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Topics - granite

Pages: [1]
Autobiography / Im still here -cough- ~unfortunately~
« on: March 07, 2017, 06:37:19 AM »
Im still here watching you guys do your stuff. Although im not in game nearly as much as i used to be im still watchin you guys in the forums. Im in what i can do atm. Under constant surveillance. Even as i type this now im a bit paranoid. But ole gran is still here dont know why i posted this.  Maybe to keep you guys from forgetting me. Have a nice nap or day or suspension or weekend or whenever your wasting time readin this ~¤gran¤~

Leaving/Hiatus / Problably going soon....
« on: January 11, 2016, 07:18:33 AM »
Well fellow mooners, I had to leave sometime.

ive been on LM for about a year, been through many roleplays, most where fun, others not very.
anyway, none of that matters now. because I'm most likely leaving my beloved home, last moon.
why? well, ive my reasons. but to show my love to last moon, its players its staff, its owner, and map creators, ive decided to write you all my final poem to be posted on the last moon forum.

just the title "Roses are sweet violets are true last moon was for me but now its for you"

farewell, goodbye ole' friend o' mine the world I once loved, the one I must leave. I loved the dragons flying high in the jungle, the cows roaming free upon the hidden valley's grove The illusive keysword that escaped my grasp. the blades of leaves by the castles path, the scorching sand of the savanah, the cold forests of shadow veldt, the deadly hidden slendy wolf, to the imperial dragons wise eye.the role plays went for hours and hours the stories unrolled for all to see,the creator myz who rebuilt it all, the mooners that re crfted the maps,the prey,the bosses, and the pets,and all the friends that I saw go, I'm afraid I must also, but to lastmoon I say my last, don't forget me ill always look I say to you and all that read,roses are sweet violets tell the truth last moon was good to me,let it be good to you....

~Granite's last~ {farewell to you all}

Game Help / I lost my size upgrade
« on: July 21, 2015, 02:19:15 AM »
i bought the size upgrade to 3 for my char gatekeeper then changed him to a cat then back to a spiked wolf and renamed him the free flame and my size is gone

Literature & Poetry / please remove
« on: June 11, 2015, 07:22:44 AM »
as I set upon the mountain and watch the sun set.

another watches the sunrise and has no regret.

I set upon my mountain and watch the moon ahead.

while another watches the sun about to set.

and all the time i sit here i hold no regret.

poem by granite

All My Flaws

It seems like someone like me would have few flaws.

But that's not the truth at all.

In fact i have so many faults.

That i feel like I'm ticking time bomb

But when I go off.

I don't reach a mile.

my blast radius is extremely small.

just around the bomb

sometimes I feel alone.

when really its a whole different tone.

people all around me and yet I feel as a lone wolf.

stranded and cold.

However i refuse to live my emotions.

I will keep a positive notion.

So they cant see

How it really is to be me....

poem by-granite

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Branches

The branches have many names different to all.

Some prefer veins.

some call them vessels


I call them branches.

And others call them art.

No matter what we call them.

They always lead to our heart.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the moon and water...

moon so bright in the starry night sky...

its hard to find star brighter...

it seems as if the moon is a mystery...

half is unknown while the other is seen....

when really they are the same thing...

so many judge only by looks...

but few look inbetween the crooks...

-granite 6/13/15
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------colorado springs---

I look upon the sandstone mountains...

its a breath taking sight....

watching a colorado sunset its beautiful everytime....

the sun sets behind pike's peak orange and full of hue's of all the warm colors....

and when the moon rises its a whole different story...

all the blue's emerge from their slumber....

and everytime it never cease's to amaze me....

-granite- 6/14/15


in the depths of the moonlight. ...

I feel just fine...

Wasting all my time...

While the moon Fly's by....

But when it all comes down to who can see...

Only you decide your destiny. ..

When your wastin' time..

And you decide what's right. ..

It all just flies by...

Like stars in the sky......

-granite 《♤》
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------me on our mountain----

I set upon our mountain all alone...

wondering if the one I share it with will ever show.....

i watch the sun set low....

as the last burning embers of the sun slow....

I know she wont show...

now that the moon is shining as gunpowder shines before it blows....

I set upon our mountain awaiting her sweet return....

yet as i sit here alone ill never know what side of her she had to show.

The Tallest Peak In Colorado

I wake up every morning

To see pike's peak infront of me...

So close and yet so far away...

its the ultimate goal for me....

To climb to pike's tallest peak...

So  that i too can say...

Ive seen some shit....



Game Market / Granite's limited weapon/toy/shard hut
« on: June 10, 2015, 05:55:49 PM »
space shard=1ruby           quantity=1

type 95 assault rifle-5 bronze   quantity=1

AWM sniper=1silver and 1 bronze  quantity=2

walther WA200=5 bronze quantity=3

m16=7 bronze quantity=1

SA-80= 9 bronze  quantity=1
------------------more weapons to come---------------toys below-------------------------------------------------messy trex= 2 silver quantity=1

happy trex= 1 silver quantity=1

-----------------more to come (maybe)------------------------------------------------------------------------------

note:all items are less than npc's sell them for


Leaving/Hiatus / ~the life of granite/stryker/shining rays~
« on: June 10, 2015, 06:00:38 AM »
This is the story of me -granite- although im a new moon in the forum i am a myth in the game even though few know my story it is a story worth reading
-------------------------story below---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------stryker was in portal island looking for a tribe,when he saw midnight midnight was a cat wolf mix with pink ears and a white tail tip. stryker talked with midnight and rin and he was the healer of TheBlazingSkies tribe he was a mentor to a young kit called featherclaw he taught featherclaw to fly hunt 
and how to heal others wounds.....stryker sat in the crystals in the flame grotto and watched the alpha midnight he thought she was beautiful she certainly was different than others. but he knew she favored rin. he didnt know why because rin was always mean he was a dragon tamer and everytime i was sent to hunt id bring back dragon just to get under his pelt. one day midnight was very stressed and i was about to hit the hay and i just could'nt resist to aske her what was wrong she said it was rin that she didnt think he liked her and i told her he'd be a fool not to because she was beautiful strong talented and the strongest female i'd ever seen. and if he didnt like her he didnt deserve her. because i knew he didnt deserve her i told her if she ever needed anyone to talk to or needed anything to just howl and i went to sleep.the next day it was just me midnight and some others and i told her how i felt and she felt the same i still remember the feel of relief i'd felt and we were in love we spent every second together just me and her alone that we could.I became the male alpha and we ran the pack like it was our own family,we were like that for a few months and then the pack disbanded we ran off together and raised three pups. shadow ash and (i forgot the last one) when they grew up and left into the world we spent more and more time together. we went to parties ate bountifully and lived happily and then she started getting depressed...I tried to make her happy  but she was always glum she thought i was to good for her...then my pc broke and it appeared that i vanished but now i have an acer and it wont crash and im back but when i got back she was gone...and wolflover had forgotten me so i was depressed my mate gone my best friend gone i was defeated then i met nariko and she was my friend so i got better in no time then i became a bounty hunter (if i told you id have to kill you too kinda stuff) then i gave that up and hung out with nissihoku(nissi) an he was nice we went to parties and stuff then i completed all the Quests got awesome stuff and i was a myth then the OGRE exception happened so this is my final goodbye to all of my friends out there and all who i will miss however i will be moving to feral heart but i will be active on the last moon forum
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NVM im back thx to ven

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