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Topics - Nightcore

Pages: [1]
Leaving/Hiatus / Apology/leaving
« on: November 12, 2014, 03:36:30 AM »
I've had a couple of accounts on LM
and here is where the drama starts.
I've been going through some gender identity issues

So I made a account to make boy characters so I can
see if I want to be a boy..  This is so embarrassing  :-[

Then I made a female account so I can see if I want to stay the gender I am
a female 

I don't quite feel comfortable saying what my accounts are but if I must
and if I was breaking the rules then I will. But I am sorry from the bottom of my heart

If I broke any rules.

I'm also going through so much life drama and family drama
anxieties etc 

So that's why I have to go. I'm not trying to attention seek
believe me I hate that spotlight.

Game Help / Haunted Tower - boss pet
« on: November 11, 2014, 12:28:38 AM »
Could anyone tell me the details about it?
like how much damage it can do
can it heal? etc

(Sorry if this is on the wrong board)

Mini-Games / Create your own species/breed
« on: October 30, 2014, 01:03:33 AM »
So you go into character creator and try to
make your own species/breed. Simple

Then you upload a picture with It's

name/skills/life expectancy/health/stamina/behavior/sound/size/how to make/ etc

life expectancy:
50 years, some 60
although being a healthy creature their tails are very sensitive just one
good step on them and it will hurt and ache for hours. They're also extremely blind at night
 their tails are the most important part of the abana's body. Their tails can detect
movement within 100ft range although not being nocturnal creature their tails detect objects
within a 100ft range as well
 they're only a yellow or brown color
underfur is a white or gray color, only orange/blue/green/black/white/ eyes
females tend to be the ones with the fluffiest tails, males can have them but. Rare
most common manes: Mane 7,Mane 8,Mane 16,Mane 17,Mane 18,Mane 21,Mane 22,
manes are usually a darker color then pelt or they blend in
65% of the time full grown males are size 1.2
male teens 1.02 male cubs 0.61 male newborn 0.5
female newborn 0.555 female cub 0.65 teenage female 1.07
full grown female 1.25  females are supposed to be bigger then males
because these creatures tend to have 7 cubs most commonly or
4 cubs if a female is smaller then a male she'll most likely only be able
to have 2 cubs 80% of the time a smaller female's cubs will all die and one will survive

stamina: 50 mp
sound: cheetah's squeal

how to make: female
Chipped Ears,Fat tail(rarely, thick pointy)
some females can be born with tuft 4
most females are bigger of size but commonly thin
(Females who'm are bigger can have up to 10 cubs)
males are designed some-what the same go to  looks to see
an idea of what a male looks like

Game Help / Where can I find these items?
« on: October 09, 2014, 12:50:50 AM »
Sapphire Necklace, Spiked Earrings, Nosering.

Discussion & Suggestions / Iżeas [update, in game ideas section]
« on: October 07, 2014, 09:35:52 PM »
❣ Items ❣   
Iphones [not sure how this would work but it would be cute]

Purse [around the neck and to the front it will show]

Tooth Brush [inside mouth so It's not floating]

Vintage Camera [around the neck like the purse]

Cushion [will look weird when you're running but when you equip, and you lay down, you will get to lay on the cushion]

Rings [Some for girls. Some for guys :D]

Book [Goes inside mouth]

Book2 [Goes on the tip of your nose and It's open]

Foods Inside Mouth [burger,carrot,fish,stake,KFC,toast,fries,candy bar,lollipop,scorpion,hotdog)

Salad Bowl [on paws]

Cricket [on head]

Cricket2 [on body]

Cricket3 [on tail]

Moss [on head]

Pen [in mouth]

Notebook [In mouth]

Assortments of flowers [like rose]

Cage [all around body]

Flash light [in mouth]

Bone [in mouth]

Frog [on head]

Hand Cuffs 

Light Saber [in mouth]

卐 Game Ideas  卐

Dynamic lighting, perhaps there could be a button that says "Night vision" that you could switch on/off, example: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Paw print tracks [you could turn this off if it lags]

Puddle generator [creates puddles from the rain, and somehow you could add like a evaporation]

Waving trees,grass,bushes

Smaller mice [yikes, they're as big as a lion cub or a wolf pup]

Bigger lions [wolves are bigger...]

Actions, keyboard shortcuts

Faces, keyboard shortcuts

Rain bounces off objects, instead of going through them

Drip [Depending on how heavy the rain is and how long you've been in it that's how much you'll drip]

Drip2 [After you come out of a river or whatever you'll drip to for a certain amount of time, and depending on what body part got wet is where it will drip, would be cool if it makes lil puddles]

✯℃haracter Creation Ideas✯   

Colorable claws [I heard claws will come with Character Creation, each claw you could color]

Default faces [A default face you always keep, But can change, but as soon as you undo the undefault face, it will go back to the default one]

Colorable tounges [I know this is a thought for the developers. But I'm just putting it out that I really want this]

Realistic markings [lion has a slight, back marking] lioncubmarking2
Realistic lion ears
Realistic lion mane
Capability of removing any claw

Dripping after coming out of water

♒Animation ideas♒   
Carry someone on your back [Like with Dubsteps permission idea]

Paws bend, when paws are hanging off something

Front paws bend [slow movement, this is a hunting technique for lionesses to be quieter]

ϟFace Ideasϟ   


➳That is all for now I may be updating later➳   
PS. sorry a lot of this is about lions.. I barely know anything about wolves

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