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Topics - Cookee

Pages: [1] 2 3
Requests & Commissions / ||Preset Commissions||
« on: June 04, 2018, 11:25:07 AM »
Heya babes and dudes!

Since I have some free time atm I can finally draw a bit more again and make presets.
So to earn a few pennies I'ld like to open some preset commissions.

Rules are simple
Be sure that the design of the character is yours. I wont search through the whole internet to see wether its stolen or not. I give ya my trust there so pls dont abuse it.
If you dont have a ref/design for the preset you can still get one, you could name me color wishes or leave it all to me.
Please bring a bit of patience with you. Some presets take a few hours to finish. Sometimes I finish them within one day, but other presets will take maybe 2 or 3 days.

Payment <Paypal only>
Normal preset/no special effects                                                                            5€/5.86$
Preset with transparency                                                                                       6€/7.04$
Preset with other effects/scrolling/semi-transparent/semi-transparent+scrolling        8€/9.38$
Preset with more effects at once                                                                           10/11.73$


Normal preset
Spoiler for Hiden:
Design by Lyric Design by Ulti

Preset with other effects
Spoiler for Hiden:
Description by Paps

Preset with more effects at once
Spoiler for Hiden:

You can contact me here on the forum or preferably in discord (Cookee#8293) to send me pictures of the design of the character and so we can talk about the preset.

Finished commissions
Spoiler for Hiden:

Art / ||New oc for me and Darkkk||
« on: April 09, 2018, 02:57:02 AM »
Dark and I decided to make oc's who are a gay couple. Ido the dark one is his and Makoto the cuty is mine.
More art of them with more details will follow soon.
I'll also turn them into presets.

Textures & Models / ||Trico||
« on: February 04, 2018, 01:44:18 AM »

Been a while since I posted some pics of a model which I made here.
This time I'm trying to make a Trico model, a creature of the game The Last Guardian.

He's not finished. I'll edit this thread and post some new pics where u can see the progress.
To finish the model faster and get the details easier I'm using Sculptris.
After that I will rig the model and give a texture to it in Blender.

Here are some pics of the model how it looks now.

Would be great if anyone of u could give me some good screenshot out of the game from Trico. There sadly arent many good ones in the internet.

Requests & Commissions / ||Signature Commissions||
« on: January 09, 2018, 09:14:21 PM »
Heya everyone.

Well the subject already says it, I'm taking commissions for signature drawings like these:



Or like those in my own signature.

The rules are simple.
1. Be sure that the design of the oc is yours!
2. I need a screenshot of your character or at least a drawing.
3. Don't edit the drawing on your own after you got it, also dont use it as a base for another character.
4. I'll take the medals after the drawing is done and when I've sent it to you.
5. Please be patient because I can't always finish them in 1 day.

Head drawing - 3 gold medals
Full body        - 4 gold medals
Couple           - 6 gold medals

1. daska
2. Dice
3. Gerthin
4. Shadow
5. -

Introductions / ||Back from a little trip||
« on: January 07, 2018, 10:10:40 PM »
Heya LastMooners!

It's been a while but here I am. Finally back home and ofc back in Last Moon. I know that I didn't said anything about leaving for a while/hiatus on the forum or in-game. So now you can get to know what happened if u want to.

After I finished school in spring last year I had no plans what to do. I knew that I wanted to start working to earn money, move out and get a own flat. But which job? And where? Would I earn enough money to live alone? Would I even like the job after I started it?
There were enough questions in my head but I wasn't really able to answer any of them.

Well also my parents weren't really exited that I was home most of the time and did nothing besides my small job which I already had for a year. I visited some companies to get to know them but I still didn't felt well with the idea that I should choose a job now. It was a big decision, that's what I thought. After all I didn't started any education employment yet.

I worked some days in the week and got another small job. No education which I usually had to start but at least I earned some money with those jobs.

I argued a lot with my parents because they weren't happy with my situation. Two older brothers who already had jobs and who are almost finished with their education -> Not good for me.

So why was I gone for so long when I was all the time home and worked just a few days in the week?
Well the good thing is: I wasn't home all the time.

I decided to visit some friends who lives in different regions in Germany with the money I earned. Lucky me that Germany is not that big.
After that I had a great trip which I will never forget. I visited Australia. A friend went to Australia last year in summer so I met him and spent 3 wonderful months over there. One of the highlights was to celebrate the new year in Sydney.

So I'm home since yesterday. I feel like I wanna sleep all the time, it's way to cold in my home town but yea I'm very glad that I did this trip. And finally I got a save plan for this year. I will start to study. Not just anything, I want to study to be a teacher later. Ofc I wanna teach arts and...probably german.

Phew. Well I wrote a little bit but if u have read it maybe u will remind this when you finished school and don't know what to do. It's not always a easy decision.

I'll see you in-game guys! I hope u all had a great start into the new year and a great Christmas time!

Art / ||Oh Boi||
« on: June 28, 2017, 10:12:24 PM »
I haven't drawn anything lately bc my tablet was broken, rip.

But I fixed it and thought about drawing a blonde boi with some black clothes
Then I remembered that I'm shitty in drawing human faces or hands, sob

So I drew this hawt naked faceless boi <;
Hope u like him

Requests & Commissions / ||Preset Commissions||
« on: April 29, 2017, 04:27:39 PM »

I'll take preset requests and here are some information:

Be sure that the design is yours. I won't do oc's or characters which are not yours.
I won't pay the 3 diamond medals, I will just make the files.

Preset                                       6 gold medals
Difficulty markings                   + 1 gold medal
Transparent parts                    + 1 gold medal
Semi-transparent parts             + 1 gold medal
Scrolling parts                         + 1 gold medal
Semi-transparent+scolling parts + 2 gold medals
Preset+any parts/markings           Admin item

I will send you the files after you payed the medals.

Please list these informations
Name of the preset/character
Picture of the preset/character
Model parts (Head1, Body5 etc. for example)

Four slots for now.
I will open more when these are finished

Slot 1: skywolf254 |Paid|
Slot 2: Jenn |Paid|
Slot 3: Gerthin |Paid|
Slot 4:

Requests & Commissions / ||Miep.3||
« on: April 21, 2017, 08:29:00 PM »

Time to start round 3 of this

First reply will get a free preset

Be sure that the design is yours. I won't do oc's or characters which are not urs.
After you got the free preset slot pls post images or drawings of ur character/oc or describe how your preset should look like. I prefer pictures. You could also pm me on the forum. I won't pay the 3 diamond medals, I will just make the files.
Those who already got a preset by me can't get one again yet.

I will do this again so be ready <;

Presets & Markings / ||Presets||
« on: April 18, 2017, 02:22:21 PM »
Heya <:

Here's a preset which I made for Lyric because she
got the free preset slot of my last ||Miep|| thread.

And another preset which I made as a commission
for Darknight.

Preset for Gerthin because of the ||Miep.3|| thread.

Requests & Commissions / ||Miep.2||
« on: April 07, 2017, 05:30:08 PM »

Time to start round 2 of this

First reply will get a free preset

Be sure that the design is yours. I won't do oc's or characters which are not urs.
After you got the free preset slot pls post images or drawings of ur character/oc or describe how your preset should look like. I prefer pictures. I won't pay the 3 diamond medals, I will just do the files.
Those who already got a preset by me can't get one again yet.

I will maybe do this again soon so be ready <;

Presets & Markings / ||Preset for Ulti||
« on: March 19, 2017, 05:46:49 PM »

I posted a ||Miep.|| thread a while ago in the commission section.
I'll post one like that soon again. It includes a free preset made by me if you reply first.

Ulti was the first who replied and here is her preset

I hope u like it <;

Requests & Commissions / ||Miep.||
« on: March 06, 2017, 09:22:30 AM »
Hoi <:

First reply will get a free preset <;

Be sure that the design is yours. I won't do oc's or characters which are not urs.
After you got the free preset slot pls post images or drawings of ur character/oc or describe how your preset should look like. I prefer pictures. I won't pay the 3 diamond medals, I will just do the files.

I will maybe do this again soon so be ready o3o

Art / ||Free LineArt||
« on: March 02, 2017, 02:23:06 PM »
Hallu <:

Atm I'm doing some line art which u may use for >free<
Color it, edit it, do what ever you want c;
If u use this I would really like to see some results n-n So just post them here

I will add more line art from time to time.

Oh and maybe post what line art you would like to see/use <;

Art / || Win A Preset || Contest ||
« on: February 25, 2017, 11:32:54 PM »
Heya everyone. c:

So I thought about this a while and now
the presets for this are finally done.

>In this contest you can win 1 of 3 Raccoon presets<

You still have to pay the 3 diamond medals and so on to get the preset ingame if you won the contest.
I will just send you the files for the preset after you won.

I would like to see feline, canine, oc's, dragons etc. drawings.
>There are 3 different areas: Cutest drawing, coolest drawing, the one with the most fantasy in it.<
Post in which area you want your drawing in. Otherwise I will see what area fits best to your preset.

The contest ends at the 15th march 2017.

I hope many people will join! n-n

>The preset for the cutest drawing
Spoiler for Hiden:

>The preset for the coolest drawing
Spoiler for Hiden:

>The preset for the drawing with the most fantasy
Spoiler for Hiden:

Presets & Markings / ||New preset|| Edit ||
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:48:37 PM »

Its been a while since I worked on a preset
but I sketched it and now I want to see it finish u-u

So here's a small peek on my new preset (not the end result)
I hope u like him c:

He's kinda a mixture of a canine (husky markings), feline and sprinkle of a naughty boy <;

Finished preset

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