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Topics - Blu

Pages: [1] 2 3
Art / Lmao. so much art
« on: September 21, 2016, 10:40:32 PM »
I was away for a while now, and i have been drawing so much.


Art / >w>
« on: July 18, 2016, 02:13:54 AM »

Art / some more random art. Big images.
« on: July 10, 2016, 10:24:15 PM »
Hello all.. Im the weirdo doge that comes on for alittle bit, then leaves for 30000 years. i used to come on but now i just post art and see what people think. i just come on here for fun like most people but now i just got bored and lay in the boards like some rag that people forgot about.
anyways, enjoy! (big images)

Im that guy >

Thats all.

Art / Heyy! thats pretty gud!
« on: March 30, 2016, 11:47:38 PM »
Art! New and improved! (if you have been following my shenois107.deviantart < Deviant art.

Art / Ish makin more gudder.. BIGGER.. BETTERR stuff.
« on: December 17, 2015, 12:05:58 AM »

Art / Random Thing I has made
« on: November 28, 2015, 09:30:10 PM »

This is what I made a week ago. Its neat, I have improved on skillz o3o yeh.

Game Help / ~Question~
« on: November 01, 2015, 10:58:54 PM »
What kind of animal drops bull horns? Its the main horns that I have on Blu/Big Blu/Mini Blu.

K thx

Art / Artsy doodles. (Updated With Big Images.)
« on: October 29, 2015, 09:13:10 PM »
Some of my doodles, I try my best but eh, I try different things each time.

Yeh thats all for now.

Art / c: Das me. (Update)
« on: March 07, 2015, 04:45:08 AM »

This is what I made. Can you guess where it is from?
Spoiler for Hiden:
Wolf soulll....

Introductions / bluie
« on: January 06, 2015, 09:14:43 AM »
Hello my name is Blu,
I come from canada, I am 16 years old,

I am a huge shiba inu you dont see often cause I got better things in life than
write stuff on my wii U, (im writing this on my wii U!) I sometimes help newbies but eh, other times I lay on the ground and be my self,

Oh, noobs ask me: How are you so big?! Well heres the big answer,


Hurray, now you know, mk

Species: Shiba inu

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Mate: N/A
(why would I have a mate when im staying single?!)

Favorite Food: Báñäñá. (Báñäñás are good for you.)

Plus, im bisexual.

Welp, I think thats all! Yup, um, Bai my homiees, PEACE! :3 ßâï

Art / Ninja carrot :3
« on: October 21, 2014, 10:12:13 PM »


Introductions / Yo
« on: October 21, 2014, 09:12:46 PM »
Hah, Im back...
Im not that busy anymore and yeh, Welcome backs me.

Im guessing you all missed me, cause I missed you guys very much
Pfft, I was only takin a break x3

On week days ill play for 2 hours and on weekends ill play as long as I want.
You cant force me :3

So, how is everyone and their fine day?

Leaving/Hiatus / I think its time, for me to leave.
« on: September 20, 2014, 06:27:53 PM »
I am sorry everyone, I have better things on my hands/paws then just playing. I will be back when the big update comes, but then, i am leaving. I hope you have a great time, playing this without me.

I mostly dont really come on anymore cause im playing other games like minecraft, or something else. So, Good bye all. *goes and cries in the corner*

Leaving/Hiatus / Pow-Wow
« on: August 12, 2014, 09:29:37 PM »
I am leaving at Friday/Thursday,
Theres something called the pow wow, (its native duh) And we dress up like this
(Boys) http://www.saugeentimes.com/496%20Sandy/Saugeen%20First%20Nation%20Pow%20Wow%20Picture.jpg

Ill tell you all about it.

What is a Powwow?

Powwow time is Indian people meeting together, to join in dancing, singing, visiting, renewing old friendships and making new ones. This is a time to renew thoughts of the old ways and to preserve a rich heritage.

Originally a Powwow, or "celebration" as it was called in the old days, was held in the spring to welcome the new beginnings of life. Often different tribal nations would come together for the occasion. During these general meetings the Native American Indians would settle arguments between different groups, form alliances, and trade with one another. It was also a time for families to hold naming and honoring ceremonies. The original Pow Wows often were of religious significance and therefore consisted of different religious songs and dances. Please note that at contemporary Pow Wows religious dances are usually not performed.

Some trace the word "Powwow" to the Algonquin language. The term originally pronounced "pauau" or "pau wau" meaning gathering of medicine men and spritual leaders in a curing ceremony. The early European settlers thought that the term referred to a council or large gatherings of Native peoples, so the word spread throughout the nation. As the American Indians learned the English language, they accepted the term and definition given to their social gatherings.

Theres different kind of dances heres three Ill tell you about.

INTERTRIBAL DANCE: Everyone is welcome to dance during and Intertribal - even visitors! You don't need an outfit, and you don't even have to be Indian. It's perfectly acceptable to dance in your street clothes. An Intertribal is not so much a particular type of dance as it is a chance for everyone to dance together. The dance moves "sunwise" (clockwise) around the circle and the basic step is the same one used by traditional dancers: the ball of one foot is tapped on one beat and the entire foot is placed down flatly with the next beat, then the step is repeated with the opposite foot without missing a beat. Everybody dance!

BLANKET DANCE: Blanket dances are held each session of a PowWow to help subsidize traveling expenses of visiting drums. The audience is welcome to participate in all of the blanket dances.

RABBIT DANCE/TWO STEP: These are two of the few dances where men and women dance as partners. The "Rabbit Dance" comes from northern tribes such as the Sioux. The Two-Step is an adaptation of the Rabbit Dance.
Women choose their partners. Couples, holding hands, circle the drum stepping off with the left foot and dragging the right up with it in time to loud-soft drum beats. In earlier days, if a man refused to dance, he had to "pay" (money or craft item) to the asker.

Theres more then that but Its alot of work typing, Look it up if you want to see more.
The Location Im going to is Cape Croker.

General / My weirdest dream this year... that I remembered.
« on: August 09, 2014, 04:23:48 PM »
So, In my dream Doctor Who was my dad and We were on this island called the Main Island.

There was another island next to us called the Air Island. Doctor, my dad wanted to see what there was on the Air Island.

So he got a really big fat rope, I tied it around his waist, He through the other end to me. So I Picked it up and held tight and he said "This is just a test run!"

Then He jumped off the island and yelled "WOOO" then he climbed back up.

He smiled and said "Now.. this is for real." He suddenly took a few steps back and sprinted.

The doctor jumped off and suddenly, I was at the white house! (Im canadian so I havent been to the USA).

There was pretty common things that go around, Then When I was in the whitehouse with the rope Around my shoulder, I see something!

there were big bangs,  then a fist came through the entrance wall, then I face palmed and quietly said to my self "Not right now..."

everyone in the white house panicked, A abnormal titan came smashing in the white house and took 2 people, and shoved the 2 people in its mouth!

Then, there was Left 4 dead witches and tanks rushing in, while I just stood there with my rope, not doing anything.

then my dad rushed in and TOMAHAWKED the titan's neck and the witches and the tanks.

I dropped the rope and fake cried saying "T-THERE WAS... THIS TITAN WHO... ATE MOST OF THE PEOPLE-" Then the doctor put his finger on my lip and shushed me. He looked at the people who looked like they crapped their pants.

then these Egyptian girls started coming in and dancing. Then I woke up.


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