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Topics - MonsterMonkeh92

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Once again.. - Cloud's Cloud (plushie) stuck in the ground.
« on: December 24, 2014, 10:22:52 AM »
Once again. x-x Lo siento.


Me and another one of my friends had a staff plushie. (I had Cloud's Cloud and my friend (idk what the name of it is but) had another one that was redish/brownish and had light orange in its mane and had a spiked collar)
And we both liked the plushies, We wanted and didnt want to trade them. So we decided to just test (idk) them for a while and see if we would like them more. over the past hours/days.
I went to drop my Cloud's Cloud but when i did it went through the ground and couldnt be picked up x-x
Was just asking if i could get it back x -x cause i stayed in the map and dim for like 20 minutes trying many tempts onto trying to pick it up but failed a lot.
so yea
Lo siento (im sorry) again ;-;
Just wanted to ask. Cause ive had that plushie since end of 2013 and didnt want it to get lost. but it did ;w;

If i cant get it back then ill just wait my luck or try trade with someone.

Again im sorry for asking for help again.
Also. Merry Xmas. c:

Game Help / Items have been doubled?..
« on: December 12, 2014, 06:13:05 AM »
Sorry for bugging you all again x-x


Apparently my items on my char have doubled-
Paw Flower
Paw Flower
Green Glowstick
Rune Sword
Spiked Bracelet
Spiked Bracelet

All of them have doubled and another set of them have been added to my stash o-o
So now i have e.g: instead of 2 pawflowers i have 4.
same with the spiked bracelets o-o
Rune sword rose and that i now have 2.

I was just asking if this is a bug or a big glitch. o-o cause idk what caused it to do that. all i do remember is timing out and then came back in. and they were there. (was 2 days ago but i thought it would go away when i left the map.. It didnt and i guess it was a miss of me putting them in my stash -before- i timed out.) and then today i looked in my stash to get items for my other char. and i saw those items in my stash but were also on my char..

If. anyone can say what this is- plz xwx

Example of what i mean:
Spoiler for Hiden:

--Image Big--

Game Help / F1 Button and SlendyWolf.
« on: November 25, 2014, 04:52:23 AM »
F1 Button
So sometimes when i press F1. I crash.
Is that normal or is that a problem with my game?
Cause its starting to get really annoying. ewe


Was attacking him about 5 minutes ago. (Started about 10)
Somehow when attacking him one of the times when he hit me he made me crash?
Happened three times now-
Is that just Slendy being a troll/game crasher. or another problem with something?

And when it does crash it just comes up with the usual Error "Game not responding"


Forum Help / First Forum account lost. - Made new one .?.
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:24:30 AM »
So when this forum was created a few days later or when the message came up on the old LM forum.
I made on here and it was the same as my one on the other forum 'MonsterMonkey92'
Then I set it to that I  stay logged in all the time. But for some reason I got logged out when I opened the forum and when I went to login the user and pass was there so I pressed enter and said password was incorrect- and I just realised password required 8 characters so I tried as many as I could that I know of, and not a single one of them worked.
So i guess i did a different type of pass or my username got removed? o-o
So basically is asking if it is ok to make another Account on the forum.
I also lost my email as well so i had to make another. xwx. god i suck at this stuff ;-;
So yea im just asking if its ok to of made a new Account on the forum even though i probably have the other still () or not i dont really know.
So yea~ c:

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