kTWY</a>



Sorry alot of these are super fucking large but i couldnt be bothered to rezise everything just to fit it in the post :, ))

anyways bye

Art / Teenagers - MINI PMV MAP/COLLAB - O P E N
« on: August 10, 2016, 01:54:59 AM »

(Let's try this again shall we)

Warning, this music contains strong language.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4otrws80G4s" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4otrws80G4s</a>

The purpose of this MAPs/COLLABs is to join various small artists from our community into a bigger project and share it for everyone to see. Each artist takes a part of the song and draws a scene with their characters to it.


1 - With the theme that this music has we are aiming for a much more darker and sinister atmosphere. With that in mind, greyish and desaturated colors would be prefered. They do not need to be extremely dark colors but not too bright either. Avoid using way too bright or neon colors unless it's for a minimal detail (for example, eyes).
2 - This is a OC project only. No fandom characters allowed.
3 - Try to have at least 3 different drawings in your part.
4 - Provide a link to either a thread, or a website where I can see your artworks and refrain from posting drawings on the reply itself
5 - This is not a First-Come-First serve. Which means I have all the right to not accept you on this MAP. Do NOT ask twice.
6 - In continuation to rule number 5, do not in any way harass me or anyone involved in the MAP for not getting a part or the part you wanted. Behave.
7 - If you wish to add some tweening to your part, go ahead! Just please do not overdo it.
8 - You MUST add the lyrics to your part. If you cannot add lyrics or the images itself due to the lack of a editing software, tell me and I'd be glad to do it myself (just send your images via PM when they're done). Do not use softwares that will put their watermark on your video (like flipaclip).
9 - You have 2 WEEKS to complete your part. If you need a 1 week extension, please inform me right away.
10 - There's only 6 parts, so you may only take one.


1 - UltimateCreations / Framed-By-Insecurity
2 - Dutchval
3 - Venwolf
4 - Elmo
5 - WhiteNightmare
6 - OPEN


I know I promised this to some people a while back and I'm sorry for the delay!! Also, if this actually goes well, I might host more in the future! I might need some suggestions for musics and themes tho, so we'll see,,


Music - Teenager by My Chemical Romance
Cover Picture by UltimateCreations

Autobiography / "Your average angry teenager"
« on: July 20, 2016, 12:02:46 AM »

because all the cool kids have done it

Ulti Abdalar Nations
May 24th
I'm only 5 foot tall fight me
Probably gay
I'm actually an asshole

Hi there it's me Ulti, I'm your average angry teenager that doesn't understand the concept of life.

I've been playing LM for 2 years now and I'm as sassy as it gets.

I happen to be quite a shy, distant and quiet person most of the time but I can be quite the asshole outgoing and talkative person when I'm around the right people. I love making jokes and making other people laugh even tho my humor consists mostly of bad puns, sassy comebacks and perverted jokes. I enjoy helping people and hella long talks despite the fact I dislike being the center of attention.
I have a really short temper and I'm passive-agressive and I tend to come out as rude whenever I'm pissed. I worry about stuff and people way too much and I get really nervous and anxious pretty easily and I usually end up making everything awkward :, ). Also, I'm sorry but sarcasm is one of my main languages please deal with that.

Please note that I suffer of anxiety and I guess bipolar issues so forgive me if I'm a bit touchy about these subjects. I have a hard time getting to trust people due to trusth issues caused by past events so please, don't take this personally, it's just part of who I am!

I'm pretty much another artist wannabe but I still dont know what I even wanna do in my life. I just know art is my passion and that's not gonna change anytime soon. I also happen to animate and I hope I can do a small animated series of my own one day. As for now I have two aert projects: "C O N S P I R A N C Y" and "Red Violets".

Some of my favourite artists and bands are 30 Seconds to Mars, Panic! At The Disco, twenty one pilots, My Chemical Romance, EDEN, Fall Out Boys, Melanie Martinez, Halsey, Nickelback (yes fight me), Mary Lambert, LIGHTS, Paramore, Madeon, Netsky, Marina And The Diamonds, Driver Friendly, and wow thats alot already.

I love crime investigation series and Criminal Minds is my ultimate life source ok.

I don't like anime, much less pokemon, fight me.

SinPrince is my mom and I say "Jay I s2g" alot.
Dark is cute

Also you may have seen this small, fluffy brown dork around on the forums. She's Ulti, my fursona and therefore, the character that represents me the most. She's my baby and I like to make her look more cute than I actually am.

For more art: Ulti's Art folder

Okay I dont really have much to say anymore lmao. I just did this for the lols. But hey if we haven't really talked before I hope we can in the future! I'm always up for making new friends.
Have a nice day.


" I mean I'll try not to care, but I don't think I would survive out there "

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrwCwv5s4_0" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrwCwv5s4_0</a>

Music: Joel Faviere
Time taken: +- 3 hours

I've meant to do this one for such a long while. And despite being rather simple and not using the full song I still like how it ended up looking.  Worked on 80% of this for 2 hours straight until 2 am. Remind me to never do that again. Or write with a freaking laptop touchpad. seriously tho plz do

Anyway, I'd personally like to do more of these in the future, or even collabs like these! If you're interested, you could message me ; )). Or even RP based PMVs. Hyper noises
Either way I hope you enjoy it. I'm sorry most of the stuff I do complete is vent related. I'll try not to next time.

Requests & Commissions / Ulti's Design Shop
« on: June 11, 2016, 07:11:38 PM »

Hoy there, it's me the Ulti. And I bring you today some designs! I'll be adding more later on but only when the last batch has been all taken.
Note that these are NOT free! These are auctions/OTA (Offer To Adopt) designs. You can ALWAYS offer things for a design even if someone else already did!

Do NOT steal any of the designs or art!
Do not in any way repost, steal or try to copy these designs. I will find out and ask you to take it down.

Do NOT claim the design and give proper credit!
Be fair. If someone asks you about the design, don't lie and say you made it. Now, I don't ask you to ALWAYS mention me whenever you draw this character but, please, do so if you make a reference or in the first drawing you post of it. Since someone has mentioned presets I must say, if you do get a preset with one of these designs you MUST credit me on the Bio. If not I will contact a staff member.

Tell me before reselling / trading / giving away any of these designs!
I'd like to keep track of the owners of the designs so PLEASE PM me if you do so! Also be fair when trading them.

Do NOT complain/ be rude if you didn't get the design.
(Since these type of rules seem to be hard to understand for some people I'm gonna be forced to bold this one :)  ) Remember that I  trade them from my own personal interest. Maybe a trade may seem better than the other to you but I'm trading these for something I'm currently looking for/ find more interesting. Do not in any way harass me or the person who got the design!

Make your offers reasonable!
Please do not offer way too common items or even free ones. I work really hard on these designs and I usually get too attatched to them so try to make interesting offers. For example if you're only offering game currency do not offer below 3 gold. You may of course offer different stuff! That will also make your offer more interesting.

WHAT YOU MAY OFFER ( from most to least wanted )

Items / Game currency
dA Points
Other Designs



1 - OPEN
2 - OPEN
3 - OPEN

I know I should probably still be on my hiatus because I haven't fully recovered yet but I'm feeling way better already so ehh

I've had this idea in my mind for a while and I liked how it came out so I thought it would be nice to make a free YCH ( Your Character Here) out of it.

EXAMPLES (Original, gifts, trades):






Slot 1 - Luminescent:

Slot 2 - Dutchval:

Slot 3 - Cookee:

Slot 4 - Tortuga:

Slot 5 - Venwolf:

Slot 6 - WhiteNightmare

Slot 7 - Kewlkiera

Slot 8 - Shadow55

Slot 9 - Omen

Slot 10 - GERTHIN
Slot 11 - PEGGLES
Link me your character, give me a quote and  tell me what you'd like for the background or link me an image.

Art / Ulti's updated art post
« on: January 23, 2016, 10:01:31 PM »
Yelp I haven't been that active here ah. Sorry about that.

Well, felt like posting some art for once, I think I got a bit better since last time HAS CRAPPY ART FLASHBACKS

WARNING, some drawings may contain blood or gore but a proper spoiler will be added for those who are more sensible to this stuff.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Request art - Character belongs to rightful owner

Request art - character belongs to rightful owner

Sketch belongs to Elmo

WARNING - The following drawings may contain BLOOD and GORE. View at your own risk

Spoiler for Hiden:

Well I think that's all for now, I'll try to update this sometimes, who knows.
See ya guys!
-:- Ulti -:-

Art / "snAAAKE"
« on: December 23, 2015, 11:06:21 PM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H97BAq1crEs" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H97BAq1crEs</a>

K then.
Tbh I missed shitposting on youtube

Yes Ulti is obviously Steven, life goal k.
The other characters belong to their rightful owners (Elmo, Nobody)

General / Everybody reaches a breaking point.
« on: October 25, 2015, 09:42:59 PM »
Even if I've only been half inactive this feeling of well feeling like shit has been taking over my life for quite a while.

I guess I'm somewhat fully back at the web in general? Idk
From the end of august to the middle of september I was feeling really worried, nervous and stressed for really no reason. Sadly it got into the point where I started to feel heart/chest pains, since I don't have any condition regarding that, it was quite obvious they were caused by the stress. This only seemed to get worse and then school was about to start so I decided to somewhat take a break because this was doing no good to my mental health either.
School actually seemed to help calming me down. But I don't really feel the same you know? But I'm fucking 14, it's not like it's not normal but I feel blank? I feel like a part of me died. I see myself as a more tired and sad person now. But tbh I've been hiding true shitty feelings from people irl that they don't really notice. But I still don't like this change at all.
Last Moon and its family helped my out alot in bad times even if they don't know it. I was able to come online more this week and people there really made me feel better. My laptop isn't even working properly that much and my phone doesn't work but I will do my best to be on the forum when I can. I actually received PMs from people asking me if I was okay or feeling better and I have to admit it made my heart warm up.
I would like to thank everyone who supported me, like the fact that I'm just "someone in a screen" but you guys still care so much makes me really happy.

Again I'll try to be more active here. Okay I'm done with all this emotional stuff, I'll just look at LiS emotional stuff now, take care guys

General / Ulti's adoptables
« on: August 23, 2015, 03:04:36 AM »
(I'm not sure where I should post this but I hope I'm doing it on the right place <->)

Yep that's right!
I kinda like making designs but sometimes I don't even use them so I decided to turn them into adoptables! These are FREE.


Firsts come first system!
You cannot ask for two adopts from the same group!
You can change their species.
You can make SMALL changes on the designs but please, do not over do it!
If you don't want the design anymore after you adopt it you CANNOT sell it, it being with money, DA points or ingame currency. You did not make the designs, therefor, are not allowed to receive money from them.
If you don't want your design anymore PM ME. The design will most likely be claimed by me and go for adoption once more. You can always say in your PM that you don't want this to happen or simply want to give them to someone. I am totally fine with that.

First Group:
Spoiler for Hiden:
3: Taken

I did NOT draw this. This was a base created by Rinermai on DeviantArt http://rinermai.deviantart.com/art/Free-wolf-lineart-MS-paint-279776788

Another group will be posted after all the lastest group designs are taken.

Art / Where Our Stars Fall
« on: August 08, 2015, 01:37:38 AM »
Update: Okay, Okay I think it's time I actually explain something about this ehh o vo. WOSF is a comic. Done. Okay joke ummm I'm not sure how long it will be? But it won't be that short believe me. It's more fantasy/ adventure oriented, and it centers on a universe where there are no humans, only wild animals, these can walk on four paws or like humans and practice human activities aswell so don't freak out if you see one walking like a boss k? We will follow these two sisters (on the cover thing) in their hard poor life as they visit the Lord of their town to solve a problem and everything turns upside down and they have to save everyones ass okay bye.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Ups, I made a thing.
I'ma regret this later.

There we go Dutchval, I'm 1 year late but as promised a comic<3 rip me.

SotU lives but these babes have been living longer...

While there are no new pages (the first pages won't come out that soon sorry ; u;) here have some concept art and references
Spoiler for Hiden:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Spoiler for Hiden:

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