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Topics - CloudKnight

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General / Unforgiveable mistakes and lies
« on: July 06, 2017, 05:00:31 PM »
Dear Lm Community, I would like to apologize for my unacceptable behavior and lies, and to everyone I have called names and caused problems for[almost everyone], What I did was very wrong, and granted I need to knock off my attitude and not backtalk to you guys, I shouldn't have ever called any of you names because you are the ones who make up such a great community, and I am being a downfall to it and for that I am sorry. I should have kept my mouth shut and listened to what all of you said because again it came back on me, you all warned me about that and I never listened because I didn't believe it. You all can hate me etc, but I am sorry for the mistakes/lies and hurtful things I said to you guys. I may end up not coming back due to my actions, which is my fault because I couldn't control myself, but I am glad to say I took Kovaii's and others advice on getting help, and I am now taking medication for my issues/aggressiveness and attitude, Again I am sorry for all the hurtful things I said to all of you and causing everyone problems~ I may not be perfect or have friends but that doesn't mean I can't apologize for my mistakes, I understand if a lot of you do not accept my apology but I do not hate any of you for that, I don't hate you at all but I would do the same if I was in your shoes, So again I am very sorry.

Game Market / Trade Roses???
« on: June 21, 2017, 09:43:42 PM »
Hello everyone, I am looking to trade my blue rose for a white rose or a purple rose[I would prefer white, but either works] So if you want to trade PLEASE let me know!~

General / I am sorry
« on: June 18, 2017, 03:47:48 AM »
I have been lying for quite a while now, and I think it's time everyone knows the truth I am LovieDovie, I started a new player [CloudKnight] and I had LovieDovie deleted so I could have friends and start as a new player. I started being nice to everyone, and I would like LovieDovie to be in the past. I would hope all of us can still be friends. I will try to keep up being nice to everyone. I am sorry TO everyone I made angry or was rude to before. Thanks for being my friends for this entire time, I hope to keep up being friends, and I really do love all of you. ~Thanks~

General / Respect for the Staff/Mods
« on: June 10, 2017, 10:27:38 PM »
Hello everyone, I would just like to say something. [NOTE]: This is not to start any arguments. I would like some people that are being VERY disrespectful to staff [Not saying any names] need to stop. You may NOT like something they do, but they do it for a reason. The reason is to keep everyone safe from violence, Rudeness, Etc. Them banning, muting, or kicking you from the game, Does NOT give YOU the RIGHT to DISRESPECT them. You have NO clue what they have gone through to keep us ALL safe from people who should not be on the GAME, that are causing TROUBLE. So if you please STOP being rude to the Staff/Mods, Learn Manners and DO NOT be DISRESPECTFUL. *Sincerely, CloudKnight*

Introductions / Hello I am CloudKnight
« on: June 08, 2017, 01:49:13 AM »
Hello everyone here at LastMoon, I just joined a few days ago, I thought I might as well introduce myself. My game name is CloudKnight as it is here on the forum as well, I would like to be everyone's friend, as I do love having friends, I am a helper I will try to help you if you need help even though I am new I will try my best. This is also the first game I have ever played, and I am 13, so either way it is very nice and a pleasure to meet all of you, I look forward to spending time with everyone! :)

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