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Topics - ShadowSerine

Pages: [1]
Game Market / Looking for items
« on: April 27, 2018, 02:39:07 PM »
Hai, i'm looking for a gas mask, if you have an unwanted one plz let me know, i want it for my character, it goes with him. Thank you! Juust pm me if you have one and we can meet up on game. Ty!

Requests & Commissions / Pixels
« on: April 12, 2018, 03:33:21 PM »
Could anyone do me a HUGE favor and make me a pixel art of my Macrey character in-game, I would just like the head of her so i can use it as a profile picture here on the forums c: I have changed the looks of Macrey my big fluff, so if you need a picture if you aren't in-game at the time just let me know. Thank you!

~ Shadow

General / Fresh start
« on: April 10, 2018, 03:27:14 PM »
Well guys and gals, it's about time I finally started over. My nickname is Tabs, hi, hello, nice to meet you all. I am a 16 year old girl in 11th grade, I have a lot of issues, Anger, etc. I have learned to handle it and I feel better, but at the moment due to my family having to move, my emotions are kinda running high, but No worries, i can control them with my best effort. I used to have ducks but I gave them away to a very good home, and  they are very happy now. My in-game name is ShadowSerine and I love LM, other games I play include, Alicia Online, StarStable, Wizard101, and my tablet/phone game Animal jam - Play Wild!, I love games and making friends, it's what keeps me happy. I do get on people's nerves a lot, because i am annoying sometimes and I like to talk. My birthday is July, 31 and usually during my birthday I like being with my family because thats my biggest gift for my birthday. I'm terrible at grammar sometimes, I love trying to help people, giving money to homeless people etc. I couldn't and wouldn't be able to get through the day without my family and friends. So yes this is me the true ShadowSerine... This is me, and this is who I am, and I am willing and ready to start fresh, because that is who i want to be.

~ Shadow

General / Moving...
« on: April 05, 2018, 05:48:40 PM »
Hey guys... it's me Shadow... Me and my family are going through a really tough time right now, and honestly I am scared shitless about it... I could really use friends like everyone here right now, but I don't have my Pc... Anyways my family HAS to move, so I need some help getting through this, so I figured since everyone here is so sweet to me. You guys give me the motivation to try and be happy..

I love you all, and I hope to see you soon, if not this is the reason why.


Leaving/Hiatus / Yikes
« on: January 26, 2018, 06:09:27 PM »
Ello my dears, I won't be coming back soon (hopefully i might) as I spilled soda on my PC and it's not working now -.-, so I hope I see you all soon lmao, but until then...I Love you all and can't wait to see you all again xD
Don't know how long i'll be gone, not being able to be on LM with you all makes me cry.

Game Market / LLookiing
« on: January 22, 2018, 07:08:05 PM »
Heyo everyone, I am back and looking for a sora necklace, and possibly a red tie, so pm me if you have either or reply lol thanks! :)

Leaving/Hiatus / Byee
« on: December 23, 2017, 03:56:54 AM »
Leaving for good bye

Leaving/Hiatus / My decision/My apologies
« on: December 21, 2017, 02:17:55 PM »
I am gonna go on a hiatus for a day or two, have fun. See ya then, also I am sorry Dice, Un3R8h0T, Daska, and whoever else I was an ass to. You may not wanna be friends, but I am sorry. I still love you guys.

General / My mistake.
« on: December 12, 2017, 06:09:48 PM »
Hello LastMoon friends, I would like to apologize for my behavior, sometimes I can be rude to you guys. I am truly sorry for that, I would like to change my attitude, as I will be positive from now on! Thank you all. :)

Last Moon Media / Friends <3
« on: December 05, 2017, 11:57:04 PM »
My friend in the screenie:  Knight Of Aries, darkblue,Spades55, and finally Forester <3

Leaving/Hiatus / Goodbye my dears.
« on: December 05, 2017, 12:45:31 AM »
Well my dears, I am sad to say this but I will be taking a short hiatus soon. I love this community and the server. I am having personal issues as well as heart issues.SO I will be going to get that checked out next week or so. Hiatus will last a day.I will still hang around the forums, if you need me you can contact me here via PM or Discord, my discord is : ShadowSerine#9592

Burnt Bugernuts

Mini-Games / Mind Tricker
« on: December 01, 2017, 03:54:51 PM »
So this game is called Mind Tricker, the human mind is amazing, so basically in this game you mix up words and make a sentence, and the person below will try to figure it out, then comment the answer! Then they will make there own sentence so on and so forth! TBH it brings me joy cause well y'know i'm like that I like stupid games. xD  ONLY 55 of 100 PEOPLE CAN READ THIS!!! I am one of those people. :)

Let's get started!! I'll go first! XD Examples:

1st person: stih snti ryev godo keoj mola epek htis iogng
2nd Person: This isnt very good joke keep this going
So on so forth, the reason humans can read such things that are scrambled like this is because
This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe,

I hope you guys will enjoy this game, as we can see how amazing the human mind is. :)

Starting now!!!!:
ejony erytveinhg aubot lfie bcuseae yuor awlays ginog to be lveod

Game Help / How to fix some game errors.
« on: November 28, 2017, 06:21:55 PM »
Hello there fellow LastMoon friends. If you are stuck in a world, such as: UnderwaterWorld, Ice etc. and you are wondering "How do I get out of here?"
Or "My game keeps crashing when I start it up after I went into this world, why is it doing that?"
Well here is a solution! If you are stuck in a world and when you start your game it automatically just crashes, go to your LM files, if you do not know how to get to your LM files this is how my dears: (Right click on the LM symbol on your PC/Computer and click go to files, this will bring up your LM files, what you need to do is search SavePoint.sav and DELETE IT). The next issue: If you have OGRE EXCEPTION ERRORS, showing you are missing loads of files. You need to go to your LM files, again explained how to find them up top, and you need to DELETE your Version.txt file, which will automatically update the game!
I hope this will help every new-comer, Enjoy and have fun playing LastMoon!

Introductions / Greetings.
« on: November 27, 2017, 08:51:45 PM »
Delete this post please, it was a mistake. :)

Literature & Poetry / Poems for you my dears
« on: November 27, 2017, 07:08:57 PM »
Hello my dears, This first poem I found on google, forgive me for it is not mine. I hope it gives you a laugh.

Me no study
Me no care
Me go marry
A millionare
If he die
Me no cry
Me go marry
Another guy

My dears, this is a poem most about love, this is also from google, forgive me.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I wish you were here,
I'm missing you.

Pages: [1]