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Messages - MysticWolf21

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Re: Where am I supposed to go???
« on: June 14, 2014, 12:22:22 AM »
You have to find fangs for teeth for toothless, and at least the playground is a starting point, rather than I have no idea lol

The who let the dogs out is in the playground.... well at least the german shepherds are.... haven't seen a husky yet

Oh and if anyone knows how to get more "health" so I don't die every five seconds that would be great too.

(Please do not triple post. I have merged your posts -Nebbya)

Game Help / Where am I supposed to go???
« on: June 13, 2014, 10:11:20 PM »
I know you can do all the quests and stuff and it's supposed to be pretty cool and all. But I am finding myself not wanting to play anymore since I cannot find where I am supposed to go for any of the missions, I get that you can ask around, but nobody else knows either.... How are we supposed to complete the quests without knowing where to go to complete the quest? When you accept a quest it should tell you where you need to go to accomplish the tasks you need to do to finish the quest.
Right now I am doing Teeth for Toothless, if anyone knows where I need to go please do let me know, and Who Let the Dogs Out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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