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Topics - Venadryl

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 5
Introductions / here i am again
« on: July 06, 2019, 11:06:15 PM »
It's been about... Two years...ish? I can't remember. But after quite the hiatus I'm going to make an official return to this community. So for any new folks I haven't seen yet, feel free to introduce yourself. And for familiar faces I'd love to talk again :)

Here's a bit of an update about myself:

I'm 17, female and I live in the US. In the past I've gone by a couple different names, but you can call me Ven if you'd like.

In the past two years I haven't done much really. My music taste has changed dramatically; I enjoy a variety of genres. A few artists I can think of at the moment are ASAP Rocky, The Smiths, MGMT, Blood Orange, Alice in Chains, Earl Sweatshirt, Nirvana, OutKast, Bauhaus, and Mac Miller.

I draw a lot still, but I don't identify with the furry community at all anymore. I still love animals though!

Here's a bonus picture of my parrotlet, Nimbus.

I'm very happy to be back!!

Art / Venom Redesign
« on: April 14, 2018, 04:25:40 PM »
So if you've known me at all you knew my old username (Venwolf) was based off a character I have, named Venom.
Well I've had that character since about 5 years ago and she kept the same design for about 4 and a half years of that time.
So I figured, it's time for changing.
My lil bud got a seriously needed update.

here is the lineart for this drawing incase anyones curious hehe.
Spoiler for Lineart:

And here is her original design, shown in a drawing from about a year ago.
Spoiler for OG VENOM OOF:

Discussion & Suggestions / Suggest items
« on: April 06, 2018, 11:56:26 AM »
I’m making some items
Leave some ideas for stuff you want to see
You can suggest shards if you want but leave them separate from item suggestions since those aren’t really my thing.

Introductions / It's been awhile
« on: January 21, 2018, 02:46:29 PM »
Hello everyone,
For those I know, and those I don't, my appearance here is very strange for all.
It has been very long, and I'd like to apologize to everyone in this community, in the staff team, and the game in general.
I should have announced my leave, but, I didn't. And the anxiety of returning to this community drove me away because I'd fear what everyone would say. It's been at least 6 months, I'm well aware it may have been more than that.
I've got a lot of catching up to do as well, as I have 16 whole pages of Recent Threads to scroll through, and I've never seen a blue New button next to every single board on the forums. ALSO: If you tried to contact me via Skype, I'm sorry. I haven't signed into that account in 6 months due to losing the password, and it will no longer be used.

So why did I leave?
I didn't choose to, rather I just noticed I started spending much less time on my computer and more doing school work and spending time alone. When I finished my summer school work, I then was back in school and had absolutely no time to spend online. Friday and Saturday nights that were once spent online, ingame, were now spent either at play practice for my school's theater class, or doing marching band functions as I am involved in that as well. Not to mention the homework and exams I had piling on top of me. I'd also fallen into many darker habits and feelings over the past 6 months and ended up being hospitalized.

So why am I back?
After these past 6 months full of guilt and anxiety of not returning to a community that I owe so much to, I finally decided that I needed to explain.

I hope that clears things up.
And what has changed about me?
I'm now 16 years old.
This is going on the 3rd or 4th year since signing up for Last Moon.
I still have a passion for drawing and 3d modelling, though the latter will take a lot of work to get back into.
I'm no longer a furry, however I still love drawing animals and having characters.
I'm openly bisexual and finally took the time to embrace it and come out to my family and friends irl.

So yeah, that's about it for now.
If anyone could leave information about changes/events that have happened in the past 6 months, I'd be incredibly grateful.
If you are an old friend, PLEASE CONTACT ME!!! Let's catch up on things!!! It's been so long...
If you are a new member of the game, HI! THIS IS ME IM BACK LETS TALK ILL BE YOUR FRIEND.

I still have yet to decide whether I want to stay or leave for good, so I'm going to try to take the next week or so to decide that.

Best of luck, Venwolf c:

Leaving/Hiatus / Hiatus
« on: June 03, 2017, 08:47:14 AM »
So. I kinda forgot about letting you guys know that I was leaving.
I'm writing this in an airport at 3:30 AM so excuse any grammar mistakes.

Every year I take a nice long week for myself in the summer and woah, that time is now! I'll have very limited wifi access so even things like Skype will be inaccessible. Also I'll be busy spending time with family and friends.

I await to return! Can't wait to make great summer memories with you all.

If you absolutely need to contact me for any emergency of some sort, my email is [email protected] and there's a chance that I might catch a message there.

General / thanks for 2 years of fun yall
« on: March 23, 2017, 01:27:25 AM »
shit I'm late

so like 2 years ago, on February 19th I signed up for this game and started playing
lol leave it to me to miss that date


I just wanted to thank each and every one of you for an amazing 2 years. ever since I joined I've had so much fun on this lame game with y'all...
I remember in the summer of 2015 I used to stay up until 3 AM playing with you guys. I still continue to make so many good memories here and I want to continue doing so for many years to come. I could write a super long sappy post about how much I love this community but I won't.

So thank you! I can't wait to make more memories with the LM community!

Literature & Poetry / 12 year old me
« on: March 20, 2017, 12:21:43 AM »
so when I was 11-12 years old I was really into warriors.
I recently dug up my page of old drawings and writing.
Thought I'd share a few of my findings in literature...
Hopefully you'll find as much amusement out of them that I did

First off we have a journal I posted on DA that I found extremely funny
So was just working on a little art and my computer comes up with a window saying I need to restart. :( Apperently it is called a "kernal panic." To sum it up, my computer began to panic and told me to restart. I am on a Mac AND DESPERATLY NEED HELP WITH THIS ISSUE!!!!!!! aehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh NO NO NO NO !!! grrr I will handle this later.

my personal favorite part of that is "grrr I will handle this later" LMAO
next up we have a blip of some stuff I wrote.

Featherswift's eyes traced over to the small body of the kit. Bravekit, the dead kit's littermate, was sitting there mewing silently to him. "Come on, Fernkit. Wake up! Please..." his voice trailed off and tears rolled from his eyes slowly. He laid down on top of the little body.
    Fernkit died in peace. She wasn't afraid, scared, or anything. A badger had come out of a den and noticed the little kit there and decided she would make a good meal. Luckily, the Clan arrived in time to kill the badger, but it was too late. The badger had swiped the kit dead and was killed a heartbeat later.
    Fernkit's body bled slowly. A gaping wound from her stomach was gory and open. Bravekit didn't care. He continued to weep over his littermate. Featherswift walked up to him and sat down. Fernkit was not her kit, but Featherswift had shown a liking to the arrogant personality of her. Owlstar stepped up to the body and meowed for all the Clan to hear, "Everyone is dismissed. Bravekit, you may stay. Fernkit did not have a moment of glory, but she would have served the Clan well. We will hope that she flourishes with the warriors of StarClan." Even Owlstar looked down at the death of the young kit. All the Clan cats had gathered around before, but were slowly departing.
    "Bravekit..." Featherswift murmured to the tear-stained kit. "Fernkit is in StarClan now. She is okay." "No she isn't, Featherswift! She could have had a wonderful life in BlazeClan, and because of a lousy badger she died. Fernkit at least could have been taken by something..." Bravekit's voice trailed off again and he cried even more. He shot his gaze at the starry night sky and whispered, "Guide her StarClan. Show her the world." Featherswift felt so sad from the comment. She wanted to leap forward and hug the saddened kit. But her wits told her to keep away and she padded off to the warrior den.
    After ruffling up her mossy bed, she laid down and closed her eyes. "May StarClan guide Fernkit's path," Featherswift whispered to herself and drifted off into a deep sleep.

let me acknowledge the fact that my "Clan" was called fucking BLAZECLAN. AND 12 YEAR OLD ME WASNT EVEN JOKING.

Let's move onto our next text.

Sleekkit passed a gaze at his Clan-mate, Bravekit. Three days after Fernkit's death and he was still mourning. Sleekkit admitted to himself it was kind of pathetic, but being that he was an only-kit, he didn't have to worry about that stuff. Sleekkit was padding around a few feet from the nursery. "Sleekkit! Come back, little one." his mother Blizzardtail called from back in the nursery.
    "Okay," Sleekkit was padding back to the leafy den when Risingash, the deputy of BlazeClan congratulated him. Sleekkit was wondering what this meant until his mother told him that today was the day that he became an apprentice. "Oh… YAY!!!" Sleekkit shouted when his mother told him.
    Sleekkit had completely forgot his apprenticeship until today. Owlstar was gathering everyone near the Highrocks, and Sleekkit happily padded over. Owlstar's eyes gazed at every cat to make sure they were there. "Today we have a very special event! Sleekkit, please step up to Highrocks," Sleekkit beamed with pride and did as told. When he was up on Highrocks, he noticed a very sorrow Bravekit. Bravekit still had a moon before he would become an apprentice. Owlstar continued talking. "Sleekkit has reached the age of six moons. StarClan do you approve of this action?" He paused and continued at the sound of the wind howling. "Sleekkit, do you approve of this action?" "Yes, I do," He answered, his black and white tuxedo pelt shining. "Then you shall become Sleekpaw, your mentor will be Fireeyes." Fireeyes' orange and yellow eyes glowed like fire. Fireeyes was a middle-aged warrior, and he had a brown and dark red pelt. Sleekpaw leaped off of Highrocks and sat quietly next to his mentor, a smile showing sharp teeth.


That's all I have for y'all today.
Long story short...
Don't delete or get rid of things you make. Because a few years down the line you'll look back on them and lose your shit like I did. I've been laughing nonstop while writing this.

Updates & News / Removal of WoW Objects from the game
« on: March 13, 2017, 12:11:43 AM »
Recently it has come to our attention that the WoW meshes ingame can no longer be used. For anyone who doesn't know, WoW stands for World of Warcraft.
We have been using these meshes for a long time, but we've found out that we must remove them from the game.
This means that we will be phasing out the meshes as soon as we can and replacing them with our own creations.
The benefits of this change will be great, as you will see new pets and objects popping up in replacement of WoW pets and objects.
Ves and I made this decision, as it is needed because of copyright and such.

You might ask why this is in the Updates & News section, when it's not that important?
Well. Yes it is. We can't discuss whether or not we want to take the meshes out of the game. We have to.

In the future, you could possibly see a design contest for the prey we make to replace the old WoW stuff!

I know this change may seem abrupt for some, but this thread serves the purpose to warn you about the changes. The rest of the team and I have great things planned, but this had to happen.

Stay tuned, everyone! ;)

Tutorials / How to Upload Images to the Forums (UPDATED)
« on: February 05, 2017, 04:59:15 AM »
How to Upload Images to the Forums

My old tutorial was getting outdated as the imgur website has been heavily updated since then and I've found it more difficult to upload images.
I've decided to move my tutorial to a different site but feel free to use any image hosting website of your choice! The website in this tutorial is

1: First, get your desired image. Have it in a convenient location so it's easy to find when you're uploading.
Spoiler for Image:

2: Next, go to the site
Spoiler for Image:

3: You can resize the image if desired. Make sure you have No Expiration selected in the second box.
Spoiler for Image:

4: Now, press Choose Image and find your image in its file location and then click Open.
Spoiler for Image:

5: You'll then be redirected to a site that has a bunch of links on it. Your image has uploaded! Woo!
Spoiler for Image:

6: The only link you need is the Direct Link. Select the entire link and copy it.
Spoiler for Image:

7: Now go into the forum and click the teeny Mona Lisa icon in the little toolbar that appears above the typing window. You'll see the IMG tag appear in the typing window box thing.
Spoiler for Image:

8: Finally, paste your link in between the two IMG tags!
Spoiler for Image:

You now have one spicy meme image on the forums! If your image doesn't appear, you did something wrong, so go back and check each step.
After some practice and time, you'll become a pro at this stuff. It's super easy!
You can also upload groups of images to, meaning that you can get a bunch of images up super quickly!

I'm also going to answer some FAQs that I see a lot about image uploading.

What's the difference between the Link and the Direct Link?
It's simple, actually! The Link leads to where the image is located on the web
The Direct Link leads directly to the uploaded image
Always use Direct Links on this forum.

Do I have to use
Nope! There are SO many different image hosting sites, this one is free and fast which is why I like it so much! Tinypic and Imgur are two other ones you can use.

Does this work in forum signatures too?
Yep! In signatures, you'll need to type the IMG tag yourself though.

What about avatars?
In forum avatars, you just put the link right in the box, no IMG tags needed!

Hope this helps! Enjoy!

Art / an art dump
« on: February 05, 2017, 04:05:56 AM »
i rarely post art on here mm
lets change that
art goes from recent to older
Spoiler for Hiden:

sorry that it's not much but it takes a really long time to draw and color and shade traditionally so!!

Art / Green Mod Team!!
« on: January 12, 2017, 02:05:04 AM »
Yeah so I really wanted to draw me and CloudFish because we both have a green GlobalMod tag, green items, and the green staff aura!

Yeah aaa! Hope you like, Feesh <3

General / Happy Holidays Everyone!
« on: December 24, 2016, 05:53:14 PM »
Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa, please have a safe and happy holiday season.
I myself am very thankful to be able to spend these times with my family, friends, and all of you fantastic people on here.

Thanks for making winter a great time!!

Forum Help / Last Moon FAQ (Read BEFORE posting!)
« on: September 21, 2016, 08:07:42 PM »
because we've been getting a LOT of the same questions and people aren't taking it well, I've reposted this onto this board so it can help -Ven

Seeing as there's a lot of questions that seem to be asked a lot in the help section, this FAQ Page may be able to help you out a bit! On here you can find the most asked questions of the server without having to post about it in the help sections, or dig through past topics in order to find your answer.

In Game & Download Issues

Q: I tried logging into the game and it says "User doesn't exist", what do I do?
A: Your forum account is NOT linked with your in-game account. You must create an account when you first pull up the game

Q: My game has errors(MSVCP100.dll/d3dx9_43.dll), what do I do?
A: Most likely you have to download DirectX(d3dx9_43.dll) or Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redist(MSVCP100.dll) on the download page of the forum. OR take the Myz approach and just delete version.txt.

Q: Is Last Moon a virus?
A: No. If there were any virus's in the game we'd put warning up when downloading it. But there are no virus's there for no warnings.

Q: How can you tell who is staff in game?
A: When we log on we'll have a tag such as "((Owner)) Myz has arrived", and when speaking, a tag next to our name depicting "<[GlobalMod]Lyric>"

Q: How many characters can I have in game?
A: As many as you'd like!

Q: Am I allowed to make more than one account?
A: No, you may not. That would be against the rules.

Q: Am I able to make my own Presets/Maps like in Feral Heart?
A: You indeed are! The process is just different. Here you can find a preset tutorial.

Q: How do I find the files to the game?
A: Normally you can find the files through the desktop shortcut. Right click and then click "Open file location"

Q: Is it normal for my character's health to be gone when logging on after not getting wounded before?
A: It is! Just a small glitch in game.

Q: Are quests re-doable?
A: Yep yep yep!

Q: I've been banned and didn't do anything?
A: The game has its glitches sometimes. It's happened to almost everyone. If this happens just restart your game and wait a couple minutes before logging back in. *Keep in mind bans should not be discussed in game or on the forum, or anywhere for that matter.*


Q: How to a put in image in a forum post?
A: You must upload the picture to a website (Deviantart, photobucket, etc.), or find a picture you like, get the exact url, and in url around the link put  (Example [img.] http://www.derp.come/blah [/img.] Without the "." In the brackets.)

Q: How many pictures may I have in my signature?
A: One, unless granted otherwise by staff.

Q: What does "Nuzzle" and "Bite" mean under users on posts?
A: Nuzzle and Bite add or subtract Karma from a plays profile. It's normally like an award for someone who's done some good around the forum, or just a nice gesture in general. Basically a praise.

Player & Staff Issues/Questions

Q: A staff member has been rude to me or did something I didn't like. Who do I tell?
A. If it was a Developer, Forum Mod, Game Mod or Global Mod you're having problems with then report them to an Admin.
If the issue is with an Admin, report the Admin to a Co/Owner.
The staff member you report to will have a chat with the staff member you reported, keeping your name anonymous of course, and will then get back to you with the conclusion.

That should be all! Thank you for your time in reading, hope it helps!

Game Help / Last Moon FAQ (Read BEFORE posting!)
« on: September 21, 2016, 08:07:01 PM »
because we've been getting a LOT of the same questions and people aren't taking it well, I've reposted this onto this board so it can help -Ven

Seeing as there's a lot of questions that seem to be asked a lot in the help section, this FAQ Page may be able to help you out a bit! On here you can find the most asked questions of the server without having to post about it in the help sections, or dig through past topics in order to find your answer.

In Game & Download Issues

Q: I tried logging into the game and it says "User doesn't exist", what do I do?
A: Your forum account is NOT linked with your in-game account. You must create an account when you first pull up the game

Q: My game has errors(MSVCP100.dll/d3dx9_43.dll), what do I do?
A: Most likely you have to download DirectX(d3dx9_43.dll) or Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redist(MSVCP100.dll) on the download page of the forum. OR take the Myz approach and just delete version.txt.

Q: Is Last Moon a virus?
A: No. If there were any virus's in the game we'd put warning up when downloading it. But there are no virus's there for no warnings.

Q: How can you tell who is staff in game?
A: When we log on we'll have a tag such as "((Owner)) Myz has arrived", and when speaking, a tag next to our name depicting "<[GlobalMod]Lyric>"

Q: How many characters can I have in game?
A: As many as you'd like!

Q: Am I allowed to make more than one account?
A: No, you may not. That would be against the rules.

Q: Am I able to make my own Presets/Maps like in Feral Heart?
A: You indeed are! The process is just different. Here you can find a preset tutorial.

Q: How do I find the files to the game?
A: Normally you can find the files through the desktop shortcut. Right click and then click "Open file location"

Q: Is it normal for my character's health to be gone when logging on after not getting wounded before?
A: It is! Just a small glitch in game.

Q: Are quests re-doable?
A: Yep yep yep!

Q: I've been banned and didn't do anything?
A: The game has its glitches sometimes. It's happened to almost everyone. If this happens just restart your game and wait a couple minutes before logging back in. *Keep in mind bans should not be discussed in game or on the forum, or anywhere for that matter.*


Q: How to a put in image in a forum post?
A: You must upload the picture to a website (Deviantart, photobucket, tinypic, etc.), or find a picture you like, get the exact url, and in url around the link put  (Example [img.] http://www.derp.come/blah [/img.] Without the "." In the brackets.)

Q: How many pictures may I have in my signature?
A: One, unless granted otherwise by staff.

Q: What does "Nuzzle" and "Bite" mean under users on posts?
A: Nuzzle and Bite add or subtract Karma from a players profile. It's normally like an award for someone who's done some good around the forum, or just a nice gesture in general. Basically a praise.

Q: How can I tell who is a staff member?
A: All staff have a tag under their name that depicts what rank they are along with more blocks. In the chat box our name's are different colors.

Player & Staff Issues/Questions

Q: A staff member has been rude to me or did something I didn't like. Who do I tell?
A. If it was a Developer, Forum Mod, Game Mod or Global Mod you're having problems with then report them to an Admin.
If the issue is with an Admin, report the Admin to a Co/Owner.
The staff member you report to will have a chat with the staff member you reported, keeping your name anonymous of course, and will then get back to you with the conclusion.

Q: How can I become a staff member?
A: Hard work and dedication.

That should be all! Thank you for your time in reading, hope it helps!

Leaving/Hiatus / hiatus
« on: August 23, 2016, 07:37:26 PM »

i'm not sure how long i'll be gone

i just know that i don't think i'm mentally stable enough to stay
for now at least

i dont know what else to say

if you need me, just pm me or something

definitely not going to be ingame

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