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Messages - MayLy

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So over these few days I played Last Moon, I came up with a few ideas and suggestions for the game, I'm just going to list them all here and if I ever get any other ideas I'll update this c:
They are nothing really big or impressive though

Maps suggestions
  • Revamping some of the old maps. I'm referring to the old ones that have been in the game forever. Don't you think Jungle is a bit.. boring? (also that water that comes out of the borders of the waterfall in jungle has been bothering me for YEARS). And what about good ol' and empty Gorge, the map that is forever empty and nobody loves? I think that revamping these maps (and a few other older maps that have been untouched) would be a great idea, and in my opinion might take less time than making new ones.
  • Fixing Ascension Island. I don't know if it's just me or my game, but isn't Ascension Island "broken"? All the collision boxes from the rocks are missing or simply not working (meaning that when you jump on the rocks you just pass through them, they are not solid), and honestly Ascension Island is one of my favourite maps ever, it could as well be used for contests, you know, the ones where "whoever get's at the top first without cheating wins x thing".
  • Fixing the white portals. I know this is not a big issue, but wouldn't Portal Island look better without all these white/blank portals? I think it would look even better if all the portals had proper screenshots of the maps they go to. That might only bother me though lol (I volunteer to fix them!)

Prey Ideas
  • Tigers. They could make a great boss prey imo.
  • Small birds. Like sparrows, pigeons, swallows, etc. They would be hella cute
  • A... tiny mushroom. Sounds weird, right? quick concept art i just drew yo. Basically it would use the... leg? thing to jump and move, it could be a praiseable OR a really dangerous boss prey

Item ideas
  • Circle necklace. A simple necklace with a circle attached to it, it would be really cool
  • Rose behind your ear/in your mane. If we have hair ribbons, why not have roses in our hair too? They could be available in more than one colour
  • Rose on your tail. It would be positioned "around your tail", like the tail ribbon. Available in more colours too
  • Flower belt. Am I suggesting too many flower related things? xD. It would be made out of flowers (duh), and would wrap around the middle part of the body, like the body ribbons or whatever they're called (I don't remember rn sorry)
Other game ideas
  • Put items directly in your stash. When clicking an dropped item, aside from the equip button, another "stash" option could be available and the item would go directly to the stash. I would definitely love this. (I'm sorry if it's been suggested before)
  • Retextures. I feel like retexturing some of the old textures (i.e the acacia trees, the rocks, the pine trees, the older prey etc.) would give a "newer" feeling and maybe a better look to the game (I volunteer to do this too)

Forum ideas
  • Forum contests. And by forum contests, I mean "official" contests, organised by the staff, such as: screenshot of the month, preset of the month, map of the month, etc. in which users would submit entries, and staff would pick the best entry, or would make a poll in which users can vote, and the winner wins something, like an item, medals, or maybe a "title" on the forum (such as map maker of the month, photograph(?) of the month (for screenshots) etc.) that would only last for a month obviously. Maybe this could possibly make the forum more active too.

Introductions / Re: Helllllooooo
« on: May 30, 2016, 12:08:14 PM »
Thank you all for the warm welcome <3 I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy my stay here, even if I don't know how long it will be xD

Introductions / Helllllooooo
« on: May 29, 2016, 09:11:26 AM »
Um, hi. I believe I never made an introduction here on this forum or on the old one, even though I've been around this game for a while, maybe this time I'll actually make some friends, who knows.
My social skills are a solid 0, please bear with me xD.

My in-game username is MayLy, but you can call me May (or Adri, that's my irl nickname)
My hobbies include wasting my time on random online games and listening to music (who doesn't anyways) and fangirling over kpop

I've been lurking around the IT community since 2009, (I was only 11 back then lel) so maybe some of you might have seen my username somewhere at some point (I use it on literally every server), and ever since IT shut down I've been playing around on random servers, I've tried most of them, but I'm never really on a server to stay. I play for about a month or so and then I get bored and disappear for like 4 months. Way to go lol.

BUT I've really taken a liking to Last Moon, it's one of the few servers that really have something special and new, so maybe this time I'll be here to stay, even though I've played before and at some point I ended up leaving, mostly because I had no friends so it wasn't that fun for me lol

Anyways, if you ever see me in-game, feel free to say hi ^^ (if I don't reply I might be AFK or I might have my chat box closed, don't hate me pls)

Also I sound so serious LOL I swear I'm a nice and fun person

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